'Will' or 'to be going to'

Додано: 2 березня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 159 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

Find the correct answer

варіанти відповідей

Look at the sky, I think it is going to rain.

Look at the sky, I think it will be raining.

Look at the sky, I think it is go to rain.

Запитання 2

Find the correct answer

варіанти відповідей

I will to go to the cinema tonight.

I will go to the cinema tonight.

I'm going to go to the cinema tonight.

Запитання 3

Find the correct answer

варіанти відповідей

I'm going to go on holiday next week.

I'm going go on holiday next week.

I will to go on holiday next week.

I will go on holiday next week.

Запитання 4

Find the correct answer

варіанти відповідей

Just a moment. I am going to help you with the bags.

Just a moment. I  will to help you with the bags.

Just a moment. I  will help you with the bags. 

Запитання 5

Find the correct answer

варіанти відповідей

A: Did you remember to buy the tickets?  

B: Oh no, I forgot! I will buy them online now.

A: Did you remember to buy the tickets?  

B: Oh no, I forgot! I'm going to buy them online now.

A: Did you remember to buy the tickets?  

B: Oh no, I forgot! I'm going buy them online now.

Запитання 6

Find the correct answer

варіанти відповідей

They will arrive at about 4 in the afternoon. 

They will to arrive at about 4 in the afternoon.

They are going to arrive at about 4 in the afternoon.

Запитання 7

Find the correct answer

варіанти відповідей

We are going have a barbecue tomorrow. It's all planned, so I hope it won't rain.

We will have a barbecue tomorrow. It's all planned, so I hope it won't rain.

We are going to have a barbecue tomorrow. It's all planned, so I hope it won't rain.

Запитання 8

Find the correct answer

варіанти відповідей

They are going to buy a new computer. 

They are going buy a new computer. 

They will to buy a new computer. 

They will buy a new computer. 

Запитання 9

Find the correct answer

варіанти відповідей

As soon as the weather clears up, we will walk  down to the beach and go swimming.

A: Coffee or tea?

B: I am going to have coffee, please.

A: Coffee or tea?

B: I will have coffee, please.

As soon as the weather clears up, we will to walk  down to the beach and go swimming.

Запитання 10

Find the correct answer

варіанти відповідей

I will do my homework this evening.

It's so cloudy! I think it's going rain.

It's so cloudy! I think it's going to rain.

I'm going to do my homework this evening.

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