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Авторські вірші " Поетичний додаток до НМК "Academy Stars 1" (видавництво Macmillan) допоможуть учням засвоїти лексику та граматику кожної теми підручника. Ці вірші можуть бути використані при вивчені даних тем любого іншого підручника. Вони мотивують учнів до кращого вивчення англійської мови.
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Поетичний додаток

         до НМК «Academy Stars 1»



                                                               Вчитель англійської мови

                                                                   СЗШ 33 м. Львова

                                                               Дорофеєва Люцина Григорівна








                                              Львів 2023

                                                                           Unit 1

                                     My Funny Friends


                     What’s your name?

                     My name is Jane.

                     How old are you?

                     I’m seven. And you?

                     I’m seven too.


                     Who is that boy?

                     He’s got a big toy.

                     This is my friend Tom.

                     Where is he from?

                      He’s from Ukraine.

                      He’s very funny and likes rain.


                      Who is that small girl?

                       She’s got a red bell.

                       This is my friend Pat.

                       She’s got a yellow hat.


                                                           Unit 2

                                              New For School


                        “What’s this? It’s a bag.”

                         Says little Meg.

                         It’s got a new book, a ruler and glue,

                         A red pen and a pencil in the pencil case blue.

                           Is it an old paint? No, it’s new.

                           Is it a red paintbrush? No, it’s blue.

                           Is it a rubber? Yes, it is.

                           Is it a ruler? Yes, it is.


                           I like my school.

                           It is very cool.


                                                          Unit 3

                                              This Is My Family


                            Who’s this? She’s my grandma.

                            Who’s that? He’s my grandpa.

                            They’re very happy and glad.

                            So are my mum and dad.


                            This is my brother Ted.

                            This is his nice bird.

                            That’s my sister Chrish.

                            That’s her gold fish.


                             This is my baby brother Ben.

                             He’s only months ten.

                             We’re a happy family.

                             We’re a friendly family.




                                                            Unit 4

                                                 Fantastic Feelings


                             Why are you angry, little Sam?

                             Because hungry and thirsty I am.

                             Are you tired? Are you hot?

                              I am sad because I’m cold.


                              What is there on the log?

                               It’s a small brown dog.

                               Look at that grey scared cat!

                               It isn’t happy. It is sad.


                                                               Unit 5

                                                  I Can Do It!


                            I can kick, throw and catch a ball.

                                I can ride a bike with my doll.

                                I can sing and climb a tall tree.

                                Can you hear? Can you see?


                                Our baby can’t run, jump or walk.

                                 He can’t swim, stamp or talk.

                                 But he can cry and clap well

                                 And play with a small bell.




                                                             Unit 6

                                                   Let’s Play Today


                              Where’s your kite?

                                   It’s on the slide.

                                   Where’s your balloon?

                                    I think it’s on the moon.


                                    Where’s my boat?

                                     It’s next to the goat.

                                     Where’s my new car?

                                     It’s in the sandpit, not far.


                                      Where are his toys?

                                      They’re under the seesaw, boys.

                                      Where’s her old bike?

                                      It’s next to the slide.


                                      Look at the circus! It’s a nice thing!

                                      You can see next to it a big swing.

                                      Look in the circus! It’s a man!

                                      He can juggle like Sam.


                                                                 Unit 7

                                                Long Legs, Short Legs


                                 I’m an elephant. I’ve got a nose long.

                                      I can sing a nice song.

                                       My ears, eyes and legs are big.

                                       I can stamp and I haven’t got a wig.


                                      I’m a monkey. I haven’t got a bed.

                                      I’ve got a long tail and a small head.

                                      My arms are long, my feet are small

                                      I haven’t got blonde hair at all.


                                                               Unit 8

                                              Old and New Clothes


                                     What are you wearing, Pat?

                                     I’m wearing shoes, a T-shirt and a skirt.

                                     What are you wearing, Mat?

                                     I’m wearing trousers, a jacket and a shirt.


                                     Look at Kate in the street!

                                    She’s got a new dress and socks on her feet.

                                    Look at Tom! Look at his hands!

                                    He’s got gloves and jeans on his legs.


                                                                        Unit 9

                                                           Brilliant Bedrooms


                              I think my bedroom is nice.

                                  It’s light, clean and of big size.

                                 There’s a bed, a clock, a desk, a chair.

                                 There’s a wardrobe, a sofa and a lamp there.

                               There are two windows and a door.

                               There’s a big carpet on the floor.

                               There’s a toy cupboard in the room too.

                               I can introduce it to you.


                                                                  Unit 10

                                                   Fabulous Food


                           What are these? These are mangoes.

                               What are those? Those are potatoes.

                               I like mangoes and potatoes.

                               But I don’t like onions and tomatoes.


                               I don’t like a durian, I must tell.

                               I don’t like its taste and smell.

                               But I like bananas, coconuts and pears

                               And cakes and melons like bears.








18 грудня 2023
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