Reading Skills Form 4

Додано: 30 квітня 2023
Тест виконано: 189 разів
15 запитань
Запитання 1

Meet Mike and Kerry Benson, and their children Emily and Jim. They usually go to the beach in summer, but this year they wanted to try something different(щось інше). One day Mike and Kerry saw a TV programme about working holidays. Kerry said, "Mike was very excited because he's bored(набридло) of beach holidays." They found some information on the Internet and they decided to go on a working holiday to Spain. Emily and Jim really liked the idea of working holidays.

They went to a farm in the mountains in the south of Spain. The farmer grows(вирощує) olives and he grows vegetables too. It is hard work so he needs people to help him. "The Benson family picked the olives for me", he said. "It isn't an easy job!"

The family stayed in a cottage. It didn't have electricity or water, so they got their water from the tap(кран) outside the cottage. They worked hard, but they had fun too. There was a small swimming pool, so they could(могли) swim there every evening. On Saturdays and Sundays they visited towns and beaches. "We saw some interesting places of Spain. We really enjoyed working on the farm. We were tired but happy. It was the best holiday for our family,"said Emily.

Choose the right option:

(Оберіть правильний варіант)

1. The Bensons are a family of _____.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 2

Meet Mike and Kerry Benson, and their children Emily and Jim. They usually go to the beach in summer, but this year they wanted to try something different(щось інше). One day Mike and Kerry saw a TV programme about working holidays. Kerry said, "Mike was very excited because he's bored(набридло) of beach holidays." They found some information on the Internet and they decided to go on a working holiday to Spain. Emily and Jim really liked the idea of working holidays.

They went to a farm in the mountains in the south of Spain. The farmer grows(вирощує) olives and he grows vegetables too. It is hard work so he needs people to help him. "The Benson family picked the olives for me", he said. "It isn't an easy job!"

The family stayed in a cottage. It didn't have electricity or water, so they got their water from the tap(кран) outside the cottage. They worked hard, but they had fun too. There was a small swimming pool, so they could(могли) swim there every evening. On Saturdays and Sundays they visited towns and beaches. "We saw some interesting places of Spain. We really enjoyed working on the farm. We were tired but happy. It was the best holiday for our family,"said Emily.

Choose the right option:

(Оберіть правильний варіант)

2. The Benson family usually _____.

варіанти відповідей

go to the beach in summer

go to the mountains

go to Spain

Запитання 3

Meet Mike and Kerry Benson, and their children Emily and Jim. They usually go to the beach in summer, but this year they wanted to try something different(щось інше). One day Mike and Kerry saw a TV programme about working holidays. Kerry said, "Mike was very excited because he's bored(набридло) of beach holidays." They found some information on the Internet and they decided to go on a working holiday to Spain. Emily and Jim really liked the idea of working holidays.

They went to a farm in the mountains in the south of Spain. The farmer grows(вирощує) olives and he grows vegetables too. It is hard work so he needs people to help him. "The Benson family picked the olives for me", he said. "It isn't an easy job!"

The family stayed in a cottage. It didn't have electricity or water, so they got their water from the tap(кран) outside the cottage. They worked hard, but they had fun too. There was a small swimming pool, so they could(могли) swim there every evening. On Saturdays and Sundays they visited towns and beaches. "We saw some interesting places of Spain. We really enjoyed working on the farm. We were tired but happy. It was the best holiday for our family,"said Emily.

Choose the right option:

(Оберіть правильний варіант)

3. ______ saw a programme on TV about working holidays.

варіанти відповідей

Emily and Jim's mum and dad


Kerry and Mike, and Emily and Jim

Запитання 4

Meet Mike and Kerry Benson, and their children Emily and Jim. They usually go to the beach in summer, but this year they wanted to try something different(щось інше). One day Mike and Kerry saw a TV programme about working holidays. Kerry said, "Mike was very excited because he's bored(набридло) of beach holidays." They found some information on the Internet and they decided to go on a working holiday to Spain. Emily and Jim really liked the idea of working holidays.

They went to a farm in the mountains in the south of Spain. The farmer grows(вирощує) olives and he grows vegetables too. It is hard work so he needs people to help him. "The Benson family picked the olives for me", he said. "It isn't an easy job!"

The family stayed in a cottage. It didn't have electricity or water, so they got their water from the tap(кран) outside the cottage. They worked hard, but they had fun too. There was a small swimming pool, so they could(могли) swim there every evening. On Saturdays and Sundays they visited towns and beaches. "We saw some interesting places of Spain. We really enjoyed working on the farm. We were tired but happy. It was the best holiday for our family,"said Emily.

