З поданого матеріалу можна виготовити таблицю часової форми подовженого стану, закріплювати з учнями протягом декількох уроків. На другому етапі - виготовити розрізні заламіновані речення для визначення часу. Можна перемішати їх з реченнями простого неозначеного часу для визначення типу Simple чи Continuous.
Дидактична гра з англійської мови
“Learn continuous together”
Мета: навчити учнів розрізняти теперішній, минулий та майбутній час тривалої часової форми за допомогою розрізної гри, впізнаючи речення; формувати навички візуального запам'ятовування; відпрацьовувати граматичні конструкції запитань, стверджень та заперечень за методикою таблиці Д.Петрова; удосконалювати вимову та читання.
I am working.
He is working.
She is working.
It is a working.
You are working.
We are working.
They are working.
Am I working?
Is he working?
Is she working?
Is it working?
Are we working?
Are you working?
Are they working
I am not working.
He isn’t working.
She isn’t working.
It isn’t working.
You aren’t working.
We aren’t working.
I was reading.
He was reading.
She was reading.
It was reading.
You were reading.
We were reading.
They were reading.
Was I reading?
Was he reading?
Was she reading?
Was it reading?
Were you reading?
Were we reading?
Were they reading ?
I was not reading.
He was not reading.
She was not reading.
It was not reading.
You were not reading.
We were not reading.
They were not reading.
I shall be eating.
He will be eating.
She will be eating.
It will be eating.
You will be eating .
We shall be eating.
They will be eating.
Shall I be eating?
Will he be eating?
Will she be eating?
Will it be eating?
Will you be eating ?
Shall we be eating?
Will they be eating ?
I shall not be eating.
He will not be eating.
She will not be eating.
It will not be eating.
You will not be eating .
We shall not be eating.
They will not be eating.
at this moment
at that moment
from 5 till 9 pm
whole day
when you phoned me