Wales /p. 194-200/

Додано: 20 березня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Копія з тесту: Wales /p. 194-200/
23 запитання
Запитання 1

The capital of Wales is ...

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 2

Wales is the part of Great Britain and it is in ...

варіанти відповідей

the north

the south

the east

the west

Запитання 3

How many people speak Welsh?

варіанти відповідей

About 40 %

About 20 %

About 30 %

About 50 %

Запитання 4

The official languages in Wales are...

варіанти відповідей

English and Welsh

Welsh and British

British and English

Запитання 5

Wales is known for its ...

варіанти відповідей

fish industry

sheep farming

mechanical engineering

dairy industry

Запитання 6

The most popular sport is...

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 7

Which of these symbols is NOT Welsh?

варіанти відповідей

the leek

the rose

the daffodil

the red dragon

Запитання 8

Who is the patron saint of Wales?

варіанти відповідей

St Patrick

St David

St George

St Andrew

Запитання 9

What's the highest mountain of Wales?

варіанти відповідей



Ben Nevis

Brown Willy

Запитання 10

What game is less popular in Wales?

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 11

What animal is very important for Welsh farming?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 12

What do people call Wales?

варіанти відповідей

the land of mountains

the land of sheep

the land of songs

Запитання 13

Mount Everest was named after a Welshman

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 14

Why is the patron saint of Wales called "the water drinker'?

варіанти відповідей

he didn't like tea or juice

he drank a lot of water

he drank only water

Запитання 15

What language is the most spoken in Wales?

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 16

Complete the dialogue

— Hi, Nataly, haven’t seen you for a long time! What have you been doing?

варіанти відповідей

Ann, you are wrong here. The book I’m reading says, “When visitors cross the border from England into Wales, they soon understand that they are entering a country with its own geography, culture, traditions and language.”

They do. But the Welsh language is spoken widely here, too.

I’ve been working on my report about Wales and have spent a lot of time in the library.

Very much so. Welsh is one of the Celtic1 languages, like Scottish and Irish are Gaelic.

The west coast, mid Wales and North Wales are wild and beautiful. Wales has high mountains, including Snowdon, the 2nd highest mountain in Britain.

Let’s not argue. I know at least one big city in Wales. It’s Cardiff, the capital and the main port.

Got interested? OK. Here are my notes. I made them during the lecture by Mr Roger Davis, a visiting professor from Wales. If you’re really interested you can look through my notes. And now I am sorry, Ann. I’ve got to run. See you!

And you’re right. But it is also a land of mountains and valleys, streams and waterfalls. In North Wales you can follow mountain path for miles and miles.

Запитання 17

Complete the dialogue

— Wales? What can be interesting about it? No big cities, no beautiful scenery, no interesting facts…

варіанти відповідей

Ann, you are wrong here. The book I’m reading says, “When visitors cross the border from England into Wales, they soon understand that they are entering a country with its own geography, culture, traditions and language.”

They do. But the Welsh language is spoken widely here, too.

I’ve been working on my report about Wales and have spent a lot of time in the library.

Very much so. Welsh is one of the Celtic1 languages, like Scottish and Irish are Gaelic.

The west coast, mid Wales and North Wales are wild and beautiful. Wales has high mountains, including Snowdon, the 2nd highest mountain in Britain.

Let’s not argue. I know at least one big city in Wales. It’s Cardiff, the capital and the main port.

Got interested? OK. Here are my notes. I made them during the lecture by Mr Roger Davis, a visiting professor from Wales. If you’re really interested you can look through my notes. And now I am sorry, Ann. I’ve got to run. See you!

And you’re right. But it is also a land of mountains and valleys, streams and waterfalls. In North Wales you can follow mountain path for miles and miles.

Запитання 18

Complete the dialogue

— What do you mean? Don’t the Welsh speak English?

варіанти відповідей

Ann, you are wrong here. The book I’m reading says, “When visitors cross the border from England into Wales, they soon understand that they are entering a country with its own geography, culture, traditions and language.”

They do. But the Welsh language is spoken widely here, too.

I’ve been working on my report about Wales and have spent a lot of time in the library.

Very much so. Welsh is one of the Celtic1 languages, like Scottish and Irish are Gaelic.

The west coast, mid Wales and North Wales are wild and beautiful. Wales has high mountains, including Snowdon, the 2nd highest mountain in Britain.

Let’s not argue. I know at least one big city in Wales. It’s Cardiff, the capital and the main port.

Got interested? OK. Here are my notes. I made them during the lecture by Mr Roger Davis, a visiting professor from Wales. If you’re really interested you can look through my notes. And now I am sorry, Ann. I’ve got to run. See you!

And you’re right. But it is also a land of mountains and valleys, streams and waterfalls. In North Wales you can follow mountain path for miles and miles.

Запитання 19

Complete the dialogue

— Is Welsh different from English?

варіанти відповідей

Ann, you are wrong here. The book I’m reading says, “When visitors cross the border from England into Wales, they soon understand that they are entering a country with its own geography, culture, traditions and language.”

They do. But the Welsh language is spoken widely here, too.

I’ve been working on my report about Wales and have spent a lot of time in the library.

