Діагностувальна контрольна робота з письма

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Діагностувальна контрольна робота з письма за І семестр

Учня 4 - ____ класу ___________________________________   Дата ___12.202_

І Варіант

1 Look, read and write.

1______________ 2________________  3_________________ 4_____________________


5________________6_________________7______________8________________  9_______________



3 Read and match.

1 My dad is taller                            a tallest animal in this zoo.

2 The giraffe is the                          b is faster than a starfish.

3 Whales are                                  c bigger than dolphins.

 4 An elephant                                 d than your dad.

5 My sister is the best                     e at basketball.

6 A seahorse                                   f  is heavier than a hippo.


4 Read and write the correct form of the verbs in the past.

1 I ( go) _____________ to the museum yesterday.

2 We (not,  play) _____________ basketball in PE on Monday.

3 My sister ( wear) ____________her new trainers yesterday.

4 Lots of my friends (not,come) _______________to my party!

5 Tim ( watch) _______________a film at the cinema on Friday.

6 I ( not, go) ______________to the café because I wasn’t hungry.

7 Cathy went to the zoo and she ( see) _____________a camel.


5 Look, read and write.

1  see  sees  seeing  saw

We _______ lots of seahorses at the aquarium yesterday. We didn’t _________ any sharks.


2  eat  eats  eating  ate

My grandsons didn’t__________ pasta, they __________ salad yesterday.


3  wash  washes  washing  washed

My sister didn’t_________up yesterday. I _____________ up yesterday.




































Діагностувальна контрольна робота з письма за І семестр

Учня(иці) 4 - ____ класу _______________________________  Дата ___12.202_

ІІ Варіант


1 Look and write.







2 Read the conversation. Find and correct the mistakes.

        I went to the museum on Saturday.

        Oh! Was (Were) there any sculptures?

        Yes, it were.

        Was there any animals?

        No, there wasn't. It wasn't a zoo!

        Were there a shop?

        Yes, there wasn't. I bought a new pencil case.

        Was it a playground?

        No, there was. But there were lots of fun things to see and do.


3 Read and match.


1 My dad is taller                            a is heavier than a hippo.

2 The giraffe is the                          b than your dad.

3 Whales are                                   c at basketball.

4 An elephant                                 d is faster than a starfish.

5 My sister is the best                     e bigger than dolphins.

6 A seahorse                                   f tallest animal in this zoo.


4 Read and write the correct form of the verbs in the past.

1 I (not, go) _____________ to the museum yesterday.

2 We ( play) _____________ basketball in PE on Monday.

3 My sister ( not, wear) ___________her new trainers yesterday.

4 Lots of my friends ( come) __________to my party!

5 Tim (not , watch) __________a film at the cinema on Friday.

6 I ( go) ______________to the café because I was hungry.

7 Cathy went to the zoo and she ( not, see)______________ a camel.


5 Look, read and write.


1  wear  wears  wearing  wore

I didn’t __________ a skirt yesterday. I ________ a tracksuit.


2  play   plays   playing   played

My friend didn’t __________ basketball after school yesterday, she ____________ chess.


3  go  goes  going  went

My mum ________ to the supermarket yesterday.  I didn’t _________to the market last Friday.


26 грудня 2023
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