Діагностувальна робота з письма для 4 кл. ( І семестр) за Family and Friends 4

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Діагностувальна робота з письма для 4 кл. ( І семестр) за підручником Family and Friends 4
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Name and Surname__________________________________________________

Date ______________________________________________________________


Writing  ( form 4   I term  )


Task 1. Write words in the correct boxes.


Won, trophy, bed, hard, new, chair, comfortable,broke, cheap, move, roundabout, turn.

Verbs ____________________________________________________


Adjectives ________________________________________________


Nouns ___________________________________________________



Task 2. Complete the sentences with had to or have to.

  1. Yesterday, I _____________ go home from school early because I was ill.
  2. To get to the shop, you ________________ turn right at the traffic lights.
  3. He didn`t do well in his homework and ______________ do it again.
  4. When they are at the roundabout, they ______________ turn left.
  5. She _______________ stay late, because she didn`t do her homework.
  6. I `m going to be late. Sorry, I ________________ go now.


Task 3. How do you do these things? Answer the questions using adverbs.

  1. How do you run?  ( fast / slow )


  1. How do you swim? ( good / bad )


  1. How do you sing?  ( loud / quiet )


  1. How do you do your homework? ( careful  / not careful )













30 грудня 2024
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