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HOW THE MAGIC WORLD WAS SAVED Fairy Tale for kids By Angelika Lopushanska, a teacher of English of Primary School (We performed this fairy tale in 2018 at the English Language Summer Camp “Rainbow”)
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Fairy Tale for kids

By Angelika Lopushanska, a teacher of English of Primary School

(We performed this fairy tale in 2018

 at the English Language Summer Camp “Rainbow”)


All children are in the classroom. You can see a teacher with Magic Book in her hand and two girls at the whiteboard.

Teacher:  - Hello, girls!

Girls:  - Hello, teacher!

Teacher:  - Why are you so sad?

Girl 1:  Our summer holidays started two days ago.

Girl 2:  It’s too boring.

Teacher:  - What would you like to do?

Girl 1:  I’d like to travel.

Girl 2:  And I’d like to visit fairy tale.

Teacher:  - What are your favourite fairy tales?

Girl 1:  They are Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs.

Girl 2 :  And I like Cinderella.

Teacher:  - Well, our Magic Book will help us.


Teacher: Once upon a time in a far-away country there lived a very angry witch. She was angry because she was ugly and nobody wants to be her friend. She was called Black Witch because she wore a black mask.

One morning Black Witch woke up and decided to do something terrible. It was her birthday but nobody gave her any present.

She said: “I hate all of you! I hate the sky, the sun, the flowers, the birds’ singing and the butterflies. I will do my magic and destroy the Magic World!”

The witch stool “The Magic Book” and all fairytales changed at all: good characters became bad, Kingdoms disappeared and the witch was very happy and laughed. She didn’t know that she was a princess but her angry aunt make her a witch.

Only Snow White and Cinderella stayed kind and beautiful, and they came from one fairy tale to another to save the Magic World.

Snow White: “Let’s go to other fairy tales and save our Magic World!”

Cinderella: “Yes, you are right. We can help the others but what we can do?”

Snow White: “I think we should find “The Magic Book” and all characters will become good and Kingdoms will appear again.”

Cinderella: “I think it was done by Black Witch.”

Snow White: “Why do you think so?”

Cinderella: “It is her birthday today but nobody gave her any present!”

Snow White: “Oh, no! We had to greet Black Witch”

Cinderella: “But we forgot…it’s very bad.”


Teacher: Snow White and Cinderella went to the Magic Forest and saw a little girl near the Old Oak Tree.

The Little Red Riding Hood: “Good morning, girls!”

Snow White and Cinderella:  “Good morning, girl! Who are you? Where are you going?”

The Little Red Riding Hood: “I am the Little Red Riding Hood. I’m going to my granny’s house buy I can’t find it. Her house disappeared! And who are you? Where are you going?”

Snow White: “I’m Snow White.”

 Cinderella:  “I’m Cinderella.”

Snow White: “We try to save the Magic World. It was destroyed because The Magic Book disappeared!”

 Cinderella:  “It was stolen by Black Witch.”

The Little Red Riding Hood: “Why did she do it?”

Cinderella: “It is her birthday today but nobody gave her any present!”

The Little Red Riding Hood: “Oh, no! We had to greet Black Witch.”

Snow White: “Let’s go with us and save the Magic World.”

The Little Red Riding Hood: “Well, my Mummy gave me a basket with cookies – help yourself!”

Teacher: The girls ate some cookies and went to the next fairy tale.





Snow White, Cinderella and the Little Red Riding Hood went to The Magic School and saw Seven Dwarfs in the Magic Classroom.

Seven Dwarf s: “Good morning, girls! Who are you? Where are you going?”

Snow White, Cinderella and the Little Red Riding Hood: “Good morning, guys!”

The Little Red Riding Hood: “I am the Little Red Riding Hood.”

 Snow White: “I’m Snow White. We try to save the Magic World.”

 Cinderella:  “I’m Cinderella. And who are you? What are doing?”

Seven Dwarf s: “We are Seven Dwarfs”

1 Dwarf: I’m the First.

2 Dwarf: I’m the Second.

3 Dwarf: I’m the Third.

4 Dwarf: I’m the Fourth.

5 Dwarf: I’m the Fifth.

6 Dwarf: I’m the Sixth.

7 Dwarf: I’m the Seventh.

Snow White: “I see, you don’t remember me. You have to work in the Magic Forest.” (cries)

Seven Dwarf s: “We don’t remember you.”

Snow White, Cinderella and the Little Red Riding Hood: “Stop crying, dear. We’ll save the Magic Book and they will your friends again.”

