Вживання означеного артикля the

Додано: 29 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 132 рази
15 запитань
Запитання 1

We want to go to ... Crimea next summer.

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no article

Запитання 2

The official language of ... Netherlands is Dutch.

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no article

Запитання 3

... Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in Africa.

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No article

Запитання 4

... Sahara Desert covers one third of the continent of Africa.

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No article

Запитання 5

Is ... Japan an island?

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no article

Запитання 6

How many rivers are there in ... Europe?

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no article

Запитання 7

... Sydney is the largest city in Australia.

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No article

Запитання 8

Many people prefer to spend their summer holidays in ... south.

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no article

Запитання 9

... Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on ... Earth.

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The, the

The, no article

No article, the

No article, no article

Запитання 10

... British Isles include two big islands (Great Britain and Ireland) and nearly 6000 small islands.


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No article

Запитання 11

There are 30 bridges over ... Thames in London.

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no article

Запитання 12

    They live in ….Lisna Street.

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no article

Запитання 13

I saw….Pyramids in….Egypt.

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the, the

no article, the

no article, no article

the, no article

Запитання 14

1.    Have you ever been to ….Cairo?

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no article


Запитання 15

... Browns took many photos in ... National Museum

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The, no article

No article, the

No article, no article

The, the

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