. Who are you ?

Додано: 3 березня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
12 запитань
Запитання 1

  Complete the sentence with a proper word.

1…. how many people we need to finish the project on time.

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work out         


   find out 

Запитання 2

    Complete the sentence with a proper word.

2.We enjoyed  …. out in our neighbourhood  when we were kids 

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Запитання 3

   Complete the sentence with a proper word.

3. He was … of headache , sore throat and    coughing.

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Запитання 4

   Complete the sentence with a proper word.

4 .People … her for her beauty , talents , cleverness c success and achievements.

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Запитання 5

Find proper definitions to the words… 

5. An atrracive woman means …

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a a very clever woman

a beautiful woman

a successful woman

Запитання 6

Complete the sentence.

 6. A responsible person is 

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 a  person who is very careful about his/her duties

who always comes on time

who never tells a lie 

Запитання 7

Complete the sentence .

7. An honest  person is

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a person  who always helps you

who is polite and well behaved 

who always tells the truth

Запитання 8

Complete the sentence.

8. A picky person is

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someone who cares a lot what clothes to wear

who is very clever

who is hard to please  

Запитання 9

9. Choose the correct sentence.

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Although he didn’t revised    all   vocabulary and grammar rules  he managed to cope with all  the tasks.

Despite he didn’t revised    all   vocabulary and grammar rules  he managed to cope with all  the tasks.

Запитання 10

10 .Choose the correct sentence ( although or despite)

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Although the bad and nasty weather they  decided to go on tour .

Despite the bad and nasty weather they  decided to go on tour .

Запитання 11

11.Choose the correct sentence ( although or despite)

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Although they often argued they had much in common .

Despite they often argued they had much in common .

Запитання 12

12.Choose the correct sentence ( although or despite)

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Although the fact that he was thriving and recognized he worked very hard .

Despite the fact that he was thriving and recognized he worked very hard

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