Тема уроку: Свята в Україні.
План уроку.
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
1. Привітання вчителя. Організаційний момент.
T: Good morning, dear children. You look very pretty today. You look very happy. It’s great! So, let’s start our lesson. But mind the rules of the lesson.
2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T: Today we have unusual lesson. Look at the underlined letters of these words, name them and it’ll be topic of our lesson.
1. Christmas
2. Halloween
3. Ballon
4. Birthday
5. Decorating
6. Cake
7. Toys
8. Presents
T: Read the key word. What is it? Yes, it is «Holidays».
3. Контроль домашнього завдання.
4. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. “Mind Map”
T: Look at the blackboard. You can see a lot of different words. Let’s choose the words on the topic “Holidays”. After that we’ll have a beautiful sun.
II. Основна частина уроку.
1. Активізація та закріплення лексичного матеріалу. Виконання вправ
1) T:Let’s remember the rules of the working in groups.
2) T: Let’s remind the names of the different holidays. Can you guess them?
F |
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R’ |
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C |
Key: New Year, Christmas, Easter, Victory Day, Halloween, Birthday, Mother’s Day.
3) Індивідуальна робота
T: Write the holidays into the next tables.
1. .Christmas, 2.Easter, 3.St. Valentine’s Day, 4.Women’s Day, 5.New Year’s Day, 6.Victory Day, 7.April Fool’s Day, 8.St. Nicolas Day, 9.Labour Day, 10. Independence Day, 11.the Day of Defender of Ukraine, 12.Halloween
Winter holidays |
Spring holidays |
Summer holidays |
Autumn holidays |
4) T: Match holidays to their dates. Pair work.
1. Christmas |
a) On the 9th of May |
2. Easter |
b) In March or April |
3. St. Valentine’s Day |
c) On the 1st of January |
4.Women’s Day |
d) On the 8th of March |
5. New Year’s Day |
e) On the 7th of January |
6.Victory Day |
f) On the 14th of February |
Key: 1-e; 2-b; 3-f; 4-d; 5-c; 6-a.
2. Розвиток навичок аудіювання.
1) Pre-listening activity:
2) While-listening activity:
T: Pupils, listen to my short texts, guess what holiday it is .
3) Post-listening activity:
T: Fill a table “Holidays”.
Holidays |
Mother’s Day |
Easter |
Halloween |
The New Year’s Day |
April Fool’s Day |
Points |
4.Розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення.
T: Speak about your favourite holiday.
My favourite holiday is ...
On this day we…
I like to celebrate it with…
Учні виконують веселу фізкультхвилинку.
7. Розвиток навичок читання.
1) Before-reading activity:
T. I see you know much about holidays in our country. But let’s learn more about how Ukrainian people celebrate New Year and Christmas. Let’s read it.
-Snow Maiden
-Father Frost
- presents
2) While- reading activity:
Діти ланцюжком читають та перекладають текст.
3) Post- reading activity:
Task 1. There are some statements in Ex.3p.81. Your task is to agree or disagree.
Ex. 3 p.81
Task 2. Answer the questions.
7. Розвиток навичок писемного мовлення.
T: OK, I know that your favourite holiday is your birthday. Let's write the invitation to your birthday party. Look at the picture.
8. Додаткове завдання «В світі загадок»
T: Guess the English riddles.
Near we dance and sing. (New Year Tree)
By day it is white.
It is cold and not dry,
It falls just from the sky. (Snow)
Instead of head - a snowball. (A snowman)
When children ski,
And Father Frost
Bring the New Year Tree. (Winter)
On New Year’s Day.
He brings presents
And go away. (Father Frost)
III. Заключна частина уроку.
T: What holidays do you know?
What is your favourite holiday?
T.: If you enjoy today’s lesson, raise your smiles up.
3. Підсумки уроку. Оцінювання учнів.