Do you remember tag-questions? Згадуємо розділові питання.
Complete with the correct question tags.
John and Max don't like Maths, ...
Do you remember tag-questions? Згадуємо розділові питання.
Complete with the correct question tags
It's important to sleep a lot,...
Complete with the correct question tags.
Peter played handball yesterday, ...
Complete with the correct question tags.
She always helps her mother,......
Reflexive Pronouns/ Пригадуємо зворотні займенники.
Use the reflexive pronouns to complete the sentences.
I can do it_______.
Reflexive Pronouns/ Пригадуємо зворотні займенники.
Use the reflexive pronouns to complete the sentences.
My parents have built our house_______..
Reflexive Pronouns/ Пригадуємо зворотні займенники.
Use the reflexive pronouns to complete the sentences.
My sister and I can make cakes______.
Use the reflexive pronouns to complete the sentences.
Her parrot can do it_____.
Fill in.
A cinema is a place ______________ you watch films.
Fill in.
The Edinburgh festival will be interesting for those ____________ love art.
Fill in.
Look out! This is the dog ___________ bit John last Sunday.
Fill in.
This is a shop ... you can buy everything you need.
Choose the right modal verb
You ___________watch TV all day. It is bad.
Choose the right modal verb
We___________ be on time at school. It`s a rule.
Choose the right modal verb
He had an accident. He __________consult a doctor.
Choose a/an/- with countable or uncoutable nouns
___ water
Choose a/an/- with countable or uncoutable nouns
I like ____ sugar very much
Choose a/an/- with countable or uncoutable nouns
I didn't buy a pen, I bought ... hat for my mother.
Choose a/an/- with countable or uncoutable nouns
Could I have ... orange, please?
Choose a/an/- with countable or uncoutable nouns
It's a beautiful song. I love _____ music, especially ballads like that.
Choose a/an/- with countable or uncoutable nouns
I have ____ important information for you.
When the boys arrived at the cinema, the film___________________ (already, start).
All the tickets ___________________ (be, sell) yesterday.
Before the police ___________________ (catch) the thief, he ___________________ (steal) two more watches.
She will send a messagee after lunch
I knew my best friend for ten years
My friend has been to Paris several times.
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