Choose the right option:

(Оберіть правильний варіант)

4. Who was bored of beach holidays?

варіанти відповідей


Everyone in the family


Запитання 5

Meet Mike and Kerry Benson, and their children Emily and Jim. They usually go to the beach in summer, but this year they wanted to try something different(щось інше). One day Mike and Kerry saw a TV programme about working holidays. Kerry said, "Mike was very excited because he's bored(набридло) of beach holidays." They found some information on the Internet and they decided to go on a working holiday to Spain. Emily and Jim really liked the idea of working holidays.

They went to a farm in the mountains in the south of Spain. The farmer grows(вирощує) olives and he grows vegetables too. It is hard work so he needs people to help him. "The Benson family picked the olives for me", he said. "It isn't an easy job!"

The family stayed in a cottage. It didn't have electricity or water, so they got their water from the tap(кран) outside the cottage. They worked hard, but they had fun too. There was a small swimming pool, so they could(могли) swim there every evening. On Saturdays and Sundays they visited towns and beaches. "We saw some interesting places of Spain. We really enjoyed working on the farm. We were tired but happy. It was the best holiday for our family,"said Emily.

Choose the right option:

(Оберіть правильний варіант)

5. They found the information about working holiday ____.

варіанти відповідей

on the Internet

on TV

in Spain

Запитання 6

Meet Mike and Kerry Benson, and their children Emily and Jim. They usually go to the beach in summer, but this year they wanted to try something different(щось інше). One day Mike and Kerry saw a TV programme about working holidays. Kerry said, "Mike was very excited because he's bored(набридло) of beach holidays." They found some information on the Internet and they decided to go on a working holiday to Spain. Emily and Jim really liked the idea of working holidays.

They went to a farm in the mountains in the south of Spain. The farmer grows(вирощує) olives and he grows vegetables too. It is hard work so he needs people to help him. "The Benson family picked the olives for me", he said. "It isn't an easy job!"

The family stayed in a cottage. It didn't have electricity or water, so they got their water from the tap(кран) outside the cottage. They worked hard, but they had fun too. There was a small swimming pool, so they could(могли) swim there every evening. On Saturdays and Sundays they visited towns and beaches. "We saw some interesting places of Spain. We really enjoyed working on the farm. We were tired but happy. It was the best holiday for our family,"said Emily.

Choose the right option:

(Оберіть правильний варіант)

6. The children _____.

варіанти відповідей

didn't want to go on a working holiday

liked the idea of woking holidays

liked holidays in Spain

Запитання 7

Meet Mike and Kerry Benson, and their children Emily and Jim. They usually go to the beach in summer, but this year they wanted to try something different(щось інше). One day Mike and Kerry saw a TV programme about working holidays. Kerry said, "Mike was very excited because he's bored(набридло) of beach holidays." They found some information on the Internet and they decided to go on a working holiday to Spain. Emily and Jim really liked the idea of working holidays.

They went to a farm in the mountains in the south of Spain. The farmer grows(вирощує) olives and he grows vegetables too. It is hard work so he needs people to help him. "The Benson family picked the olives for me", he said. "It isn't an easy job!"

The family stayed in a cottage. It didn't have electricity or water, so they got their water from the tap(кран) outside the cottage. They worked hard, but they had fun too. There was a small swimming pool, so they could(могли) swim there every evening. On Saturdays and Sundays they visited towns and beaches. "We saw some interesting places of Spain. We really enjoyed working on the farm. We were tired but happy. It was the best holiday for our family,"said Emily.

Choose the right option:

(Оберіть правильний варіант)

7. The farm is _____.

варіанти відповідей

in the mountains in Spain

in an interesting place of Spain

in the south of the mountains

Запитання 8

Meet Mike and Kerry Benson, and their children Emily and Jim. They usually go to the beach in summer, but this year they wanted to try something different(щось інше). One day Mike and Kerry saw a TV programme about working holidays. Kerry said, "Mike was very excited because he's bored(набридло) of beach holidays." They found some information on the Internet and they decided to go on a working holiday to Spain. Emily and Jim really liked the idea of working holidays.

They went to a farm in the mountains in the south of Spain. The farmer grows(вирощує) olives and he grows vegetables too. It is hard work so he needs people to help him. "The Benson family picked the olives for me", he said. "It isn't an easy job!"