Very much so. Welsh is one of the Celtic1 languages, like Scottish and Irish are Gaelic.

The west coast, mid Wales and North Wales are wild and beautiful. Wales has high mountains, including Snowdon, the 2nd highest mountain in Britain.

Let’s not argue. I know at least one big city in Wales. It’s Cardiff, the capital and the main port.

Got interested? OK. Here are my notes. I made them during the lecture by Mr Roger Davis, a visiting professor from Wales. If you’re really interested you can look through my notes. And now I am sorry, Ann. I’ve got to run. See you!

And you’re right. But it is also a land of mountains and valleys, streams and waterfalls. In North Wales you can follow mountain path for miles and miles.

Запитання 20

Complete the dialogue

— Interesting. And what about the cities? I heard that there are few cities there, rather small ones.

варіанти відповідей

Ann, you are wrong here. The book I’m reading says, “When visitors cross the border from England into Wales, they soon understand that they are entering a country with its own geography, culture, traditions and language.”

They do. But the Welsh language is spoken widely here, too.

I’ve been working on my report about Wales and have spent a lot of time in the library.

Very much so. Welsh is one of the Celtic1 languages, like Scottish and Irish are Gaelic.

The west coast, mid Wales and North Wales are wild and beautiful. Wales has high mountains, including Snowdon, the 2nd highest mountain in Britain.

Let’s not argue. I know at least one big city in Wales. It’s Cardiff, the capital and the main port.

Got interested? OK. Here are my notes. I made them during the lecture by Mr Roger Davis, a visiting professor from Wales. If you’re really interested you can look through my notes. And now I am sorry, Ann. I’ve got to run. See you!

And you’re right. But it is also a land of mountains and valleys, streams and waterfalls. In North Wales you can follow mountain path for miles and miles.

Запитання 21

Complete the dialogue

— (Looking through the book): You are right. It says, “Cardiff is an industrial city, which also has a castle, a cathedral, a university.” OK. But what about the scenery?

варіанти відповідей

Ann, you are wrong here. The book I’m reading says, “When visitors cross the border from England into Wales, they soon understand that they are entering a country with its own geography, culture, traditions and language.”

They do. But the Welsh language is spoken widely here, too.

I’ve been working on my report about Wales and have spent a lot of time in the library.

Very much so. Welsh is one of the Celtic1 languages, like Scottish and Irish are Gaelic.

The west coast, mid Wales and North Wales are wild and beautiful. Wales has high mountains, including Snowdon, the 2nd highest mountain in Britain.

Let’s not argue. I know at least one big city in Wales. It’s Cardiff, the capital and the main port.

Got interested? OK. Here are my notes. I made them during the lecture by Mr Roger Davis, a visiting professor from Wales. If you’re really interested you can look through my notes. And now I am sorry, Ann. I’ve got to run. See you!

And you’re right. But it is also a land of mountains and valleys, streams and waterfalls. In North Wales you can follow mountain path for miles and miles.

Запитання 22

Complete the dialogue

I’ve always thought that Wales is a kind of green fields, forests and farms.

варіанти відповідей

Ann, you are wrong here. The book I’m reading says, “When visitors cross the border from England into Wales, they soon understand that they are entering a country with its own geography, culture, traditions and language.”

They do. But the Welsh language is spoken widely here, too.

I’ve been working on my report about Wales and have spent a lot of time in the library.

Very much so. Welsh is one of the Celtic1 languages, like Scottish and Irish are Gaelic.

The west coast, mid Wales and North Wales are wild and beautiful. Wales has high mountains, including Snowdon, the 2nd highest mountain in Britain.

Let’s not argue. I know at least one big city in Wales. It’s Cardiff, the capital and the main port.

Got interested? OK. Here are my notes. I made them during the lecture by Mr Roger Davis, a visiting professor from Wales. If you’re really interested you can look through my notes. And now I am sorry, Ann. I’ve got to run. See you!

And you’re right. But it is also a land of mountains and valleys, streams and waterfalls. In North Wales you can follow mountain path for miles and miles.

Запитання 23

Complete the dialogue

Tell me a few words about the Mount Snowdon.

варіанти відповідей

Ann, you are wrong here. The book I’m reading says, “When visitors cross the border from England into Wales, they soon understand that they are entering a country with its own geography, culture, traditions and language.”

They do. But the Welsh language is spoken widely here, too.

I’ve been working on my report about Wales and have spent a lot of time in the library.

Very much so. Welsh is one of the Celtic1 languages, like Scottish and Irish are Gaelic.

The west coast, mid Wales and North Wales are wild and beautiful. Wales has high mountains, including Snowdon, the 2nd highest mountain in Britain.

Let’s not argue. I know at least one big city in Wales. It’s Cardiff, the capital and the main port.

Got interested? OK. Here are my notes. I made them during the lecture by Mr Roger Davis, a visiting professor from Wales. If you’re really interested you can look through my notes. And now I am sorry, Ann. I’ve got to run. See you!

And you’re right. But it is also a land of mountains and valleys, streams and waterfalls. In North Wales you can follow mountain path for miles and miles.

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