What does it mean to be a refugee?

Додано: 19 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова
Тест виконано: 22 рази
8 запитань
Запитання 1

Select the right answer.

How many people are approximately estimated to have been forced to leave their homes due to war, violence or persecution?

варіанти відповідей

100 million

50 million

60 million

1 billion

Запитання 2

Select the right answer.

How are internally displaced people different from refugees?

варіанти відповідей

They are still within their countries` border

They have more right than refugees

Запитання 3

Select the right answer.

A refugee can be somebody who is fleeing:

варіанти відповідей




all the above

Запитання 4

Select the right answers.

Who is migrants?

варіанти відповідей

Migrants usually refers to people who leave their countries for reasons not related to persecution, such as searching for better economic opportunities or leaving drought-stricken areas in search of better circumstances.

People who have been displaced because of natural disasters, food insecurities, and other hardships or economic reasons

Migrants usually refers to people who leave their countries for reasons related to persecution, such as searching for better economic opportunities or leaving drought-stricken areas in search of better circumstances.

People who have been displaced because of natural disasters, food insecurities, and other hardships

Запитання 5

Select the right answers.

Who is refugees?

варіанти відповідей

People feeling conflict and violence

People without homes

People without work

People feeling war and violence

Запитання 6

Select right answer

Briefly explain the differences and similarities between migrants and refugees.

варіанти відповідей

Both migrants and refugees are leaving their countries, but refugees are forced to do that usually due to war, violence or persecution, whereas migrants make this choice in search of save.

Both migrants and refugees are leaving their countries, but refugees are forced to do that usually due to war, violence or lack of work, whereas migrants make this choice in search of better living conditions.

Both migrants and refugees are leaving their countries, but refugees are forced to do that usually due to war, violence or persecution, whereas migrants make this choice in search of better living conditions.

Запитання 7

Select right answer

What are some of the difficulties refugees face?

варіанти відповідей

Making long and pleasure journeys, having limited access to essentials, leaving their loved ones

Making long and dangerous journeys, having limited access to essentials, leaving their loved ones

Making long and dangerous journeys, having unlimited access to essentials, leaving their loved ones

Запитання 8

Select the right answer.

An asylum seeker is _____

варіанти відповідей

another word for refugee

officially recognized as a refugee

seeking to be recognized as a refugee

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