Integrated lesson (English + Physical Training)
6 Form
Topic: Sport clubs
Aim: to enable learners to revise and form knowledge about different kinds of sports
and raise motivation in learning English and Physical Culture (doing some exercises).
Objectives: to bring up pupils to be fast and to teach them to work in groups, to
develop pupils’ ability of thinking, to fix up students moving and their knowledge of
Learning outcomes: By the end of the lesson the pupils will be able to make up
sentences about sport clubs, using construction “I’d like to”.
The type of the lesson: integrated
Place: classroom
Equipment: pictograms, cards, volleyball’s ball, tennis racquet, tennis ball, skipping
(jumping) rope, hoop, football's ball, basketball’s ball.
Procedure of the lesson:
Organization moment. Greeting.
Pupils stand in one column.
Teacher of English: Attention! Stand at ease!
Teacher of Physical Training: Рівняйсь! Спочинь!
Announcing the aim of the lesson:
Teacher of Physical Training: Діти, сьогодні у вас буде не зовсім звичайний урок,
тому що в ньому будуть об'єднані відразу два навчальних предмета: фізкультура
і англійська мова. Справа в тому, що багато спортивних ігор були придумані в
англомовних країнах і мають англійські назви.
Teacher of English: As you see today we have integrated lesson. We’ll revise our
theme “Sport “, do different kinds of tasks, working in two groups. And by the end of
the lesson you’ll be able to speak about sport; using construction “I’d like to”.
Warming up
Teacher of Physical Training: З чого починається урок фізичної культури?
Pupils: З руханки.
Teacher of English: So, the first sports word you are going to learn today is “warm-
up”. So, what’s the English for “руханка”?
Pupils: Warm-up!
Teacher of English: Now, we’ll do warming up.
Hands up, hands down.
Hands on hips, sit down.
Hands up to the sides,
Bend left, bend right.
One, two, three – hop.
One, two, three – stop.
Stand still!
The main part
Teacher of English: Now, please, unite into 2 groups and give names to your teams...
You will do some exercises and get points. Take turns, answering. Thank you very
much. And now let’s begin our competition.
Task1. You see some pictograms on the blackboard. In this task you should explain the
meaning of the words or give definitions.
basketball, skiing, archery, football, tennis, boxing, figure skating, volleyball, cycling,
swimming, billiards, wrestling, hunting, hockey, draughts, chess, etc.
Task2. ”Memory game”. Teacher of Physical Training: поверніться спиною до
дошки (вчитель прибирає одну з піктограм), а зараз поверніться обличчям та
скажіть, яка з піктограм відсутня. Команди відповідають по черзі.
Task 3. Your task is to show any sport. Another team should guess what kind of sport
it is.
Task 4. Teacher of Physical Training: Кожна команда отримує картки з зимовими
та літніми видами спорту. Одна команда кріпить на дошку зимові види спорту, а
друга - літні. Ви повинні досягти дошки стрибаючи через скакалку.
Summer sports:
gymnastics, jumping, football, water-polo, volleyball, wrestling, badminton, cycling.
Winter sports:
skiing, figure skating, ice hockey, ski-jumping, skate-racing, snowboarding, driving on
a sledge, to play snowballs.
Task5. Contest between captains of the teams.
Teacher of Physical Training: Змагання капітанів. Кожен капітан отримує картку з
завданням і виконує його.
Jump 5 times.
Bend left 3 times.
Bend right 3 times.
Nod your head 5 times.
Wave your hands 5 times.
Bend your knees 6 times.
Skip 8 times.
Roll your shoulders 4 times.
Shake your left leg 5 times.
Shake your right leg 6 times.
Shake your left hand 8 times.
Shake your right hand 9 times.
Task 6. Teacher of English: You should choose the cards and bring equipments which
will be in it as quick as possible.
Volleyball’s ball, tennis racquet, tennis ball, skipping (jumping) rope, hoop,
football's ball, basketball’s ball
Task7. Teacher of English: You see a two phrases on the blackboard “What sport club
would you like to join?” “I’d like to” (the teacher gives examples)
Teacher of Physical Training: оберіть учня з протилежної команди та дізнайтеся,
до якого спортивного клубу він хотів би приєднатися. Використовуйте фрази на
дошці. ( pupils make up short dialogues)
Teacher of English: So, the winner of today’s competition is...
The final part
What have you learnt at the lesson? (We are able to make up sentences about sport
clubs, using construction “I’d like to”).
Was the lesson interesting?
Those pupils, who liked the lesson, clap your hands. Those pupils, who didn’t like the
lesson stamp your feet.
Thank you! It was a good job. Our lesson is over. Bye.