Діагностувальна робота з англійської мови (читання), 4 клас, І семестр "Reading"

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Даний матеріал допоможе перевірити навичку читання здобувачів освіти 4 класу у 1 семестрі

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4 клас І семестр


Hello! My name is Nick. I am 10. I want to tell about professions my parents and relatives. Also I want to tell you about what I going to be. My father works in hospital. He helps sick people. I think that it is important work to help different people. He is a doctor. My mother works in a school. I love my mother because she teaches history to children. She is smart and helpful. She is a teacher. It is an interesting job. I have got a sister. Her name is Ashley. She is very clever and talented. Ashley is going to be an actress or a writer. My uncle is good at playing football. He is a sportsman. My aunt is tall and beautiful. She wears wonderful clothes. She is a model. I am going to be an actor. I am going to act in plays and films, too. That is great! And I am going to be famous and happy actor. If a job is worth doing it is worth doing well.

  1.               True/false

1. My name is Nikita.

2. I am 12.

3. I want to tell about professions my parents and relatives.

4. My father works in school.

5. My mother works in a school.

6. Her name is Ann.

7. She is very silly and talented.

8. She wears wonderful clothes.

9. And I am going to be famous and unlucky actor.


II. Read the text and choose the correct item to complete the sentences.

1. My aunt is …

a) a model                          b) farming                         c) a farmer

2. My uncle is

a) a farmer                          b) a police officer             c) a sportsman

3. My mother is …

a) a doctor                           b) a teacher                       c) a singer

4. My dad is …

a) a doctor                           b) a cooker                        c) cooking






12 жовтня 2023
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