Use of English (B1)

Додано: 6 липня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 182 рази
10 запитань
Запитання 1


For many years scientists have wondered 1) ____________ zebras have black and white stripes. Some believe that the stripes create an optical illusion which hides a zebra's movements and in this way protect it from being attacked. When lions see a group of zebras, the stripes make it difficult for them to assess the zebras' size and speed. However, one study has found that lions are particularly good 2) ___________ catching zebras.

There have been other popular theories too. One claims that each zebra has a unique pattern of stripes so 3) ___________ one individual can recognise another. There is also a theory that suggests that the stripes help zebras with thermoregulation and protect them from the strong African sun.

A team of US researchers has 4) __________ found evidence that the zebra got its stripes for different reasons. The zebra's short hair makes it easy for dangerous African flies to bite and infect the animal with different 5) ________. It seems that flies find it harder to land on stripes and during their evolution zebras have developed a perfect way to keep the flies away. The stripes are narrow on the lower legs and on the head, the areas which attract flies the most.

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Запитання 2


For many years scientists have wondered 1) ____________ zebras have black and white stripes. Some believe that the stripes create an optical illusion which hides a zebra's movements and in this way protect it from being attacked. When lions see a group of zebras, the stripes make it difficult for them to assess the zebras' size and speed. However, one study has found that lions are particularly good 2) ___________ catching zebras.

There have been other popular theories too. One claims that each zebra has a unique pattern of stripes so 3) ___________ one individual can recognise another. There is also a theory that suggests that the stripes help zebras with thermoregulation and protect them from the strong African sun.

A team of US researchers has 4) __________ found evidence that the zebra got its stripes for different reasons. The zebra's short hair makes it easy for dangerous African flies to bite and infect the animal with different 5) ________. It seems that flies find it harder to land on stripes and during their evolution zebras have developed a perfect way to keep the flies away. The stripes are narrow on the lower legs and on the head, the areas which attract flies the most.

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Запитання 3


For many years scientists have wondered 1) ____________ zebras have black and white stripes. Some believe that the stripes create an optical illusion which hides a zebra's movements and in this way protect it from being attacked. When lions see a group of zebras, the stripes make it difficult for them to assess the zebras' size and speed. However, one study has found that lions are particularly good 2) ___________ catching zebras.

There have been other popular theories too. One claims that each zebra has a unique pattern of stripes so 3) ___________ one individual can recognise another. There is also a theory that suggests that the stripes help zebras with thermoregulation and protect them from the strong African sun.

A team of US researchers has 4) __________ found evidence that the zebra got its stripes for different reasons. The zebra's short hair makes it easy for dangerous African flies to bite and infect the animal with different 5) ________. It seems that flies find it harder to land on stripes and during their evolution zebras have developed a perfect way to keep the flies away. The stripes are narrow on the lower legs and on the head, the areas which attract flies the most.

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Запитання 4


For many years scientists have wondered 1) ____________ zebras have black and white stripes. Some believe that the stripes create an optical illusion which hides a zebra's movements and in this way protect it from being attacked. When lions see a group of zebras, the stripes make it difficult for them to assess the zebras' size and speed. However, one study has found that lions are particularly good 2) ___________ catching zebras.

There have been other popular theories too. One claims that each zebra has a unique pattern of stripes so 3) ___________ one individual can recognise another. There is also a theory that suggests that the stripes help zebras with thermoregulation and protect them from the strong African sun.

A team of US researchers has 4) __________ found evidence that the zebra got its stripes for different reasons. The zebra's short hair makes it easy for dangerous African flies to bite and infect the animal with different 5) ________. It seems that flies find it harder to land on stripes and during their evolution zebras have developed a perfect way to keep the flies away. The stripes are narrow on the lower legs and on the head, the areas which attract flies the most.

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after all

Запитання 5


For many years scientists have wondered 1) ____________ zebras have black and white stripes. Some believe that the stripes create an optical illusion which hides a zebra's movements and in this way protect it from being attacked. When lions see a group of zebras, the stripes make it difficult for them to assess the zebras' size and speed. However, one study has found that lions are particularly good 2) ___________ catching zebras.

There have been other popular theories too. One claims that each zebra has a unique pattern of stripes so 3) ___________ one individual can recognise another. There is also a theory that suggests that the stripes help zebras with thermoregulation and protect them from the strong African sun.

A team of US researchers has 4) __________ found evidence that the zebra got its stripes for different reasons. The zebra's short hair makes it easy for dangerous African flies to bite and infect the animal with different 5) ________. It seems that flies find it harder to land on stripes and during their evolution zebras have developed a perfect way to keep the flies away. The stripes are narrow on the lower legs and on the head, the areas which attract flies the most.

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Запитання 6

I went to a __________ in London when I was 5.

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primary school

middle school

state school

Запитання 7

Do you really think I should apologise? Maybe __________

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you have the right

you are right

you agree

Запитання 8

Let's meet __________

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for 15 minutes

by 15 minutes

in 15 minutes

Запитання 9

Do you think this scarf ________ my black winter coat?

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Запитання 10

If he _______, let me know, OK?

варіанти відповідей


will call

has called

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