Жанри кіно

Додано: 9 лютого 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Копія з тесту: Жанри кіно
Тест виконано: 580 разів
13 запитань
Запитання 1

a funny humorous film

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a historical film

a comedy

a horror film

Запитання 2

a film made photographing some series of drawings

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an action film

a cartoon

a drama

Запитання 3

a film with a frightening storyline and atmospherea psychological terror film.

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a horror film

a comedy

a spy film

Запитання 4

 a film with a fast-moving plot, usually containing scenes of violence.

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a spy film

a cartoon

an action film

Запитання 5

an exciting story, with new experiences.it is designed to provide an action-filled, energetic experience for the film viewer..

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an adventure film

a horror film

a comedy

Запитання 6

a story about a person who works for a government or other organization by secretly obtaining information about enemies or competitors.

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a spy film

a comedy

a thriller

Запитання 7

a film that focuses on a detective-hero's investigation into the mystery surrounding a crime

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a detective film

a cartoon

a comedy

Запитання 8

a film where people usually sing and dance 

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a musical

a comedy

a horror film

Запитання 9

 a film often has an element of magic, myth, wonder, escapism, and the extraordinary.

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a science fiction

a fantasy film

a romantic film

Запитання 10

fiction based on imagined future scientific or technological advances and time travel and life on other planets.

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a science fiction

a historical film

a romance

Запитання 11

you can learn past events thanks to this type of films 

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a comedy

a historical film

a sciense fiction

Запитання 12

love stories, or affairs of the heart that center on passion, emotion, and the romantic

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 an adventure film

a romantic film

a cartoon

Запитання 13

a serious play for the theatre, television, or radio.

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a drama

a romantic

a spy film

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