Cвято англійської мови

Про матеріал
Формування мовної та мовленнєвої компетенції в рамках вивчених та активізувати лексичний матеріал з тем «Спорт», «Тварини», «Допомога по будинку», «Овочі. Фрукти», підвищення інтересу до вивчення іноземної мови, до історії та культури країни, формування навичкок роботи в колективі.
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Cвято англійської мови



(2, 3, 4 forms)


Навчальні: формувати мовну та мовленнєві компетенції в рамках вивчених там, активізувати лексичний матеріал з тем «Спорт», «Тварини», «Допомога по будинку», «Овочі. Фрукти».

Виховні: підвищувати інтерес до вивчення іноземної мови, до історії та культури країни, мову якої вивчають, формувати навички роботи в колективі.

Розвивальні: розвивати фонематичний слух учнів,увагу, мовну реакцію, творче мислення, навички знаходити, розуміти й передавати інформацію, уміння виражати своє ставлення до певної проблеми.







Dear friends, we are glad to see you at the English party “Our Success”.

 Дорогие друзья! Мы рады приветствовать Вас на празднике английского языка. И называется праздник «Наш Успех».

We'd like to invite you to the beautiful world of English poems, plays and songs.

 Мы хотим пригласить вас в прекрасный мир английских сценок, пьес и песен.

The pupils of the second, third and fourth forms will share their knowledge of English with you.

Ученики 2-го, 3-го и 4-го классов поделятся с Вами своими знаниями английского языка.


The second form


The pupils of the second form are fond of animals. But some of the pupils are afraid of mice. Now you'll see the play “The Coward”.

         Второклассники очень любят зверей. Но некоторые из          них боятся мышей. Мы хотим показать Вам сценку «Трусиха».




(After A Coward by N. Artyukhov)


NINA,   a girl of 12

NICK, a boy of 11



Nina is standing on the table and screaming.

NICK (comes running in): What's the matter?

NINA (pointing to the corner of the room): Look, there is a mouse there!

NICK: What of that? Why are you standing on the table? Why are you shouting?

NINA:  I am afraid of the mouse.

NICK: The mouse is afraid of you.

NINA: Take it away, Nick! Please!

NICK (goes to the corner, looks for the mouse and takes some­thing from the floor): Here it is. Look at it! It is nice. It is grey.

Nina gets down on the chair at the table. Nick comes up to her and wants to show something in his hand to Nina. The girl screams and jumps   on   the   table   again.

MOTHER: (coming in):  What is it?

NINA: Oh, Mother dear! Nick has a mouse in his hand. He wants to throw it at me!

MOTHER:  Nick, why do you want to frighten Nina?

NICK (laughing): Mum, look what I have in my hand. Look what she is afraid of!                                                  

He shows her his hand in which he has a small grey ball of wool.

MOTHER (laughing): Nina, what a coward you are! Look at this thing!

NINA: No! No! Don't show me this thing! (Covers her eyes with her hands).

I know it is a mouse.

MOTHER:  It is not a mouse. Look, Nina! She takes her hands from her eyes and makes her look at Nick's hand.

NINA (ashamed): Oh, it's a ball of wool. It's not a mouse. (Laughs.)   Now   I'm   not   afraid. She   gets   down   from   the   table.

NICK:   You   must not be a coward.

Nina runs after him. They run round the table and then out of the room.


As the pupils of the second form like animals, they'd like you to solve their riddles.

       А сейчас наши любители животных будут загадывать Вам загадки. Постарайтесь угадать какие звери пришли к Вам в гости.

        1. I am an animal.

            I am small. I am grey.

            I have got two small ears.

            I have got a long tail.

            I have got four legs.

            I can run. I can not fly.

            What animal am I?

       2.   I am an animal.

   I am small.

I live in the water.

I have got gills.

I have got fins.

             I can swim.

             I can not run.

             What animal am I?


        3.   I am an animal.

           I am small.

           I have got a small nose.

           I have got two small ears.

           I have got a long tail.

           I can climb. I can not swim.

           What animal am I?


I am an animal.

I am big.

I have got four strong legs.

I have got a long tail.

I can run. I can not fly.

    What animal am I?



Do you like to go to the Zoo? I think you do. So, listen to the song about the animals living in the Zoo.


 We can see them all in the Zoo

I can see a fox in the Zoo.

I can see a rhino, it is blue.

