Узагальнення знань з теми "Шкільне життя"

Додано: 9 жовтня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 322 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

1) Match the parts of the situations.

2) Fill in too or enough.

 I can't eat the soup. 

варіанти відповідей

1)  It is ____ hot.

2)  It is ____difficult.

3) He is not old ____.

4) It's not warm ____outside



Запитання 2

1) Match the parts of the situations.

2) Fill in too or enough.

 We can't sit in the garden.

варіанти відповідей

1)  It is _____ hot.

2)  It is _____difficult.

3) He is not old _____.

4) It's not warm _____outside.



Запитання 3

1) Match the parts of the situations.

2) Fill in too or enough.

 I can't understand this rule.

варіанти відповідей

1)  It is _____ hot.

2)  It is _____difficult.

3) He is not old _____.

4) It's not warm _____outside



Запитання 4

1) Match the parts of the situations.

2) Fill in too or enough.

He can't drive a car.

варіанти відповідей

1)  It is _____ hot.

2)  It is _____difficult.

3) He is not old _____.

4) It's not warm _____outside



Запитання 5

1) Match the parts of the situations.

2) Fill in too or enough.

I don't like this coffee.

варіанти відповідей

5)  It isn't warm ____.

6)  It's not sweet ____.

7) It was ____ high.

8) It was ____ heavy.



Запитання 6

1) Match the parts of the situations.

2) Fill in too or enough.

Nobody could move the piano.

варіанти відповідей

5)  It isn't warm ____.

6)  It's not sweet ____.

7) It was ____ high.

8) It was ____ heavy.



Запитання 7

1) Match the parts of the situations.

2) Fill in too or enough.

We couldn't climb over the wall.

варіанти відповідей

5)  It isn't warm ____.

6)  It's not sweet ____.

7) It was ____ high.

8) It was ____ heavy.



Запитання 8

1) Match the parts of the situations.

2) Fill in too or enough.

I don't wear this jacket in winter.

варіанти відповідей

5)  It isn't warm ____.

6)  It's not sweet ____.

7) It was ____ high.

8) It was ____ heavy.



Запитання 9

Read and complete the text with the appropriate word.

The West Philadelphia School of the Future was opened in 2006. Students there don't need any books. Instead, students use 1) ____. Teachers use computerized smart boards instead of (замість) traditional 2)____. Students use digital (цифрові) 3) ____ that are opened with the flash of an ID card. The lessons begin at 9.00 a. m. and end at 4.00 p. m. to be like a normal workday instead of a typical school day.

The school soon became successful. Students show good results in 4) ____, reading and sciences. As they can use Microsoft Office and other programs very well, they have higher chances to find a good job after finishing school.


варіанти відповідей

1) blackboards

1) lockers 

1) mathematics  

1) computers

Запитання 10

Read and complete the text with the appropriate word.

The West Philadelphia School of the Future was opened in 2006. Students there don't need any books. Instead, students use 1) ____. Teachers use computerized smart boards instead of (замість) traditional 2)____. Students use digital (цифрові) 3) ____ that are opened with the flash of an ID card. The lessons begin at 9.00 a. m. and end at 4.00 p. m. to be like a normal workday instead of a typical school day.

The school soon became successful. Students show good results in 4) ____, reading and sciences. As they can use Microsoft Office and other programs very well, they have higher chances to find a good job after finishing school.

варіанти відповідей

2) blackboards

2) lockers 

2) mathematics 

2) computers

Запитання 11

Read and complete the text with the appropriate word.

The West Philadelphia School of the Future was opened in 2006. Students there don't need any books. Instead, students use 1) ____. Teachers use computerized smart boards instead of (замість) traditional 2)____. Students use digital (цифрові) 3) ____ that are opened with the flash of an ID card. The lessons begin at 9.00 a. m. and end at 4.00 p. m. to be like a normal workday instead of a typical school day.

The school soon became successful. Students show good results in 4) ____, reading and sciences. As they can use Microsoft Office and other programs very well, they have higher chances to find a good job after finishing school.


варіанти відповідей

3) blackboards

3) lockers 

3) mathematics 

3) computers

Запитання 12

Read and complete the text with the appropriate word.

The West Philadelphia School of the Future was opened in 2006. Students there don't need any books. Instead, students use 1) ____. Teachers use computerized smart boards instead of (замість) traditional 2)____. Students use digital (цифрові) 3) ____ that are opened with the flash of an ID card. The lessons begin at 9.00 a. m. and end at 4.00 p. m. to be like a normal workday instead of a typical school day.

The school soon became successful. Students show good results in 4) ____, reading and sciences. As they can use Microsoft Office and other programs very well, they have higher chances to find a good job after finishing school.


варіанти відповідей

4) blackboards

4) lockers 

4) mathematics 

4) computers

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