Добірка текстів для контролю навичок читання на уроках англійської мови для учнів 2 класу НУШ

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Добірка текстів для контролю навичок читання на уроках англійської мови для учнів 2 класу НУШ

2 клас


This is Tom. Tom is ten. Tom is black. Tom has a family. His family is big and happy. Tom has a dog. His dog is big and fat.


The box.

This is a box. It is big. A dog is in the box. A puppy is on the dog in the box. A kitten is on the dog too. I like this box.


A pencil-box.

This is a pencil-box. It is big. The pencil is in the pencil-box. The pencil is big and thick. It is red.

1) What is this?

2) Where is the pencil?

3) Is the pencil on the desk?

4) What pencil is it?


Roman and his car.

Roman is 16. Roman has a car. His car is red. The car is big. The car is in the yard.

Roman has a cat and a dog. His cat is on the car, his dog is at the car. Roman is glad.


A black cat.

This is a cat. It is black. It is good. A cat is fat. It is not thin. A black cat is on a mat. A black cat has got a grey rat. A cat ate a fat rat.


A street.

This is a street. I can see many cars, buses, trams and trees in the street. The cars, buses and trams are red, black, brown and green. The trees are green and the street is green. I can see many people in the street.

1) What can you see in the street?

2) Can you see buses in the street?

3) What colour are the buses?

4) What colour are the trees?

5) Whom can you see in the street?

6) Do you like the street?



This is Liza. Liza is a little girl. She is six. She lives in Lviv.  She gets up at seven o’clock. She has dinner at one o’clock. We can see Liza in the yard or in the park. There are many boys and girls there. Liza goes to bed at ten o’clock.

1) Who is this?

2) How old is Liza?

3) Where does she live?

4) When does she get up?

5) Where can we see Liza?

6) When does Liza go to bed?


3 + 4

There are 3 kittens in the black box. There are 4 kittens in the brown box. How many kittens are there in two boxes?

3 + 4 = 7

There are 7 kittens in two boxes.



This is a girl. Her name is Jane. It is Jane’s birthday today. She is happy. That is her toy. It is a green bird. The bird can fly.

1) Is it Jane’s birthday today? – Yes, it is.

2) How old is Jane? – She is eight.

3) How is she? – She is happy.