Діагностична робота з теми" This is the place I live in"

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Діагностична робота з теми "THIS IS THE PLACE I LIVE IN", до підручника О.Карпюк та К.Карпюк. Робота подана у двох варіантах. Діагностична робота спрямована на перевірку сприйняття на слух текстів,перевірку читання,вивчених ЛО та граматичного матеріалу теми.
Перегляд файлу

Form 5





  1. Listen to the texts and number these pictures. 

Описание: Львівський національний академічний театр опери та балету імені Соломії  Крушельницької — Вікіпедія   Описание: Національний музей історії України: адреса, історія, експозиція. Музей  історії України в Києві. Музеї Києва    Описание: Ресторан Corner Cafe (Корнер кафе) на Композиторской улице (м. Смоленская):  меню и цены, отзывы, адрес и фото - официальная страница на сайте - ТоМесто  Москва


Описание: https://law.chnu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/obraty-pravilniy-bank.jpg  Описание: Люди в кинозале. дети и взрослые смотрят кино, сидя на красных стульях с  попкорном в кинотеатре. развлечения, наблюдая за толпой | Премиум векторы      Описание: Список продуктовых магазинов в NE Филадельфии                                    


2. Complete the questions.Then ask and answer the same questions with your partner.         

1.___________you from?

2.What places____________to visit?

3.__________the capital of Ukraine?

4.___________the main street in Kyiv?

5.________the national symbols of Ukraine?

6.________the name of your village/town/city?

7. What_________for having holidays in your country?


3.Read the text and say if the sentences below are true or false.

Newquay –Ньюквей.

Coasteering [ˌkəʊsˈtɪə.rɪŋ ] –альпінізм і плавання навколо скелястої частини узбережжя.


I live in Newquay. It’s a small town on the Atlantic coast in the south of England. It has got great beaches and is the best place to surf in the UK. There are lots of surf schools where you can learn how to surf. I go surfing with my friends every weekend. My favourite place is Fistral Beach.

I love Newquay because there are lots of other things to do as well as surfing. If you like water sports, you can go kayaking, water-skiing or coasteering. Coasteering is different because it is rock climbing, jumping into the sea and swimming in the same activity, but you should always go with a special instructor.

If you like animals you can also visit the Blue Reef Aquarium and see lots of different fish and even sharks. You can also go horse riding on the beach or visit Newquay Zoo. There are lots of other attractions too like mini golf and bowling. Come and see for yourself!

1._______ Newquay is in the north of England.

Начало формыКонец формы2._______  Newquay is near the coast.

Начало формыКонец формы3.________ Newquay is a good place to go surfing.

Начало формыКонец формы4.________ Alex loves to do outdoor activities.

Начало формыКонец формы5. ________ Coasteering is similar to surfing.

Начало формыКонец формы6.________ There is a zoo in Newquay


4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Present Perfect.                                                         

1. She ________(not,sleep) much lately.

2. He _________(eat) all the cookies.

3. We _________(play) tennis yesterday afternoon.

4. Last year the Robinsons__________(go) to Finland for a holiday.

5. Mary _________(have) birthday party last Saturday.

6. ______you ever ________(sleep) in a tent?






1.Listen to the texts and number these pictures.Guess and name the place. 

Описание: https://law.chnu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/obraty-pravilniy-bank.jpg  Описание: Національний музей історії України: адреса, історія, експозиція. Музей  історії України в Києві. Музеї Києва   Описание: Список продуктовых магазинов в NE Филадельфии 


Описание: Львівський національний академічний театр опери та балету імені Соломії  Крушельницької — Вікіпедія   Описание: Ресторан Corner Cafe (Корнер кафе) на Композиторской улице (м. Смоленская):  меню и цены, отзывы, адрес и фото - официальная страница на сайте - ТоМесто  Москва   Описание: Люди в кинозале. дети и взрослые смотрят кино, сидя на красных стульях с  попкорном в кинотеатре. развлечения, наблюдая за толпой | Премиум векторы


2. Complete the questions.Then ask and answer the same questions with your partner.         

1.___________you from?

2.What places____________to visit?

3.__________the capital of Ukraine?

4.___________the main street in Kyiv?

5.________the national symbols of Ukraine?

6.________the name of your village/town/city?

7.What_________for having holidays in your country?


3.Read the text and say if the sentences below are true or false.

Sumy – Суми.

the Psel – Псел,річка, що протікає в Україні,в межах Сумської області і Полтавської області. 


My name is Dmytro.I live in Sumy.Sumy is in northern Ukraine.It is a modern city with rich history.It is situated on the Psel and the Sumka rivers.More than 270 thousand people live in this city.

Sumy has a lot of beautiful monuments and churches.                                                There are cinemas,stadiums,museums ans theatres in the city.I like to go to the cinema or visit a children’s theatre.

The city has three universities and many schools.My school is far from my house.I go to school by trolleybus.

My mother is an engineer at a factory.She likes her job.

Sumy is very green.There are nice parks and gardens in the city.My family has a summer cottage on the lake.

I love Sumy.

1._______ Sumy is a town in northern Ukraine.

Начало формыКонец формы2._______ Sumy has many beautiful churches and monuments.

Начало формыКонец формы3.________The city hasn’t any universities but has many schools.

Начало формыКонец формы4.________ Dmytro goes to school by trolleybus.His school is far from his house.

Начало формыКонец формы5. ________The boy’s dad is an engineer .

Начало формыКонец формы6.________ Sumy has nice parks and gardens.


4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Present Perfect.                                                         

1. He ________(send) her a card yesterday.

2. Many friend ________(visit) me last week.

3. Max_______(go) to the shopping centre this week .

4. He _________(not,eat) all the cookies.

5. ______you ever _______(be) to the zoo?

6. I and my sister________(go) to the theatre two days ago.



Texts for Listening (variant – 1/ variant - 2 ):                                      

  1. Listen to the texts and number these pictures. Guess and name the place.  

1) You can see very old things there.

2) You can buy food there.

3) You can keep your money there.


4) You can eat there.

5)  You clap your hands there when you like a play.

6) You can watch films there.









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