Used to / would # 2

Додано: 31 жовтня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 126 разів
14 запитань
Запитання 1

1) Where ___ before you moved here?

варіанти відповідей

would you live

did you live

Запитання 2

2) I didn’t ___ dance much when I was younger, but now I love it!


варіанти відповідей

use to

used to

Запитання 3

3) My parents were healthy as children. They used to ___ fresh vegetables every day.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

4) When I was a boy, my dad ___ us to the seaside every summer.

варіанти відповідей

would take

used to take

use to take

Запитання 5

5) I ___ my head once when I was horse-riding. I was only 8. Fortunately, It’s okay now.


варіанти відповідей

used to injure


Запитання 6

6)A: ___ play football, grandpa?

B: Of course. But I don’t play now.

варіанти відповідей

Would you

Did you use to

Запитання 7

7) Delia ___ to school when the weather was good.

варіанти відповідей

would always walk

always walked

would walk always

Запитання 8

II. Replace the underlined verbs in the text with

used to wherever possible. If not possible, choose – .

When I was young, we 0 (lived) used to live in the country. We 1moved ____________ to the city when my dad 2changed ____________ his job.

I 3loved ____________ the countryside because it was such a healthy lifestyle.

There 4were ____________ always animals around and we 5had ____________ fresh eggs every day.         

I 6took ____________ long walks. It was great, except for the one time, when I 7got ____________lost!   

варіанти відповідей

used to move


Запитання 9

II. Replace the underlined verbs in the text with

used to wherever possible. If not possible, choose – .

When I was young, we 0 (lived) used to live in the country. We 1moved ____________ to the city when my dad 2changed ____________ his job.

I 3loved ____________ the countryside because it was such a healthy lifestyle.

There 4were ____________ always animals around and we 5had ____________ fresh eggs every day.         

I 6took ____________ long walks. It was great, except for the one time, when I 7got ____________lost!   

варіанти відповідей

used to change


Запитання 10

II. Replace the underlined verbs in the text with

used to wherever possible. If not possible, choose – .

When I was young, we 0 (lived) used to live in the country. We 1moved ____________ to the city when my dad 2changed ____________ his job.

I 3loved ____________ the countryside because it was such a healthy lifestyle.

There 4were ____________ always animals around and we 5had ____________ fresh eggs every day.         

I 6took ____________ long walks. It was great, except for the one time, when I 7got ____________lost!   

варіанти відповідей

used to love


Запитання 11

II. Replace the underlined verbs in the text with

used to wherever possible. If not possible, choose – .

When I was young, we 0 (lived) used to live in the country. We 1moved ____________ to the city when my dad 2changed ____________ his job.

I 3loved ____________ the countryside because it was such a healthy lifestyle.

There 4were ____________ always animals around and we 5had ____________ fresh eggs every day.         

I 6took ____________ long walks. It was great, except for the one time, when I 7got ____________lost!   

варіанти відповідей

always used to be


Запитання 12

II. Replace the underlined verbs in the text with

used to wherever possible. If not possible, choose – .

When I was young, we 0 (lived) used to live in the country. We 1moved ____________ to the city when my dad 2changed ____________ his job.

I 3loved ____________ the countryside because it was such a healthy lifestyle.

There 4were ____________ always animals around and we 5had ____________ fresh eggs every day.         

I 6took ____________ long walks. It was great, except for the one time, when I 7got ____________lost!   

варіанти відповідей

used to have


Запитання 13

II. Replace the underlined verbs in the text with

used to wherever possible. If not possible, choose – .

When I was young, we 0 (lived) used to live in the country. We 1moved ____________ to the city when my dad 2changed ____________ his job.

I 3loved ____________ the countryside because it was such a healthy lifestyle.

There 4were ____________ always animals around and we 5had ____________ fresh eggs every day.         

I 6took ____________ long walks. It was great, except for the one time, when I 7got ____________lost!   

варіанти відповідей

used to take


Запитання 14

II. Replace the underlined verbs in the text with

used to wherever possible. If not possible, choose – .

When I was young, we 0 (lived) used to live in the country. We 1moved ____________ to the city when my dad 2changed ____________ his job.

I 3loved ____________ the countryside because it was such a healthy lifestyle.

There 4were ____________ always animals around and we 5had ____________ fresh eggs every day.         

I 6took ____________ long walks. It was great, except for the one time, when I 7got ____________lost!   

варіанти відповідей

used to got


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