I can see a monkey in the tree.

I can see a black and yellow bee.

Can you see a dolphin? It can swim.

Can you see a birdie? It can sing.

   A tiger, a lion and small kangaroo…

   We can see them all in the Zoo!



The third form


The pupils of the third form are fond of fairy tales. Enjoy the well-known Ukrainian fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane”.

     Ученики 3-го класса – любители сказок. Мы предлагаем вашему вниманию известную украинскую сказку «Лиса и журавль».




(A fable)




The Fox and the Crane appear before the curtain on the opposite sides of  the  stage  and  meet   in  the  centre.

FOX: Good morning, my dear friend.

CRANE:  Good morning, Foxy.

FOX: How are you? I haven't seen you for ages.

CRANE: Thank you, I am all right.

FOX: I am so glad to see you. Come and have dinner with me, my dear.

CRANE: Oh, thank you!

They go away together.


The Fox's house.  A table and two chairs stand in the middle of the room.   The Fox   and   the Crane enter the room.

FOX: Here is my home. Sit down, dear Crane. Dinner will be ready in a minute.

The Crane sits at the table. The Fox puts a plate with porridge on the table.

FOX: Help yourself, dear. The porridge is very good.

The Crane pecks at the porridge with her sharp bill, but she cannot get a bit.

FOX: I hope you like the porridge, my dear, I have cooked it myself.                                                 

The Crane continues to peck from the plate. At the same time the Fox begins, to lap, up the porridge and soon there is nothing left.

FOX:  Sorry, my dear Crane, but I have nothing else to give you.

CRANE: Thank you all the same, I've had enough. Come and have dinner with me. Good-bye.


The Crane's room with a table and two chairs in the middle. The Crane is busy preparing dinner. There is a knock at the door,

CRANE: Come in.

FOX: Good afternoon, Crane.

CRANE: Oh, Foxy, glad to see you. You are just in time for dinner.

The Fox sits at the table and the Crane gives him some soup in a jug with a narrow neck.

CRANE: Help yourself to the soup, my friend.

The Fox cannot get at the soup. The Crane laughs and eats all the soup away.

CRANE: Sorry, my friend, but I have nothing else to give you.

FOX: I am very hungry.

CRANE:  I was hungry after your dinner, too. Good-bye, dear friend.

FOX: We are no longer friends.

He runs out of the room





 In comparison with the second form the pupils of the third form are not afraid of mice. They even pretend they are mice. See what happened to the Country Mouse in the Town.

       В отличие от второклассников, ученики 3-го класса не боятся мышей. Они даже могут представить себе, что они мыши. Посмотрите, что случилось с сельским мышонком в городе.





The pupils of the third form like to sing songs. Listen to the song and you will know what they do every day.

      Наши третьеклассники очень любят петь песни. Прослушайте песню и узнайте, что они делают каждый день.

                          My Day

This is the time I wake up and get up,

Wake up and get up, wake up and get up.

This is the time I wake up and get up

At 7 o'clock in the morning.


This is the time I brush my teeth…

At 7 o'clock in the morning.

This is the time I go to school…

At 8 o'clock in the morning.

This is the time I eat my lunch…

At 10 o'clock in the morning.

This is the time I do my home work…

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

This is the time I play with my friends…

At 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

This is the time I help my Mum…

At 7 o'clock in the evening.

This is the time I go to bed…

At 9 o'clock in the evening.


The forth form


The pupils of the forth form are the senior pupils in our school. The school is proud of them. Now you'll see the play about the boys discussing an old woman. May be some of you will recognize yourself.

        Четвероклассники в нашей школе – старшеклассники. И школа ими гордится. Посмотрите сценку о том, что мальчишки говорят о старушке. Может быть, кто-нибудь из вас себя узнает.





(After Just an Old Woman by V. Oseyeva)


PETE, NICK, MIKE, boys of 12   



There is a bench in the middle of the stage. Three boys come up to the bench and sit down on it. They look tired.

PETE: What a nice football game it was!

NICK: I am very tired. I ran so quickly!

MIKE:  Let us meet in the evening.

They see an Old Woman. She walks with difficulty. She has a walking-stick in one hand and a bag in the other.

MIKE: Look at this old woman. She is very funny. She can't walk at all!

NICK: She is very funny. (He and Mike begin to laugh.)

PETE (jumps from the bench and runs to the Old Woman): Do you live far from here? Let me help you to carry your bag.

