Weather Report

Weather Report

Karpyuk, ex.1, 2 p.p. 77-78

Додано: 12 січня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
Тест виконано: 74 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and choose the right answer.

This is the weather report for our continent — dear old Europe. Yesterday was not different from the rest of the week. In the north it was cold as usual. In the south it was warm as can be expected for this time of the year.

London was foggy with a temperature of 12 degrees centigrade.

It was windy and cloudy in Berlin. And the temperature was 9 degrees centigrade.

In Madrid it was rainy again. Usually wet for this time of the year. And the temperature was 15 degrees centigrade.

Let’s see what the weather was like farther south. So, in Rome the weather was really beautiful. It was sunny and warm and the temperature was wonderful —22 degrees centigrade.

The north of our continent was the coldest. Actually, it was even colder than usual. In Oslo the temperature was only 0 degrees and there was even a snowstorm.

The weather report is for …

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Запитання 2

Read the text and choose the right answer.

This is the weather report for our continent — dear old Europe. Yesterday was not different from the rest of the week. In the north it was cold as usual. In the south it was warm as can be expected for this time of the year.

London was foggy with a temperature of 12 degrees centigrade.

It was windy and cloudy in Berlin. And the temperature was 9 degrees centigrade.

In Madrid it was rainy again. Usually wet for this time of the year. And the temperature was 15 degrees centigrade.

Let’s see what the weather was like farther south. So, in Rome the weather was really beautiful. It was sunny and warm and the temperature was wonderful —22 degrees centigrade.

The north of our continent was the coldest. Actually, it was even colder than usual. In Oslo the temperature was only 0 degrees and there was even a snowstorm.

In London the temperature was …

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 3

Read the text and choose the right answer.

This is the weather report for our continent — dear old Europe. Yesterday was not different from the rest of the week. In the north it was cold as usual. In the south it was warm as can be expected for this time of the year.

London was foggy with a temperature of 12 degrees centigrade.

It was windy and cloudy in Berlin. And the temperature was 9 degrees centigrade.

In Madrid it was rainy again. Usually wet for this time of the year. And the temperature was 15 degrees centigrade.

Let’s see what the weather was like farther south. So, in Rome the weather was really beautiful. It was sunny and warm and the temperature was wonderful —22 degrees centigrade.

The north of our continent was the coldest. Actually, it was even colder than usual. In Oslo the temperature was only 0 degrees and there was even a snowstorm.

In Madrid it was …

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 4

Read the text and choose the right answer.

This is the weather report for our continent — dear old Europe. Yesterday was not different from the rest of the week. In the north it was cold as usual. In the south it was warm as can be expected for this time of the year.

London was foggy with a temperature of 12 degrees centigrade.

It was windy and cloudy in Berlin. And the temperature was 9 degrees centigrade.

In Madrid it was rainy again. Usually wet for this time of the year. And the temperature was 15 degrees centigrade.

Let’s see what the weather was like farther south. So, in Rome the weather was really beautiful. It was sunny and warm and the temperature was wonderful —22 degrees centigrade.

The north of our continent was the coldest. Actually, it was even colder than usual. In Oslo the temperature was only 0 degrees and there was even a snowstorm.

In Berlin the temperature was …

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 5

Read the text and choose the right answer.

This is the weather report for our continent — dear old Europe. Yesterday was not different from the rest of the week. In the north it was cold as usual. In the south it was warm as can be expected for this time of the year.

London was foggy with a temperature of 12 degrees centigrade.

It was windy and cloudy in Berlin. And the temperature was 9 degrees centigrade.

In Madrid it was rainy again. Usually wet for this time of the year. And the temperature was 15 degrees centigrade.

Let’s see what the weather was like farther south. So, in Rome the weather was really beautiful. It was sunny and warm and the temperature was wonderful —22 degrees centigrade.

The north of our continent was the coldest. Actually, it was even colder than usual. In Oslo the temperature was only 0 degrees and there was even a snowstorm.

In Rome the temperature was …

варіанти відповідей



− 22oC

Запитання 6

Read the text and choose the right answer.

This is the weather report for our continent — dear old Europe. Yesterday was not different from the rest of the week. In the north it was cold as usual. In the south it was warm as can be expected for this time of the year.

London was foggy with a temperature of 12 degrees centigrade.

It was windy and cloudy in Berlin. And the temperature was 9 degrees centigrade.

In Madrid it was rainy again. Usually wet for this time of the year. And the temperature was 15 degrees centigrade.

Let’s see what the weather was like farther south. So, in Rome the weather was really beautiful. It was sunny and warm and the temperature was wonderful —22 degrees centigrade.

The north of our continent was the coldest. Actually, it was even colder than usual. In Oslo the temperature was only 0 degrees and there was even a snowstorm.

In Madrid it was …

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 7

Read the text and choose the right answer.

