Конспект до уроку "Learning English" (за підручником Prepare 5)

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Розгорнутий конспект до уроку LIFE SKILLS Study skills: Learning English (Unit 8. At school) за підручником Prepare 5. Включає в себе деталізовану мету та завдання уроку, привітання, онлайн-вікторину для введення учнів в іншомовну атмосферу, мозковий штурм для розуміння теми уроку, практику читання, аудіювання та завдання до них, фізкультхвилинку, проєктну роботу (а також варіант для учнів, які навчаються дистанційно. Після кожного виду діяльності формувальне оцінювання (самооцінювання учнів), в кінці уроку зворотній зв'язок, цікаве домашнє завдання. Можна переглянути презентацію до уроку на моїй сторінці.
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Unit 8. At school

Topic: LIFE SKILLS Study skills: Learning English


  • Understand, memorize and correctly use vocabulary related to school subjects 
  • Understand and correctly use grammar structures related to present simple tense and special questions
  • Identify specific information from a text from students’ forum
  • Identify specific information through a listening activity
  • Learn about useful strategies for learning a foreign language

Teacher aims:

  • to revise and enrich students’ knowledge on the topic “At school”
  • to improve students’ skills for listening and reading comprehension
  • to develop students’ independent thinking and creative abilities
  • to form the ability to work and interact in groups
  • to provide opportunities for developing speaking skills
  • to cultivate the understanding of importance of learning foreign languages

Key learning outcomes. Students will be able to:

  • recognize the necessary information in a short conversation about effective ways of learning English language
  • give advice on how to learn the language effectively
  • understand and interpret information from short posts in an online forum
  • write an outline of language learning tips for a friend

Equipment: Student’s book “Prepare” by Joanna Kosta & Melanie Williams, copy-books, laptop, presentation, A3 papers, tips with ideas.

Формування ключових компетентностей: спілкування іноземною мовою; математична компетентність; навчання впродовж життя; підприємливість та фінансова грамотність; соціальна і громадянська компетентності; інформаційно-комунікаційна компетентність.

Інтегровані змістові лінії: екологічна безпека та сталий розвиток; громадянська відповідальність; здоров'я і безпека.



1. Greeting

– Good morning, kids! Take your seats, please. I am glad to see you. How are you today?

– Okay, I believe that today will be a good day! Last time we talked about school, so let’s play a quiz!

2. Warming-up

– Answer the questions (SB ex.1 page 54): https://www.baamboozle.com/game/1457713

  • How many lessons do you have today?
  • What lessons do you have today?
  • What’s your favourite school subject? Why?
  • When do you have your English lessons?
  • What do you do at your English lessons?
  • Are you good learners of English?
  • What languages can you speak?
  • Where do you do your English homework?
  • C:\Users\nadiy\Downloads\photo_2023-03-07_06-34-31.jpgWhat is your favourite part of an English lesson: reading, listening, writing or speaking?

– Assess yourselves, your answers.

3. The topic and aims of the lesson

– Great job! So, what’s this lesson about?

– Yes! Today we’ll talk about learning English. There are lots of different ways to learn English, both at school and at home. Today we will make a plan for learning English.

– Let’s look at the key learning outcomes. By the end of the lesson you will be able to:

  • speak about ways to learn English
  • make a plan for learning English
  • tell other students about your ideas

Main Part

1. Brainstorm “Ways of learning English”

– So, how can we learn English? What can we do? (read, write, speak, listen, learn words)

2. Reading comprehension (SB ex.3-4 page 54)

– That’s right. You’re very smart! Now, please open your Student’s books on page 54. Look at the exercise 3.


– What is it? (an online forum) Who is it for? (students) What can they do? (share ideas) Read the introduction in blue.

– Let’s read the messages on the online forum and find out what ideas the students share.

– But, at first, this text has some new words. Look at the pictures and repeat after me:

tips, comics, subtitles, pen pal, letters, understand, vocabulary cards, wheelchair, take a break

– Is it clear? So, now we can start reading.

While reading

1) What's the tip here? What can you do? Why? How does it help us?

2) What's the idea here? What can you do? How does it help us?

3) What's the tip here? To whom can you write letters?

4) What's the idea here? How does it help us?

5) What's the tip here? What are the recommendations for doing homework?


– What ideas are the students sharing (how to be a good learner of English) How many ideas are there? (five) Name them.

– Look at the exercise below the text. Read the sentences below and tick () or cross (). What can you do to be a good learner of English?

C:\Users\nadiy\Downloads\photo_2023-03-07_06-34-31.jpg– Well done. Assess yourselves. Dіd you understand the text? Dіd you do the task correctly?

 3. Physical warm-up

– Well, are you tired, kids? Now let’s take a minute for relaxation.

4 . Listening comprehension (SB ex.7-8 page 54)

– Fantastic! Now calm down and return to our books.

– What helps other people to learn English? Look at the exercise 7 on page 55. Pablo is getting advice about learning English. Read the question and options before you listen.

– So, listen to people talking about learning English. Answer a, b or c. (Track 82) Answer B

– Look at the next task (exercise 8). How many ideas can you see? (six) Listen again. Underline the ideas you hear. Be attentive!

Answers: making vocabulary cards, learning words in groups, making vocabulary notebooks, putting words on things in the house.

C:\Users\nadiy\Downloads\photo_2023-03-07_06-34-31.jpg– What is difficult for you in learning English? What’s your favourite idea from the listening?

– Assess your work. Dіd you understand the audio? Dіd you do these tasks correctly?

5. Project “A plan for learning English”

– Wonderful! Some students, like Pablo, have some problems. Let’s sum up everything and make posters to help them. Give them ideas for:

- reading in English (read English books, articles, news, comics at your level, try to read every day, retell texts, write out new words, visit English websites)

- listening in English (listen to English audio lessons, audio books, podcasts, listen to English songs, watch English films, YouTube videos, talk shows, stand-up shows)

- writing in English (learn grammar rules, write texts on any topic)

- learning vocabulary in English (make vocabulary cards, write words many times, explain new words, make sentences with new words, play games in English)

 But at first, let’s form groups. Take candies. So we have two teams. The first team has green candies, and the second team has orange.

 Go to the tables with posters. Choose the ideas you want or write them under the titles.


 Have you finished your work? Show your posters and tell the class your ideas for learning.

C:\Users\nadiy\Downloads\photo_2023-03-07_06-34-31.jpg“To read/write/listen/learn words well in English, we can …”

– Amazing! Assess your group work.

6. Vocabulary game (extra task)

– Okay. And now let’s check your vocabulary knowledge.


Summing-up. Feedback.

– Great! You were active pupils at the lesson and did all tasks. Let's review what have you learnt today. Clap your hands if you:

  • know and can speak about ways to learn English
  • have a plan for learning English
  • can tell other students about your ideas

– Assess your work today on your cards. Great! Give me back your cards for analysis.



– Well done. Open your diaries and write down your homework. At home you have to watch a video and make six vocabulary cards with the word on the front and a picture on the back.


– Thank you, dear children, for your active work today, practice English every day. Use your plans to learn English. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

– Now, stand up, please! Our lesson is over! Goodbye! See you next time. You may be free.

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