The family stayed in a cottage. It didn't have electricity or water, so they got their water from the tap(кран) outside the cottage. They worked hard, but they had fun too. There was a small swimming pool, so they could(могли) swim there every evening. On Saturdays and Sundays they visited towns and beaches. "We saw some interesting places of Spain. We really enjoyed working on the farm. We were tired but happy. It was the best holiday for our family,"said Emily.

Choose the right option:

(Оберіть правильний варіант)

8. There are _____ on the farm.

варіанти відповідей

fruit and vegetables

olives and vegetable

lots of people

Запитання 9

Meet Mike and Kerry Benson, and their children Emily and Jim. They usually go to the beach in summer, but this year they wanted to try something different(щось інше). One day Mike and Kerry saw a TV programme about working holidays. Kerry said, "Mike was very excited because he's bored(набридло) of beach holidays." They found some information on the Internet and they decided to go on a working holiday to Spain. Emily and Jim really liked the idea of working holidays.

They went to a farm in the mountains in the south of Spain. The farmer grows(вирощує) olives and he grows vegetables too. It is hard work so he needs people to help him. "The Benson family picked the olives for me", he said. "It isn't an easy job!"

The family stayed in a cottage. It didn't have electricity or water, so they got their water from the tap(кран) outside the cottage. They worked hard, but they had fun too. There was a small swimming pool, so they could(могли) swim there every evening. On Saturdays and Sundays they visited towns and beaches. "We saw some interesting places of Spain. We really enjoyed working on the farm. We were tired but happy. It was the best holiday for our family,"said Emily.

Choose the right option:

(Оберіть правильний варіант)

9. The farmer needs _____ .

варіанти відповідей

people to have an easy job

people have fun

people to help him

Запитання 10

Meet Mike and Kerry Benson, and their children Emily and Jim. They usually go to the beach in summer, but this year they wanted to try something different(щось інше). One day Mike and Kerry saw a TV programme about working holidays. Kerry said, "Mike was very excited because he's bored(набридло) of beach holidays." They found some information on the Internet and they decided to go on a working holiday to Spain. Emily and Jim really liked the idea of working holidays.

They went to a farm in the mountains in the south of Spain. The farmer grows(вирощує) olives and he grows vegetables too. It is hard work so he needs people to help him. "The Benson family picked the olives for me", he said. "It isn't an easy job!"

The family stayed in a cottage. It didn't have electricity or water, so they got their water from the tap(кран) outside the cottage. They worked hard, but they had fun too. There was a small swimming pool, so they could(могли) swim there every evening. On Saturdays and Sundays they visited towns and beaches. "We saw some interesting places of Spain. We really enjoyed working on the farm. We were tired but happy. It was the best holiday for our family,"said Emily.

Choose the right option:

(Оберіть правильний варіант)

10. The Benson family helped the farmer _____.

варіанти відповідей

pick olives and vegetables

grow vegetables

pick olives

Запитання 11

Meet Mike and Kerry Benson, and their children Emily and Jim. They usually go to the beach in summer, but this year they wanted to try something different(щось інше). One day Mike and Kerry saw a TV programme about working holidays. Kerry said, "Mike was very excited because he's bored(набридло) of beach holidays." They found some information on the Internet and they decided to go on a working holiday to Spain. Emily and Jim really liked the idea of working holidays.

They went to a farm in the mountains in the south of Spain. The farmer grows(вирощує) olives and he grows vegetables too. It is hard work so he needs people to help him. "The Benson family picked the olives for me", he said. "It isn't an easy job!"

The family stayed in a cottage. It didn't have electricity or water, so they got their water from the tap(кран) outside the cottage. They worked hard, but they had fun too. There was a small swimming pool, so they could(могли) swim there every evening. On Saturdays and Sundays they visited towns and beaches. "We saw some interesting places of Spain. We really enjoyed working on the farm. We were tired but happy. It was the best holiday for our family,"said Emily.

Choose the right option:

(Оберіть правильний варіант)

11. The cottage where the family stayed ____.

варіанти відповідей

had a tap for water and electricity

had electricity and water

didn't have any water or electricity

Запитання 12

Meet Mike and Kerry Benson, and their children Emily and Jim. They usually go to the beach in summer, but this year they wanted to try something different(щось інше). One day Mike and Kerry saw a TV programme about working holidays. Kerry said, "Mike was very excited because he's bored(набридло) of beach holidays." They found some information on the Internet and they decided to go on a working holiday to Spain. Emily and Jim really liked the idea of working holidays.

