Working with text 2

Додано: 22 березня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 220 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1


Can you imagine our world without cars? We have only had cars for about 20 years. People laughed at the first cars. They were slow and noisy. Two German engineers, Daimler and Benz, made the first car with a gasoline engine in 1885. It had only three wheels.

варіанти відповідей

The first car had four wheels

The first cars were noisy and not fast

The first car had three wheels

The first car was produced in the 20 century

Запитання 2


From about 1905, companies like Rolls-Royce started to make cars. They were very expensive because people made each car by hand. Then, in 1913, the Ford Motor Company started to make their Model T car in a special factory. Ford’s factories produced cars quickly, so the Model T was less expensive than other cars. By 1927, there were more than 15 million Model Ts on the roads.

варіанти відповідей

Rolls-Royce sold 15 million cars between 1913-1927

First cars were expencive because they were made by hand

Model T was the most expensive car.

Model T was produced by Ford Motor Company

Запитання 3


Gasoline in the USA was cheap and people wanted to travel long distances, so by 1950, American cars were large. In Europe and Asia, drivers preferred small cars that were better in city traffic.

варіанти відповідей

People in America preferred small cars

The Americans wanted to have large cars because their country was very big and they often had to travel rather far

The Americans could buy big cars because the petrol in America was not expensive

Large cars are good in city traffic

Запитання 4


Sports cars, like the Bugatti Veyroli, are low. This helps the car to go fast because air can move easily over it. The Bugatti Veyron goes faster than 400 kilometres per hour. It costs 1,5 million american dollars, and the people who make the cars have only sold a few hundred since they started to produce them in 2005.

варіанти відповідей

The Bugattti Veyron is 134 centmetres long

Sport cars always move faster than 400 km per hour

The Bugatti Veyroli is very expensive

Only few people in the world have the Bugatti Veyroli

Запитання 5


The Peel P50 is the smallest car in the world. It was first made in 1963. It is 134 centimetres long and 99 centimetres wide. Its top speed is 61 kilometres per hour.

The world’s longest car is the American Dream. It has 24 wheels and it is 30,5 metres long! It has a swimming pool and a helicopter can land on it.

варіанти відповідей

The Peel P50 is 134 cm long

The top speed of the smallest car is 61 km. per hour

The Peel P50 is the longest car in the world

American Dream is a car for people who are poor

Запитання 6


Welcome to the tour about the USA all year round!

The tour begins with three days in New York City, the largest and busiest city in the USA. You can see the Statue of Liberty, visit the city’s museums and spend an evening at Carnegie Hall, one of the best concert halls in the world. The city has a rich and varied culture, so there is plenty to see and do.

варіанти відповідей

The company offers tours of America once a year

Carnegie Hall is a famous museum in New York

The Statue of Liberty is situated in New York

New York City is rich in museums

Запитання 7


In Washington, DC, the capital of the USA, you will tour the White House, the most famous building in the city and home to the President. You will also visit Georgetown, the oldest neighbourhood in Washington, DC. For history lovers, Washington, DC has more than 3000 memorials and statues, and there are several museums.

варіанти відповідей

Washington, DC is the capital of the USA

The most famous building in Washington DC is Georgetown

The American President lives in White House

Georgetown is a new neighbourhood

Запитання 8


Our next stop is beautiful Chicago, which is the third largest US city. Its skyline contains one of the tallest buildings in the world, the Sears Tower. The shore of Lake Michigan offers beautiful scenery with open parks and beaches.

варіанти відповідей

There aren't any beaches in Chicago

One of the tallest building in the world is situated in Chicago

The Sears Tower is higher than other buildings in Chicago

There is one of the tallest mountains in Chicago

Запитання 9


We will spend three days in the wonderful desert resort of Las Vegas, visiting the city’s most famous attraction, The Strip — a collection of luxury hotels and casinos for fantastic entertainment.

варіанти відповідей

Las Vegas is in the desert

The Strip is a wonderful park

A lot of people come to Las Vegas to buy a collection

The hotels in Las Vegas are very expensive and comfortable

Запитання 10


The last stop on our tour is one of the country’s most cosmopolitan cities. San Francisco is full of amazing sights, from San Francisco Bay, one of the finest natural harbours, to the Twin Peaks of mount Davidson and mount Sutro, the largest of the city’s hills. You will also eat out in the Chinatown, the largest Chinese community outside Asia. 

варіанти відповідей

Mount Davidson is one of the smallest hill in San Francisco

There are a lot of sights in San Francisco

There are mountains in San Francisco but they are not high

San Francisco is situated in Asia

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