Географічне положення Великобританії. 5 клас

Про матеріал
Матеріал містить інформацію про географічне положення Великобританії, її частини, тексти для читання та граматичні вправи.
Перегляд файлу

Topic: Великобританія. Географічне положення.

Objectives: Ввести лексику теми та навчити учнів розповідати про частини Великобританії. Вчити пошуку необхідної інформації в процесі ознайомлювального читання, вчити узагальнювати та використовувати на практиці отриману інформацію з теми. Практикувати у вживанні граматичних часів дієслова.

Розвивати пам’ять, увагу, уяву.

Розширювати знання учнів про країну, мова якої вивчається.

Виховувати культуру спілкування, повагу до традицій іншого народу.

Equipment: карта Великобританії, прапори та символи частин Великобританії, роздатковий матеріал, мультимедійна презентація.


The Procedure of the Lesson

1 Greeting

                           (the song “Hello To All the Children of the World”)

T: On today’s lesson we are going to study a new topic “Great Britain”. We will read the texts, listen to them , do the exercises. So, let’s start with our song.

2 Warming up

                           (the song “How is the Weather Today”)

  • What is the weather like today?
  • What weather do you like?
  • What weather don’t you like?

3 The Main Body of the Lesson

T: And now, pupils, let’s imagine ourselves in Great Britain.

Slide 1

T: Before studying  the topic we’ll read and remember the new words. Look at your cards and repeat after me


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The British Isles

Great Britain




Northern   Ireland





T: Open your books on page 122 exercise 1. Listen and repeat.

T: Right you are. And now look at the pictures and say as in the example.


Look at the screen, please. This is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is situated on two islands. The UK consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


Great Britain consists of three parts: England, Scotland and Wales.


The capital of the UK is London.

The capital of Great Britain is London.


The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh.


The capital of Wales is Cardiff.


The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast.


Every country has its national symbol.

The symbol of England is a red rose.


The symbol of Scotland is a thistle


The symbol of Wales are a red dragon and a leek


The symbol of Northern Ireland is a shamrock


T: Is it interesting to know about it? OK. It’s time to listen to the guide’s story about Great Britain. Be very attentive, because you’ll listen to the story only once.

                         ( a video “An introduction to Britain”)

T: I think it’s time to have a rest. So, listen and sing.

                         ( a song “If you are happy”)

T: OK, pupils. You have listened to my story and a guide’s story  about UK and now we’ll work in groups with the texts about the parts of the country.

                        (the teacher divides children into four groups and they work with the following texts)


   England is the biggest part of the island. London is the capital of England. We call people in the country English. They speak English language. The symbol of the country is a red rose.


Scotland is smaller than England. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. We call people the Scots. They speak English and Scottish languages. The national dress is a kilt. The symbol of the country is a thistle.


Wales is smaller than  Scotland.  Cardiff is the capital of  Wales. We call people the  Welsh. They speak English and Welsh languages. They like sing and dance. The symbol of the country is a red dragon.

Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland is the smallest part of the UK. The capital of the country is Belfast. We call people the Irish. They speak Irish and English languages. The symbol of  Northern  Ireland  is a shamrock.


T: You have the tables behind you. Let’s compete them.


Fact file of the UK






Northern Ireland

















T: On today’s lesson we haven’t work with grammar yet. So our next and may be last exercise will be   


Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.

Hi, Mum!

We ____________ (to be) in Northern Ireland at the moment. It ______ (to be) foggy. And planes ___________ (not to fly) in bad weather. So we have to wait until the weather ____________ (to change). We ________________________ (already to visit) England, Scotland, Wales. I _____________ (to make) a lot of photos and Lera ___________ (to buy) many souvenirs for her friends. I hope, we _______________ (to come) back home tomorrow.

Kisses, ___________


 T: You have worked very nice today and hope enjoyed the lesson. Your marks are …

Your home task for the next time will be

                                                     Ex.3 p.123

Good bye, children. See you tomorrow.

30 листопада 2020
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