Athor of the work "Romeo and Juliet" famous writer-playwright...
The oldest theater in London...
"Royal Shakespeare Theater". It was built in Stratford-upon-Avon. The theater is named after William Shakespeare: it plays plays by the legendary English playwright, as well as Shakespeare festivals.It was opened in ...
In 2014, the talent show "X-Factor: Musical" was launched in this theater.
This theater is located in London and is the so-called "home stage" of opera and ballet. Back in the 18th century, this theater gained a reputation as one of the best theaters in Europe! An interesting feature is used here - a system of captions that viewers can see on the screen above the foreground.
This theater is located in London. It functioned in 1599 - 1613, even then, according to one of the historical chronicles, it played William Shakespeare.
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