More about birds
Інтегрований урок з англійської мови та довкілля
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More about birds
(Інтегрований урок англійської мови та довкілля)
Мета: повторити назви птахів, ознайомити учнів початкової школи з цікавими фактами із життя птахів, тренувати учнів у вживанні навчального матеріалу попередніх уроків; удосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання,монологічного та діалогічного мовлення; розвивати пам’ять, увагу, навички мислення та говоріння англійською мовою; виховувати почуття любові до птахів та природи.
Обладнання: зображення птахів, мультимедійний супровід, диск.
Учасники: учні 4 класу
I. Greeting
Teacher: Good morning, children!
Pupils: Good morning, teacher!
Teacher: Today we have unusual party. We have a guest. It’s Posnayko. He knows that you read kid’s magazine and like it very much. Today we’ll speak about birds, play interesting games, solve crosswords and do many other things.
II.Warming up.
Tеacher: What birds do you know?
Pupils: A sparrow, a swallow, a robin, a gull….
Teacher: Listen to the poem Birds! Birds! Birds!, then read it. Say where children can watch birds.
Birds! Birds! Adventures with birds
In your yard, a field, or the Zoo,
At the lake and marshes, too.
How do they live?
What do they eat?
When do they fly?
These things we’ll find out.
As we go adventuring about.
If you want to know
Come along where we go.
III. The main part .
Teacher: At home you have prepared interesting information about some birds. Tell to Posnayko interesting facts from birds’ life.
(Учні розповідають про птахів, а на екрані з’являються зображення птахів)
Pupil1: Sparrows can eat almost anything. They like the city streets and yards best. Sparrows do not fly away when winter comes. They can live in very cold weather.
Pupil 2: Starlings fly away to warm places before winter comes. They often come back to the same home year after year. They like to make their nests in boxes or bird houses. Starlings live on insects which they find on the ground or in trees. Starlings are not afraid to fight bigger birds if they have to protect their young.
Pupil 3: Gulls are great flyers. Gulls are at home on the water. They sometimes sleep on the water. Gulls are great eaters. They keep our lakes and oceans clean. They often follow boats and ships and eat things that are thrown into the water.
Pupil 4: The swallow is one of the national symbols of Ukraine. It is good if swallows build their nest on the house. It is for love and happiness in the family.
Pupil 5: Swallows usually come to us in April. And in summer they often have nestlings. Parents bring food to their kids up to 400 times a day! Swallows eat flies, mosquitoes, and other insects. In August or September swallows fly away to Africa. They spend their winter holidays there.
Pupil 6: A lot of birds like bright and shiny things. For example, magpies or crows. So, be careful. When these birds see keys, rings, or toys, they can take these things to their nests.
Pupil 7: But most birds like tasty food. By the way, crows can imitate the voices of other animals. They can bark like dogs and miaow like cats.
Pupil 8: Robins can often be seen in early spring. Robins like to live near people’s homes in the country. They get their food in the yards and gardens. Robins can hop very fast. Both Father Robin and Mother Robin build their nest. It is made of pieces of grass, small sticks and mud. Both birds feed the hungry babies.
Pupil 9: Robins live in North America, Europe, and North Africa. They can be grey or olive-colored with orange or red breasts. Robins lay blue eggs. Little robins can’t fly for two weeks. They get food from their parents. Robins are wonderful singers. A lot of people love to listen to their songs.
Posnayko: OK, children! I see you know about animals very much. Answer the questions.
1) What do birds eat? (insects)
2) What colour are the robin’s eggs? (blue)
3) When do swallows spend their winter holidays? (in Africa)
4) What birds are wonderful singers? ( robins)
5) When do usually swallows come to us? (in April)
6) Who likes to make their nests in boxes or bird houses? ( starlings)
Posnayko: Well done, children! Now time to have a rest. ! Let’s do a music pause and listen to the song “Sing, Robin!” (Traditional music arranged by Noelle Shearer and John Morgan )
Sing, robin, from the woodland tree.
Sing, robin, sing a song for me.
Each morning when it’s calm and still,
You sit upon my window sill.
I love your cheery melody,
Sing, robin, sing a song for me.
Each morning when it’s calm and still,
Each morning when it’s calm and still,
You sit upon my window sill.
Posnayko : Children, did you like this song?
Children: Yes, we did.
2. Task 2. Find odd word. (Знайди зайве слово.)
1) An owl, a robin, a doll, a sparrow, a crow.
2) A forest, a river, a field, a book, a pond.
3) A leg, a box, a tail, a head, an eye, a wing.
4) Corn, grass, fish, pencil, insects.
5) Ball, tall, short, big, long, small.
3. Task 3. Unscremble these words. (Розгадайте слова.)
Lugl_ _ _ _ (gull)
Bonir_ _ _ _ _ (robin)
Rowpsar_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (sparrow)
Wocr_ _ _ _ (crow)
Listarng _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (starling)
Wol_ _ _ _ _ (owl)
4. Let’s play a game “Guess a bird”. ( Відгадай за описом пташку.)
Listen carefully.
What bird is it?
1) This is a small bird. It can be grey or olive-colored with orange or red breasts. It lives in North Africa, Europe, and North America. It sings wonderfully. It lays blue eggs. (a robin)
2) This bird is small too. It is black and white. It is one of the symbols of Ukraine. It spends winter holidays in Africa. (a swallow)
3) This bird is not very big. It lives in the forest. It sleeps all day and catches mice at night. It says who-who. It can see in the dark. (an owl)
4) This bird is black and white. It has got a long tail. It likes shiny things. It can take ring, earring or key to its nest. ( a magpie)
5) This is a brown, little bird. We can see it every day. It eats almost everything. It doesn’t fly to the South in autumn. It can live in a very cold weather. ( a sparrow)
6) It is a big wild animal. It lives in the forest. It has a nice coat. It is yellow, black and white. It is very angry. It is strong. It has four paws and a long tail. ( a tiger )
Task5. Solve the crossword. (Разгадайте кросворд.)
2. |
1 B |
i |
4 |
3 |
r |
7 |
d |
6 |
5 s |
8 |
Task 6. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. ( Доповніть речення словами з рамки)
Swim, run, fly, jump |
1) A gull can ….and…
2) An ostrich can …
3) A swan can….and…
4) A swallow can ….
5) A sparrow can ….and…
6) A crown can …. and…
7) A dove can …and…
8) A cuckoo can ….and…
Task 7. Choose the correct word. (Виберіть потрібне слово.)
An ostrich is a (big, small) bird.
A swan has got a (short, long) neck.
A swallows make their nests from (mud, grass)
The robins are (wonderful, bad) singers.
A starling is (black, blue ).
A gull can sleep on (water, tree).
IV. Summing up
Posnayko: Dear children, I liked your party very much. We worked a lot at this lesson and I hope you liked it too. I hope you will read kid’s magazine “Posnayko” and learn more and more about birds, animals, insects and other interesting things. Thank you very much. Good-bye!
1. Кузьмічова Л.Д. English for children.- Київ., ТОВ “НІОС”,1998-304 с.
2. Журнали ‘’ Posnayko’’ № 4,8, 2011, № 6,2012
3. Підручник New Let’s Learn English 2
4. Підручник New Let’s Learn English 1
5. Богородицька В.М, Шаверньова Л.І, Хрустальова Л.В. Підручник англійської мови для VI класу з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови.- Санкт-Петербург АО” Коруна"
6. www. freekidsmusic.com
Відповіді до кросворду
2 r |
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4 s |
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7 e |
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