All about Christmass and winter (презентація)

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All about Christmass and winter (презентація) створено,щоб допомогти учням та вчителям. Надіюсь,комусь підійде та допоможе.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Номер слайду 2

Why Is Christmas Celebrated? Christmas is celebrated by Christians all around the world every year. It is a day for Christians to remember the Christmas story and the birth of Jesus. Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus because they believe he was the son of God.

Номер слайду 3

When Is Christmas Day? Christmas Day is on the 25th of December every year. Some people buy Advent calendars and open one door each day, to count down the days until the 25th. Have you ever had an Advent calendar? What was it like?

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Christmas Cards People like to write Christmas cards to each other and send them during December. They often say ‘Merry Christmas’ and have lots of pictures on them. Lots of people like to put their cards on display. Do you send Christmas cards? What would you write in one?

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Decorations People like to decorate their homes with Christmas decorations, such as candles, wreaths and paper chains. Christmas trees are put up in homes and can be decorated with baubles, fairy lights, tinsel and a star or angel on the top. Some families like to hang stockings on their fireplaces too! How would you decorate your home for Christmas?

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Letters to Santa Some children like to write letters to Santa, telling him how good they’ve been and what they would like for Christmas. How do you think the letters get to Santa’s home?

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Christmas Play Lots of schools have a special Christmas show or act out the Nativity to celebrate Christmas. Families are invited into school to come and watch the children singing and dancing. It is a lot of fun! Have you ever been in a Christmas play?

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Carol Singing You may hear groups of people singing Christmas carols and songs at this time of year in churches, schools and at Christmas fairs.

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Christmas Eve Christmas Eve is the day before Christmas – it is a very exciting day! Some families like to leave out a mince pie and a drink for Santa, along with some carrots for the reindeer. Sometimes, if they don’t have a chimney, children like to leave out a magic key for Santa. Do you do anything special on Christmas Eve?

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Christmas Day Families and friends like to get together to celebrate Christmas Day in all sorts of different ways. Many families open their presents together and have a special meal with crackers to pull. Some Christians like to go to church to celebrate Jesus’s birthday – the churches ring their bells on this special day. Click on the bells to hear them ring. What else might people do on Christmas day?

Номер слайду 11

Christmas Food Families eat their favourite foods over the Christmas holidays. Lots of people like eating turkey, goose, Christmas puddings, mince pies, gingerbread and candy canes. Delicious! Which of these foods would be your favourite?

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9 травня 2022
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