This is the weather report for our continent — dear old Europe. Yesterday was not different from the rest of the week. In the north it was cold as usual. In the south it was warm as can be expected for this time of the year.

London was foggy with a temperature of 12 degrees centigrade.

It was windy and cloudy in Berlin. And the temperature was 9 degrees centigrade.

In Madrid it was rainy again. Usually wet for this time of the year. And the temperature was 15 degrees centigrade.

Let’s see what the weather was like farther south. So, in Rome the weather was really beautiful. It was sunny and warm and the temperature was wonderful —22 degrees centigrade.

The north of our continent was the coldest. Actually, it was even colder than usual. In Oslo the temperature was only 0 degrees and there was even a snowstorm.

In Oslo it was …

варіанти відповідей

a snowstorm



Запитання 8

Read the text and choose the right answer.

This is the weather report for our continent — dear old Europe. Yesterday was not different from the rest of the week. In the north it was cold as usual. In the south it was warm as can be expected for this time of the year.

London was foggy with a temperature of 12 degrees centigrade.

It was windy and cloudy in Berlin. And the temperature was 9 degrees centigrade.

In Madrid it was rainy again. Usually wet for this time of the year. And the temperature was 15 degrees centigrade.

Let’s see what the weather was like farther south. So, in Rome the weather was really beautiful. It was sunny and warm and the temperature was wonderful —22 degrees centigrade.

The north of our continent was the coldest. Actually, it was even colder than usual. In Oslo the temperature was only 0 degrees and there was even a snowstorm.

The weather in Rome was …

варіанти відповідей

cold and wet

chilly and windy

warm and sunny

Запитання 9

Read the text and choose the right answer.

This is the weather report for our continent — dear old Europe. Yesterday was not different from the rest of the week. In the north it was cold as usual. In the south it was warm as can be expected for this time of the year.

London was foggy with a temperature of 12 degrees centigrade.

It was windy and cloudy in Berlin. And the temperature was 9 degrees centigrade.

In Madrid it was rainy again. Usually wet for this time of the year. And the temperature was 15 degrees centigrade.

Let’s see what the weather was like farther south. So, in Rome the weather was really beautiful. It was sunny and warm and the temperature was wonderful —22 degrees centigrade.

The north of our continent was the coldest. Actually, it was even colder than usual. In Oslo the temperature was only 0 degrees and there was even a snowstorm.

The coldest part was …

варіанти відповідей

the north

the south

the west

Запитання 10

Read the text and choose the right answer.

This is the weather report for our continent — dear old Europe. Yesterday was not different from the rest of the week. In the north it was cold as usual. In the south it was warm as can be expected for this time of the year.

London was foggy with a temperature of 12 degrees centigrade.

It was windy and cloudy in Berlin. And the temperature was 9 degrees centigrade.

In Madrid it was rainy again. Usually wet for this time of the year. And the temperature was 15 degrees centigrade.

Let’s see what the weather was like farther south. So, in Rome the weather was really beautiful. It was sunny and warm and the temperature was wonderful —22 degrees centigrade.

The north of our continent was the coldest. Actually, it was even colder than usual. In Oslo the temperature was only 0 degrees and there was even a snowstorm.

The warmest part was …

варіанти відповідей

the north

the south

the west

Запитання 11

Read the text and choose the right answer.

This is the weather report for our continent — dear old Europe. Yesterday was not different from the rest of the week. In the north it was cold as usual. In the south it was warm as can be expected for this time of the year.

London was foggy with a temperature of 12 degrees centigrade.

It was windy and cloudy in Berlin. And the temperature was 9 degrees centigrade.

In Madrid it was rainy again. Usually wet for this time of the year. And the temperature was 15 degrees centigrade.

Let’s see what the weather was like farther south. So, in Rome the weather was really beautiful. It was sunny and warm and the temperature was wonderful —22 degrees centigrade.

The north of our continent was the coldest. Actually, it was even colder than usual. In Oslo the temperature was only 0 degrees and there was even a snowstorm.

In the north there was …

варіанти відповідей



a snowstorm

Запитання 12

Read the text and choose the right answer.

This is the weather report for our continent — dear old Europe. Yesterday was not different from the rest of the week. In the north it was cold as usual. In the south it was warm as can be expected for this time of the year.

London was foggy with a temperature of 12 degrees centigrade.

It was windy and cloudy in Berlin. And the temperature was 9 degrees centigrade.

In Madrid it was rainy again. Usually wet for this time of the year. And the temperature was 15 degrees centigrade.

Let’s see what the weather was like farther south. So, in Rome the weather was really beautiful. It was sunny and warm and the temperature was wonderful —22 degrees centigrade.

The north of our continent was the coldest. Actually, it was even colder than usual. In Oslo the temperature was only 0 degrees and there was even a snowstorm.

The weather in Berlin was …

варіанти відповідей

cold and wet

chilly and windy

windy and cloudy

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