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Where is London Airport?

Last summer I got a letter from my Italian friend Giovanni. He said he was coming to England, and he asked me to meet him at London airport on Friday, June 25th at 5.30 a.m.        I wrote and told him to look for me at the airport. London airport (at Heathrow) is quite a long way from the centre of London, but there are special buses which come and go between the air terminal in Central London and the airport outside London. But I live quite near the air terminal.

I went to bed at 9.30 on June 24th and I got up at 3 o’clock in the morning. I got dressed in a hurry and walked to the air terminal. I bought a ticket and got on the first bus to the airport.

The airport was very big. There were several different buildings and they were full of shops and airline offices and there were hundreds of people there, even early in the morning. I did not know where to go. At last somebody took me to the Italian airline office. The young lady told me there were no flights from Italy. I showed her Giovanni’s letter. She asked me:                ”Is your friend a student?”

“Yes,” - I said. “Well,” - she said. “Students’ flights usually go to Luton Airport.”                   “Oh, dear,” – I said. “It’s a quarter to five now. Can I get to Luton before 5.30?”                          “ No,” – she said. “It’s too far away.”

I was very unhappy. I took the next bus back to the air terminal and went back home. I got very hungry on the bus. I was having breakfast when the telephone rang. It was Giovanni. It was a good thing that I did not go to Luton Airport because Giovanni was phoning me from Gatwick Airport. We agreed to meet at the underground station.


  1. Match the word combinations.
  1. I got a letter                                     a) відшукати мене в аеропорту
  2. Italian friend Giovanni                    b) не було рейсів з Італії
  3. asked me to meet                             c) нарешті хтось відвів мене
  4. look for me at the airport                 d) поспіхом одягнувся
  5. quite a long way from the centre     e) домовилися зустрітися
  6. quite near the air terminal                f) сотні людей там
  7. got dressed in a hurry                       g) 16. 45
  8. got on the first bus                            h) кілька різних будівель
  9. several different buildings                 i) досить далеко від центру
  10.                      hundreds of people there          j) попросив мене його зустріти
  11.                      at last somebody took me         k) італійський друг Джованні
  12.                      were no flights from Italy         l) я одержав листа
  13.                      a quarter to five                         m) доволі близько від авіа терміналу
  14.                      agreed to meet                           n) сів на перший автобус


  1. Put sentences in the right order.
  1. It was a good thing I didn’t go to Luton Airport because Giovanni was phoning me from Gatwick Airport.
  2. I bought a ticket and got on the first bus to the airport.
  3. “It’s too far away.”
  4. Last summer I got a letter from my Italian friend Giovanni.
  5. But I live quite near the air terminal.
  6. I took the next bus back to the air terminal and went back home.
  7. I did not know where to go.
  8. I showed her Giovanni’s letter.


  1. Fill in the correct word.
  1. Last summer I got a … from my friend Giovanni.
  1. letter               b)  present          c) e – mail
  1. Giovanni came to London on the   …  of July.
  1. twenty –first       b) twenty – fifth c) twenty – sixth     
  1. I bought a … and got on the first bus to the airport.
  1. rose             b) magazine              c) ticket     
  1. There were several different … at the airport full of shops and airline offices.
  1. colleges                b) buildings                c) people
  1. I was having breakfast when …
  1. Giovanni came           b) the plane crashed            c) the phone rang
  1. Giovanni arrived to the … Airport.
  1. Gatwick                     b) Heathrow          c) Luton


  1. Find true (T/+) or false (F/-) sentences.
  1. Last summer I got a letter from my Indian friend.
  2. He asked to meet him at London airport on Friday, June 25th at half past five.
  3. Heathrow Airport in London is a long way from the centre of the capital of England.
  4. The airport Heathrow is very little.
  5. There were no people at the airport in the morning.
  6. The young lady at the Italian airline office said that there were no flights from Italy on that day.
  7. Giovanni was a schoolboy of a secondary school.
  8. Students’ flights usually go to Luton Airport.
  9. Giovanni did not phone his friend after coming to London.
  10.         Friends agreed to meet at the Trafalgar Square.

5) Answer the questions on the text.

  1. What was the name of the Italian friend?
  2. What was the season when friends met in London?
  3. What kind of transport goes between the air terminal in Central London and the Airport outside London?
  4. What time did the author of the story go to bed on June 24th?
  5. Was Giovanni a student or a professor?
  6. What airport do the students’ flights usually go to?
  7. What airport did Giovanni come to?
  8. Where did friends agree to meet in London?
  9. What airports did you read about in the text?
  10.                      Did you like this story? Why?
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Всього відгуків: 1
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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
12 березня 2020
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5.0 (1 відгук)
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