Захист довкілля+Conditional I

Додано: 15 березня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 234 рази
24 запитання
Запитання 1

1 Name the picture where you can see deforestration

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Запитання 2

2 What picture shows greenhouse effect?

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Запитання 3

3 Name the picture where there is water pollution

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Запитання 4

4 Name the picture where forest affected by acid rain

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Запитання 5

5 recycling symbol

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Запитання 6

6 We're not doing enough to protect the environment from the harmful effects of ________________.

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Запитання 7

7 You can _______ plastic bags again and again until they get holes in them.

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Запитання 8

8 The Japanese _____________ more than half their waste paper.

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Запитання 9

9 Choose the correct variant:

If we don’t protect …, they will disappear forever.

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endangered species




Запитання 10

10 Mark the correct variant:

You should care about the ...

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Запитання 11

This logo  indicates that the item can be...

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Запитання 12

Look at the picture and name the problem.

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endangered species


global warming


Запитання 13

13 If we only (use) the water we need, we (contribute) to our planet's recovery.

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use/will contribute

will use/will contribute

Запитання 14

14 We (save) thousands of trees if we (waste) so much paper.

варіанти відповідей

will save/waste

will save/will waste

will save/wastes

Запитання 15

15 If we (recycle), we (help) our planet.

варіанти відповідей

will recycle/will help

recycle/will help

recyle/must help

Запитання 16

16. If he___( to polute) water, he___(to do harm) to the environment.

варіанти відповідей

polute; will do harm

polutes; will do harm

polute; do harm

polutes; does harm

Запитання 17

17. Our streets______ (to be clean) if you_____( not to litter).

варіанти відповідей

will be clean; doesn't litter

will be clean; doesn't litter

will be clean; don't litter

 are clean; doesn't litter

Запитання 18

18. If Bob and Bill____(to clean up) after picnics together with their friends, Ann____(to invite) them to the party next Friday.

варіанти відповідей

clean up; will invite

will clean up; invite

 cleans up; will invite

will clean up; invites

Запитання 19

19. Kate ____(to meet) you, if you____(to be) here tomorrow.

варіанти відповідей

 meet; will be

will meet; am

meets; will be

will meet; are

Запитання 20

20. If people______(to stop) throwing rubbish into the local river, clean water____(not to be) a problem in this town.

варіанти відповідей

 will stop; isn't

stops; won't be

will stop; aren't

 stop; won't be

Запитання 21

21. They_____(to visit) the London Eye if she____(to come) to London next week.

варіанти відповідей

will visit; comes

 visits; will come

will visit; come

 visit; will come

Запитання 22

22. I____( not to buy) a souvenir if the shop_____(to be) closed next Wednesday.

варіанти відповідей

won't buy; isn't closed

won't buy; be closed

won't buy; are closed

won't buy; is closed

Запитання 23

23. Animals _____(not to be) in danger if we_____(not to cut down) the trees.

варіанти відповідей

aren't be; won't cut down

won't be; don't cut down

 aren't be; don't cut down

won't be; doesn't cut down

Запитання 24

24. They ____(to pass) the exam if they_____(to work) hard.

варіанти відповідей

pass; work

 will pass; will work

pass; will work

will pass; work

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