OLD WOMAN: Thank you very much! It is very kind of you.

Pete takes the bag and goes away with the Old Woman.

NICK (astonished): He knows her. She lives in his house.

MIKE: I think she is his grandmother.

Pete comes back.

NICK:   Is that old woman your grandmother?

PETE:   No, she isn't.

MIKE:   Does she live in your house?

PETE:   No, she doesn't.

MIKE:  What is she? I am sure you know her well.

PETE:  I don't know her, Mike.

NICK:   What is she, then?

PETE:  I don't know her at all. She is just an old woman.




2. We like reading books about English children. Our favorite story is about Tom Sawyer. See the play about Tom Sawyer and you'll find out how he tries to miss the school.

Как и всем детям, нам нравиться читать книги о наших английских сверстниках. Больше всего нам нравятся приключения Тома Сойера.




(After The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain)



SID, his cousin



Tom and Sid are in their beds. It is morning and time to get up. Tom doesn't want to go to school. He wants to be ill. Then he could stay at home.

TOM (sitting): I don't want to go to school. What can I do to stay at home? Oh! My tooth is loose. That's wonder­ful…No, it won't do. Aunt Polly will pull it out....Oh, what a wonderful idea came to me! (He lies back and begins to cry. But Sid is sleeping. Tom cries louder): Sid! Sid!

SID (opens his eyes): What has happened, Tom?

Tom doesn't answer. He continues crying. Sid sits up and looks at Tom.

SID: Tom! Say, Tom! Tom! What has happened to you?

He gets up and comes up to Tom. Tom continues crying.

 TOM: Oh, Sid! I am dying. I am not angry with you.

SID: Oh, Tom, you are not dying! Don't!

TOM: I am not angry with Aunt Polly. Tell her so. And, Sid, give my cat with one eye to the new girl at school and tell her...

Sid takes his clothes and runs out of the room.

SID (shouting): Oh, Aunt Polly, come!  Tom is dying!


SID:  Yes, come quickly!

AUNT POLLY: Don't say so! (She runs in and comes quickly up to Tom's bed.) You, Tom! Tom, what has happened to you,   my boy?

TOM: Oh, Auntie, look at my right hand! It is red and hot.

AUNT POLLY (seeing that his hand is not red and hot): Oh, Tom, stop that nonsense and gel up!

TOM: But, Auntie, it is so hot, that I've forgotten about my tooth,

AUNT POLL.Y:   Your tooth?  And what has happened to your tooth?

TOM:   It's loose.

AUNT POLLY:  Open your mouth.   Well, you are right.

Your tooth is loose. Sid, bring me some thread.

TOM: Oh, please, dear Auntie, don't pull it out. It's all right now.

Sid brings the thread. Aunt Polly ties one end of the thread to Tom's tooth and the other to the bed. Then she suddenly claps her hands before Tom's face. Tom falls back. You can see the tooth hanging on the thread.

TOM: Oh, oh! (He covers his mouth with his hands.) Oh! My tooth was all right. But I didn't want to go to school.

AUNT POLLY: Oh, Tom, so all this is because you don't want to go to school. You want to go fishing. Tom, Tom, I love you so dearly, and you... Now get up quickly and get ready to go to school!




3. You see, we like playing, singing, dancing. And, of course, we like eating buns. Listen to the song about our favorite currant buns.     

                     5 Currant Buns

Five currant buns in the baker's shop

Round and fat with sugar on the top

Along came a boy with a penny one day

Bought a currant bun and took it away.

Four currant buns in the baker's shop

Round and fat with sugar on the top

Along came a boy with a penny one day

Bought a currant bun and took it away.

Three currant buns in the baker's shop

Round and fat with sugar on the top

Along came a boy with a penny one day

Bought a currant bun and took it away.

Two currant buns in the baker's shop

Round and fat with sugar on the top

Along came a boy with a penny one day

Bought a currant bun and took it away.

One currant buns in the baker's shop

Round and fat with sugar on the top

Along came a boy with a penny one day

Bought a currant bun and took it away.


Thank you for your attention. We hope you enjoyed the performance.

Спасибо за внимание. Мы надеемся, что вам понравилось наше представление.

And now, the participants of our performance will receive presents.

А сейчас, участники нашего представления получат подарки.


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Англійська мова, 4 клас, Сценарії
30 вересня 2021
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