Урок для дітей з особливими потребами. Знайомтесь-кумедні морські тварирнки.

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Урок надає методичні рекомендації учителям, що працюють з інклюзивними класами.
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Знайомтесь- кумедні морські тваринки

Meet Funny Sea Creatures. Level : A1.

Aim : To develop skills: speaking


  • Teach working in teams
  • Practise vocabulary: appearance, animals,parts of body, colours, ‘action’ verbs
  • Teach building confidence while speaking
  • Develop creativity
  • Widen outlook
  • Teach project work
  • Practise grammar - the Imperative , Have(has) got and Modals: can, can’t

Materials: paper, pens, crayons, glue ,toys of sea animals.

Textbooks: English World 2, McMillan ( or : Smart 3, MM Publications)

The Procedure:

  1. Greeting. Introducing the plan of the lesson

T: Today we are going to have fun. We will make a toy from paper. We are to meet friends among sea creatures. Close your eyes, imagine you are some sea animal – and off we go.

  1. Warm up (team work) let’s revise the vocabulary. We work in teams. I’ll show you a flashcard with a word. Team A picks up the words “Animals”, Team B – “parts of body”, Team C – “Actions”, team D- adjectives. Ready, steady, go!

Words on the cards: dolphin,little, swim, head,big, small, sharp  body,fish, swim, harp, run, crab, frog, whale, eyes, teeth, jelly-fish, walk, shark, fast, claws,fins, jump, fly,legs, sea-horse, strong, long,eat, mouth.

  1. Practising vocabulary. T. arranges topic flash cards on the classboard. Ss read them alou and memorize. Then T. takes them away (or turns them face to the board), one be one. Ss try to remember the missing word.
  2. Making spider-grams. T: Let’s group the words on flashcards  in the spider-grams




  1. Practising grammar: modals.T: I am going to mime what I can do. Try to guess and say: “You can …”. Use the words from the ones attached to the  classboards. T: mimes the actions. Ss comment: “You can swim”, “You can walk”, “You can jump”, etc.
  2. Practising vocabulary and grammar: have got:

T: Make as many true sentences as you can. Every correct sentence gets a point . The team with most correct sentences wins.









have got

haven’t got



Long tails

Strong shells

Little eyes



<Tip: To introduce gamification,  Teacher should prepare the cards –winning points beforehand. They can be just coloroud pieces of paper or pictures of animals cut into 6 or 8 parts.When the team collects all of them ,children get the whole picture of the sea creature>

  1. Listening and speaking. T: let’s play the “Guessing game” . I will speak about an animal. I give you prompts slowly, one by one. You try to guess what it is. The winner is the team with fewer prompts.

T: The are not big. They live in the rock-pools. They can’t swim. They can crawl and walk. They have got two claws and six legs. – Ss; They are crabs. – T: Right you are.

T: The are usually big. Thay can swim fast.They can be white, grey white and black. They have got a lot of teeth. They eat fish and meat. –Ss: They are sharks.  – T; Correct.

  1. Speaking. T: Now you try think of an animal. Other teams ask questions to guess what it is. The answer can be only “Yes” or “No”.

S1: Are they big? Can they walk? Have they got legs? Do they live in rock pools?


A student gets a picture of an animal fastened to their backs. They ask questions to guess its name. e.g. Am I big? Can I swim? Have I - got six legs? … So, am I a dolphin?

  1. Project work. Teams choose a sea animal. They make a figure of it or draw , cut and glue it to the big yellow and blue poster “ Sea World”. They make up a story and present it to the other teams. <Tip: T: should arrange paper strips , a kind of draw or lottery, with the names of sea animals to prevent teams from doubles – everyone would rather choose a dolphin, not a shark >

Ss prepare and present projects.

<Optional. T: can organize a poll for the most interesting project. Ss can vote with coloured pieces of paper. Parent can give their voice while online survey during distance learning>

  1. Practising the Imperative + hand-made workshop.

T: Let’s make a toy to act out dialogues. It is easy and exciting.



30 вересня 2021
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