They went to a farm in the mountains in the south of Spain. The farmer grows(вирощує) olives and he grows vegetables too. It is hard work so he needs people to help him. "The Benson family picked the olives for me", he said. "It isn't an easy job!"

The family stayed in a cottage. It didn't have electricity or water, so they got their water from the tap(кран) outside the cottage. They worked hard, but they had fun too. There was a small swimming pool, so they could(могли) swim there every evening. On Saturdays and Sundays they visited towns and beaches. "We saw some interesting places of Spain. We really enjoyed working on the farm. We were tired but happy. It was the best holiday for our family,"said Emily.

Choose the right option:

(Оберіть правильний варіант)

12. The Benson family _____.

варіанти відповідей

could swim in the pool evey morning

saw all interesting places of Spain

visited towns and beaches of Spain at the weekends

Запитання 13

Meet Mike and Kerry Benson, and their children Emily and Jim. They usually go to the beach in summer, but this year they wanted to try something different(щось інше). One day Mike and Kerry saw a TV programme about working holidays. Kerry said, "Mike was very excited because he's bored(набридло) of beach holidays." They found some information on the Internet and they decided to go on a working holiday to Spain. Emily and Jim really liked the idea of working holidays.

They went to a farm in the mountains in the south of Spain. The farmer grows(вирощує) olives and he grows vegetables too. It is hard work so he needs people to help him. "The Benson family picked the olives for me", he said. "It isn't an easy job!"

The family stayed in a cottage. It didn't have electricity or water, so they got their water from the tap(кран) outside the cottage. They worked hard, but they had fun too. There was a small swimming pool, so they could(могли) swim there every evening. On Saturdays and Sundays they visited towns and beaches. "We saw some interesting places of Spain. We really enjoyed working on the farm. We were tired but happy. It was the best holiday for our family,"said Emily.

Choose the right option:

(Оберіть правильний варіант)

13. The Bensons really enjoyed _____ on the farm.

варіанти відповідей

the farmer's work

visiting towns and beaches of Spain

working on the farm

Запитання 14

Meet Mike and Kerry Benson, and their children Emily and Jim. They usually go to the beach in summer, but this year they wanted to try something different(щось інше). One day Mike and Kerry saw a TV programme about working holidays. Kerry said, "Mike was very excited because he's bored(набридло) of beach holidays." They found some information on the Internet and they decided to go on a working holiday to Spain. Emily and Jim really liked the idea of working holidays.

They went to a farm in the mountains in the south of Spain. The farmer grows(вирощує) olives and he grows vegetables too. It is hard work so he needs people to help him. "The Benson family picked the olives for me", he said. "It isn't an easy job!"

The family stayed in a cottage. It didn't have electricity or water, so they got their water from the tap(кран) outside the cottage. They worked hard, but they had fun too. There was a small swimming pool, so they could(могли) swim there every evening. On Saturdays and Sundays they visited towns and beaches. "We saw some interesting places of Spain. We really enjoyed working on the farm. We were tired but happy. It was the best holiday for our family,"said Emily.

Choose the right option:

(Оберіть правильний варіант)

14. It was the best holiday for _____.

варіанти відповідей

Emily's dad

Emily and her family

everyone on the farm

Запитання 15

Meet Mike and Kerry Benson, and their children Emily and Jim. They usually go to the beach in summer, but this year they wanted to try something different(щось інше). One day Mike and Kerry saw a TV programme about working holidays. Kerry said, "Mike was very excited because he's bored(набридло) of beach holidays." They found some information on the Internet and they decided to go on a working holiday to Spain. Emily and Jim really liked the idea of working holidays.

They went to a farm in the mountains in the south of Spain. The farmer grows(вирощує) olives and he grows vegetables too. It is hard work so he needs people to help him. "The Benson family picked the olives for me", he said. "It isn't an easy job!"

The family stayed in a cottage. It didn't have electricity or water, so they got their water from the tap(кран) outside the cottage. They worked hard, but they had fun too. There was a small swimming pool, so they could(могли) swim there every evening. On Saturdays and Sundays they visited towns and beaches. "We saw some interesting places of Spain. We really enjoyed working on the farm. We were tired but happy. It was the best holiday for our family,"said Emily.

Choose the right option:

(Оберіть правильний варіант)

15. After their working holiday the Bensons were ____.

варіанти відповідей

happy because they were tired

happy and not really tired

tired but happy

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