Доповідь учениці 5 класу Овчаренко Лілії Сергіївни на тему "English Tea Ceremony"

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Доповідь учениці 5 класу Куп'янської загальноосвітньої школи І-ІІІ ступенів №1 Овчаренко Лілії Сергіївни. Ученицю підготувала вчитель англійської мови Резнікова Катерина Миколаївна.
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English Tea Ceremony






Lilia Ovcharenko

Form 5-A

Kupiansk School 1

Teacher: Reznikova K.






Good afternoon! My name is Liliia Ovcharenko. I am a pupil of the fifth form. I like English. It is very interesting for me.

        As you know, Britain is famous for its unchanging traditions. Today I want to tell you about Tea ceremony in England.

         Tea first came to England in the middle of the 17th (seventeenth) century. It was a gift to King Charles II (the second) in 1664. At that time, tea was really a royal gift, because it was very expensive.

         Charles’ wife, Queen Katerina, made tea the official palace drink.

          Beautiful porcelain cups seemed so thin and brittle that they were afraid of damaging them with hot tea.

          The British are one of the most tea-consuming nations in the world. They drink 120,000,000 cups of tea every day.

        I want to present you the traditional time for drinking tea in England.

  •                 Morning, the earliest tea, they drink around 6 in the morning, sometimes right in bed.
  •                 At 8 o’clock they drink “English breakfast” during the first light breakfast.
  •                 At 11 or 12 it is a time for a “lunch”- a “second” breakfast, of course with tea
  •                 In the middle of the working day they make a small break, which is called “tea break”(this custom exists to this day)
  •                 Whatever happens, at 5 o’clock in the evening millions of British drink famous “5 o’clock tea”


The main secret of English tea drinking – it will no longer be diluted with boiling water in cups.


The traditional tea ceremony is served with a rich traditional treat:

  •                 Thin sandwiches – finger sandwiches
  •                 Traditional British scones
  •                 Small tall pancakes (crumpets) with butter and honey
  •                 A large  selection of fresh pastries (fruit cake, Victorian cake, ginger bread)
  •                 Baskets with fresh fruit and more.


By the way, tea with lemon in England is called “Russian tea”.

Thank you for attention! I hope my research was interesting for you!

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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
1 квітня 2020
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