What's the matter?Visit the doctor.

Про матеріал
Створювати наближені до реальності ситуації для повторення та закріплення лексики теми. Сприяти вдосконаленню монологічного мовлення та діалогічного мовлення, розвитку навичок читання та аудіювання, вихованню вміння спілкуватися з людьми, дбайливого ставлення до свого здоров'я.
Перегляд файлу

Тема. At the Doctor

Мета. Create situations close to reality  for repeating and consolidating the vocabulary of the topic. Contribute to the improvement of monologue speech and dialogical speech, the development of reading and listening skills, the education of the ability to communicate with people, and a careful attitude to one's health.


 Expected results:

- students know how to use the vocabulary of the topic;

- name diseases and describe their symptoms;

- are able to answer questions about well-being;

- understand the texts of the topic;

- listen and understand what they hear;

- conduct a dialogue on the topic "To the doctor";

- give advice on a healthy lifestyle;

- demonstrate communicative and acting skills;

- during communication, demonstrate mastery of language and speech material acquired in previous lessons.


 Хід уроку

1. Вітання, бесіда

T.: - Good morning, children.

      -How do you feel today?  

(Учні відповідають по черзі).

T.: It’s nice to see you in good health today.

-Let’s say something good to each other. Turn to your partner and wish him or her  something good. May I start?

- Natasha, I wish you to be active at the lesson and get a good mark.

( Учні виконують завдання).

 2. Повідомлення теми й мети уроку


   3) Уведення в іншомовну сферу

     -Now let’s solve the crossword .



























































  1.     A season, when children are rarely ill
  2.     Illness, when ears ache 
  3.     A man, who examines the patient and prescribes him or her some treatment .
  4.     Useful liquid, which cows give
  5.     Illness, when stomach ache
  6.     What should you do in the morning to be healthy?
  7.     A doctor, who repairs teeth
  8.     Who helps a doctor to take care the patients?

  2)Мовна розминка. Brainstorming   

           1)   -  What doctors do you know?

                  -  What illnеsses do you know?

                  -What is this? 

                   -What problem does the patient have?   ( слайд)                                                                                                                             3) Розсипане речення ,

-There are a lot of proverbs about health and healthy lifestyle.

There are some of them. You have to match the beginnings with the endings  to make                   some proverbs.

Match the beginnings with the endings to make some proverbs

1. A sound mind     but eat to live.

2. An apple a day      makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

3. Early to bed and early to rise             keeps the doctor away.

4. Health is     the best medicine.

5.Wealth I nothing     above wealth.

6. Laughter is      without health.

7. Live not to eat      in a sound body.

  -Let’s check your work ( (слайд )).

         A sound mind in a sound body.

         An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

         Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

         Health is above wealth.

         Wealth I nothing without health.

         Laughter is the best medicine.

         Live not to eat but eat to live.

-Now read and translate them . 

3)  Встановлення відповідностей.Symptoms and giving advice

It’s great when we are well. But sometimes we have problems with our health.

-What do we feel? Call some symptoms: a headache, a backache, a toothache, a stomach ache, a burn, a bee sting, a cough, a running nose …

- The next task is to match the problems with the advices

1. I’ve got a headache

a) go to the Accident and Emergency department

2. I’ve got a toothache

b) see your local doctor first

3. I have an accident

c) Keep warm

4. My nose is running

d) take an X- ray of my leg

5. I am tired

e) drink hot milk with honey

6. I’ve got a temperature

f) take some aspirin

7. I have got a  broken leg

g) stay in bed and take a pill

8. My stomach aches

h) shouldn't eat too much fast food

9. I have got an earache

i) go to the dentist

10. I’ve cut my finger

j) have a rest

11. I  am ill.

k) use nasal drops

12. I’ve got a sore throat

l) wash it and put a plaster on it.

Key: 1 f; 2 i; 3 a; 4 k; 5 j; 6 g; 7 d; 8 h; 9 c; 10 l; 11 b; 12 e.

-Who has no mistakes? Who has 1-2 mistakes? Who has many mistakes?

Rise your hand.

 4)Удосконалення навичок аудіювання

- Now you will watch the video — a visit to the doctor.

-Watch it and be ready to say ...

Перевірка почутого

Watch the video and answer the questions.

-What problem does the patient have?What are the symptoms?

-What did the doctor do?

-What did the doctor prescribe?

-What should the woman do?

5) Удосконалення навичок  говоріння.

  1.     Is there a doctor in your school?
  2.     Is there a nurse in your school?
  3.     Have you been to the medical room in your school?
  4.     Have you been in hospital?
  5.     Did you like being in hospital?

- In my opinion, you should know what to do, when you have problems with your health

6) Перевірка домашнього завдання

It’s just a time to listen to the dialogues you’ve prepared at home.

Listen to the conversations and complete the table.

Open your copybooks and write down the date











Role-play it in pairs.


-         Good morning!

-         Good morning!

-         What’s the matter?

-         I’ve got a headache.

-         What is your temperature?

-         It is 37 degrees.

-         You should stay in bed. Take this medicine three times a day before meals. Take some vitamins, too.

-         Thank you very much. Good bye.

-         Good bye


-         Hello!

-         Hello!

-         What’s the matter?

