3. Печера.
свої враження англійською мовою!
Village Cave Tulchyn region Vinnytsia region located on the
shores of the Southern Bug extremely picturesque .
It is believed that the name came from the word "
Archaeological excavations conducted in 19481949 GG confirmed the existence
of the cave and found a settlement here Tripoli culture .
The first mention of the Pechora
found in documents of XVI century and they are connected with the name of
princes Zbarazh .
Caves thresholds - one of the most
important decoration of all the tourist destinations of South Buh .
Climbing up the rapids on the stone
stairs , fall into the Caves Park, surrounded by the remains of sculptures,
large stones carved with original inscriptions and drawings
Cave can not leave without going
down to the river again , to walk its picturesque banks, experience the
delights of sun and water baths, its natural baths filled with bright sun
and clear river water .
Немирів Конкурс “Піраміда
Користуючись Картою у буклеті, за
20хвилини складіть з назв сіл Немирівщини піраміду(10 назв сіл) так, щоб
кожна наступна назва була на одну букву довша за попередню (Хто швидше це
зробить той і переміг!).