Seven Dwarfs: “Stop crying, dear.”

1: We go to school and can sing the song for you.

(They sing a song)


Snow White, Cinderella and the Little Red Riding Hood: “Thank you for your song. Good-bye, Seven Dwarf s!”

Seven Dwarf s: “Good-bye, girls! Good luck!”


Teacher: The girls went to the Magic Sea and saw three Mermaids on the stones.

Snow White, Cinderella and the Little Red Riding Hood: “Good morning, Mermaids!”

Three Mermaids: “Good morning, girls! Who are you? Where are you going?”

The Little Red Riding Hood: “I am the Little Red Riding Hood.”

Snow White: “I’m Snow White.”

 Cinderella:  “I’m Cinderella.”

Three Mermaids: I’m Attatina.  

                            I’m Aquata.

                            I’m Ariel. Where are going?

Snow White: “We try to save the Magic World. It was destroyed because The Magic Book disappeared!”

 Cinderella:  “It was stolen by Black Witch.”

 Three Mermaids: “Why did she do it?”

Cinderella: “It is her birthday today but nobody gave her any present!”

Three Mermaids: “Oh, no! We had to greet Black Witch.”

Snow White: “Let’s go with us and save the Magic World.”

Three Mermaids: “Oh, no! We can’t walk. We haven’t got legs. We can swim and dive. We have got tails. We can dance for you.”

(They dance for girls.)

 Snow White, Cinderella and the Little Red Riding Hood: “Thank you for your dance. Good-bye, three Mermaids!”

Three Mermaids: “Good- bye, dear girls! Good luck!”


Teacher: Snow White, Cinderella and the Little Red Riding Hood went to the Magic Village and saw a little girl with funny braids.

Snow White, Cinderella and the Little Red Riding Hood: “Good morning, girl!”

Pippi Longstocking : “Good morning, girls! Who are you?”

The Little Red Riding Hood: “I am the Little Red Riding Hood.

Snow White: “I’m Snow White.”

 Cinderella:  “I’m Cinderella.”

Pippi Longstocking: “I’m Pippi Long Stocking. Where are you going?”

Teacher: And girls told her about angry witch who stool the Magic Book and wanted to destroy the Magic World. They asked Pippi Longstocking to go with them but she answered:

Pippi Longstocking: “Sorry, I can’t go with you. I’ve lost my pocket money and have to find them. I can give you my Magic Ribbon and it will help you to show the way to the Magic Book. Good- bye, dear girls! Good luck!”

 Snow White, Cinderella and the Little Red Riding Hood: “Good- bye, dear! Good luck!”


Teacher: The Magic Ribbon showed the way to the Magic Book. The girls followed it and came to the Black Witch’s house.

Black Witch: “Oh, I waited for you! The Magic Mirror told me about you! I know you want to take the Magic Book and destroy my magic! Ha ha ha ”

Snow White, Cinderella and the Little Red Riding Hood: “Good morning, Black Witch! We want to greet you with your birthday.”

Black Witch: “Oh, no! It’s too late! The Magic World disappeared! And you will disappear too.”

Snow White: “We know magic word “please

Snow White, Cinderella and the Little Red Riding Hood: “Please.”

Black Witch: “Oh, no! It’s too late! My magic was too strong, much stronger than your  “please”!

Cinderella: “May be your magic can be changed?”

The Little Red Riding Hood: “We know your secret.”

Black Witch: “What secret?”

Snow White: “When you were a little girl your aunt charmed you. Later you turned into ugly witch in the black mask.”

Black Witch: “Really? I know what to do. You should make a magic circle and sing a Magic Song.”

Teacher: Snow White, Cinderella and the Little Red Riding Hood made a magic circle and sang “Happy birthday song”. For a minute the Black Witch turned into a princess.

The Princess was very beautiful and kind. She took the Magic Book and gave it to girls. At once Seven Dwarf s came to them. They hugged Snow White and told her: “Hello, our dear friend.”

Later they made a magic circle and sing a Magic Song too. A miracle happened once more and immediately the First Dwarf turned into a Prince and the Seventh Dwarf turned into Goldilocks.   

All friends were happy and had fun together. The Magic Book was turned back and the Magic World was saved. All fairy tales changed as they were before.

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Англійська мова, 4 клас, Сценарії
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Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Павліченко О.М., Доценко І.В., Євчук О.В.)
11 лютого 2020
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