-         I’ve got an awful toothache. I took different tablets, but nothing could help me.

-         Open your mouth, please. Oh, your teeth are so bad. Do you brush your teeth?

-         Oh, yes, I do.

-         How often do you brush your teeth?

-         Sometimes often, sometimes seldom.

-         You must brush your teeth 3 times a day. But now I’ll extract your tooth.

-         Oh! My God.


-         Good morning, Doctor!

-         Good morning. What’s the matter with you?

-         My arm hurts.

-         What has happened to you?

-         I was playing basketball when suddenly I fell down.

-         You should X-ray your arm.

-         Thank you, doctor.

-         Good bye.


-         Hello,    .

-         Hello,   . What was the matter with you yesterday? You weren’t in the swimming pool.

-         I was ill. I had a stomachache.

-         What did you do?

-         I took some pills.

-         Are you all right now?Yes, I am. 

7) Розвиток навичок читання

Exercise 2, page 125

The doctor was a nice woman. She visited John at his home.  She __________ and listened to his breathing. Then she examined the  boy's  _______________          It was bright red.

Doctor _________________ John's  ________________  It was rather high. She said it wasn't _______________________ but just a bad cold.

John was _______________________ and coughing all the time. But the doctor promised  that he would be better in several days. She ________________some medicine for  his headache and his __________ She asked mother to buy the medicine  and John to ____________ for 3 days. She told John he had to drink warm milk  with butter, honey and mineral water. Then he would __________________ soon.

With these words the doctor left the room.

8) Розвиток навичок писемного мовлення/ Writing

Т. Now take your exercise-books and open them, take your pens and be ready to write. On the screen you see health code. You are divided into two columns: ...

Health Code

You should

You shouldn't



  1. Get up early and go to bed early.
  2. Wash your hands before eating.
  3. Smoke.
  4. Watch TV too long.
  5. Go in for sports.
  6. Clean your teeth once a day.
  7. Sleep enough.
  8. Take a cold shower.
  9. Eat too many sweets.
  10. Spend much time indoors.
  11. Eat between meals.
  12. Air the room.

Keys: You should: 1; 2; 5; 7; 8; 12. You shouldn't    4; 6; 9; 10; 11.

 -Let’s check your work ( (слайд ))

  -Now read only what you should do to be healthy.

 -What else can you do?



    -Now read only what you should do to be healthy.

 -What else can you do?


Refresh the words on the topic once more and get ready for a test.

Підбиття підсумків урокуSummarizing:     

                - Thank you for your work.                                

                 - Your marks are…..

                -  See you next time.

                 - I wish you to be healthy

      -   The lesson is over.Good bye!




Match the beginnings with the endings to make some proverbs

1. A sound mind     but eat to live.

2. An apple a day      makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

3. Early to bed and early to rise             keeps the doctor away.

4. Health is     the best medicine.

5.Wealth I nothing     above wealth.

6. Laughter is      without health.

7. Live not to eat      in a sound body.


Match the beginnings with the endings to make some proverbs

1. A sound mind     but eat to live.

2. An apple a day      makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

3. Early to bed and early to rise             keeps the doctor away.

4. Health is     the best medicine.

5.Wealth I nothing     above wealth.

6. Laughter is     without health.

7. Live not to eat      in a sound body.


Match the beginnings with the endings to make some proverbs

1. A sound mind     but eat to live.

2. An apple a day      makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

3. Early to bed and early to rise               keeps the doctor away.

4. Health is     the best medicine.

5.Wealth I nothing     above wealth.

6. Laughter is     without health.

7. Live not to eat      in a sound body.


Match the beginnings with the endings to make some proverbs

1. A sound mind     but eat to live.

2. An apple a day      makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

3. Early to bed and early to rise             keeps the doctor away.

4. Health is     the best medicine.

5.Wealth I nothing     above wealth.

6. Laughter is     without health.

7. Live not to eat      in a sound body.























Watch the video and answer the questions.

-What problem does the patient have?What are the symptoms?

-What did the doctor do?

-What did the doctor prescribe?

-What should the woman do?


Watch the video and answer the questions.

-What problem does the patient have?What are the symptoms?

-What did the doctor do?

-What did the doctor prescribe?

-What should the woman do?



Watch the video and answer the questions.

-What problem does the patient have?What are the symptoms?

-What did the doctor do?

-What did the doctor prescribe?

-What should the woman do?


Watch the video and answer the questions.

-What problem does the patient have?What are the symptoms?

-What did the doctor do?

-What did the doctor prescribe?

-What should the woman do?


Watch the video and answer the questions.

-What problem does the patient have?What are the symptoms?

-What did the doctor do?

-What did the doctor prescribe?

-What should the woman do?



Watch the video and answer the questions.

-What problem does the patient have?What are the symptoms?

-What did the doctor do?

-What did the doctor prescribe?

-What should the woman do?


Watch the video and answer the questions.

-What problem does the patient have?What are the symptoms?

-What did the doctor do?

-What did the doctor prescribe?

-What should the woman do?


Watch the video and answer the questions.

-What problem does the patient have?What are the symptoms?

-What did the doctor do?

-What did the doctor prescribe?

-What should the woman do?


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Англійська мова для спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
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