Конспект уроку з теми "Подорож" у 6 класі

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Конспект уроку англійської мови у 6 класі


Тема уроку: Travelling (Подорож)


  • активізувати використання учнями вивченої лексики в різних мовленнєвих ситуаціях, навчити виявляти переваги та недоліки подорожей різними видами транспорту; писати листівку з подорожі, вживати речення у неозначеному, тривалому та доконаному часах;
  • розвивати навички аудіювання, творчо-пошукового читання, монологічного і діалогічного мовлення та письма, розвивати вміння працювати в групах і парах;
  • виховувати культуру поведінки та спілкування у громадських місцях, підвищувати інтерес учнів до вивчення мови та культури країни, мова якої вивчається.

Обладнання: наочність, малюнки, роздатковий матеріал, аудіо записи, ноутбук, м’ячик.

Тип уроку: комбінований.


Хід уроку


  1. Introduction. Введення в мовленнєве середовище.

1. Greeting.

Teacher. : Good morning, children! I am glad to see you!

Pupils: We are glad to see you too!

T.: I hope this lesson will be useful and interesting for you.  As you’ve guessed the topic of discussion at our today’s lesson is “Travelling”. We’ll speak about different ways of travelling, about trips during the holidays, recollect types of transport existing in the world; also we’ll role-play some situations and do a lot of things together. I hope that our co-operation will be successful so I want you to be attentive and active. Speak and express your opinion. So, let’s start our communication.

2. Warming-up.

1) фонетична зарядка

T.: As you already learned many words about travelling you can show and use your knowledge.  To begin with I would like to practice some sounds with you. I took the motto for our lesson, words told by Hans Christian Andersen, so let’s read them together to practice your spelling:

      “To move, to breathe, to fly, to float,

        To gain all while you give,

        To roam the roads of lands remote,

        To travel is to live”.  

2) мовна розминка у вигляді навчальної розмови

(conversation: T – P1, P2, P3…) T.:

- Do you like to travel?

- How do you get to school?

- When do you prefer to travel?

- Which countries have you been to?


3) мовленнєва зарядка. Brainstorming.

T.: As you know, people have travelled from ancient times. What makes them travel nowadays? To continue our discussion let’s decide on the reasons for travelling. Tell your suggestions, make notes and then put them on the blackboard. Use the structure in Present Continuous (I am travelling/ we are travelling…)



Teacher: Well done, my dear! Look at the blackboard again. You see a lot of reasons for travelling. You also see a quotation of H. C. Andersen about travelling and it is true, many people have told wise words about travelling. And now I want you to tell the famous proverbs or quotes about travelling as it was your home task. Give your explanations beginning with the structure in Present Perfect “I have understood that…”

And while you are presenting your works I am going to see if you were successful with the home exercise in your workbooks, so please, open them.

      (У класі заслуховуються виступи учнів, паралельно вчитель проглядає виконане домашнє завдання учнів за партами і дає кожному паперову міні-картку у формі валізи, на яку протягом уроку будуть записуватися бали за виконані завдання на уроці, а також відгуки учнів наприкінці уроку. Картки підписуються.)

      Teacher: Great job, pupils you are very educated. As they say, travel is the best education. And we are going to the main part of our lesson. I want you to be well-prepared for travelling, so you have to know different means of transport, their advantages and disadvantages and arrangements before and during your trip. That we’ll do next. 


II.    Main part. Основна частина уроку.

    1) активізація лексичного матеріалу

        vocabulary revision.

Teacher: Let us recollect what types of transport people can use for their trips, journeys, voyages by playing a game “Catch the word” Take your turn, give the name and then pass the ball forward. Do it quickly! So people are travelling by…

Учні називають види транспорту, по черзі передаючи один одному м’ячик.

Pupils answers: a bus, a car, a train, a plane, a helicopter, a van, a ship, a yacht, a ferry, a hovercraft…

Teacher: Right you are. There is a great number of transports in the world. Some of them we use regularly, some are very rare. Which of them do you consider to be the fastest? The cheapest? The most popular? Which one do you consider to be the best? Well, you don’t have to quarrel. It will be better to prove your opinion.

     2)  Reading.  Творчо-пошукове читання текстів,  добирання відповідностей за змістом.

          Group work. Робота у групах.

      Teacher: So let’s begin a discussion in groups about the best ways of travelling. Let me divide you into groups according to the means of transport. Your task is to admit the pros and cons of a certain way of travelling. Follow the instructions while you are writing the information about advantages and disadvantages of different ways of travelling down in the table.


  1. Present your point of view (In my opinion…).
  2. Give the arguments to prove your point of view (..  because…).
  3. Show the examples to confirm your arguments (for example ).
  4. Summarize your point of view and make a conclusion  (that’s why …).

      Teacher: This task wouldn’t too difficult for you because I give each group short texts with the information you need. But some sentences are correct the other ones are not. So you’ll have to read the texts very attentively, analyze the information and make a report. Don’t forget to follow the instructions! You may use some smiley to illustrate your presentations.

            Text 1

      Travelling by plane is the fastest. You can get to many cities only in a few hours. You


 can stop wherever you like. During the trip you can sit comfortably in the armchair and


read, eat or sleep. Our modern air-liners fly to many big cities of the world, such as


London, Paris, Berlin, New York and many others. During the trip you need no tickets.


People can visit many countries by plane. Just imagine! You can have breakfast in Kyiv,


dinner in London, Paris or Berlin, and supper in New York on the same day! But there


are some people who don’t like travelling by plane because they are air-sick. They have


to take special pills to reduce the symptoms. It is allowed to use the mobile phone on


the board during the flight. When the weather is rainy or foggy you can not travel by


plane, it can be troubled and dangerous.  Never-the-less travelling by plane saves time that’s why many people enjoy flying greatly.

Text 2


     Travelling by train is rather fast and not so expensive. Modern fast passenger trains


 are very comfortable. There are sleeping cars and dining-cars. All these makes even


 the longest journey enjoyable. When you are going by train you can sit comfortably


 in your carriage. You can stop wherever you like. You can read and sleep. For this


 way of travelling you need no tickets. You walk a lot so it is good for your health.


 You can see the country you are travelling through and not only the clouds as you are


 flying. You may use your camera and take pictures of a beautiful scenery through the


      window. With a train you have speed, saving your money, comfort and pleasure.






Text 3


      Travelling by car or by bus is rather fast and cheap. You can get to many places


during your trip. Travelling by own car you will never miss your train, ship or plane; you


can make your own time-table; you can stop wherever you wish. Travelling by car is very


popular for pleasure trips while people usually take a train or a plane when they are


travelling on business. During the trip you can sit comfortably in the armchair and read,


eat or sleep. You can stop wherever you like. During the trip you need no tickets. People


can travel over water surface and visit many countries in a few hours. There’s nothing


better than to travel by car – a good modern fast car. It’s completely safe, car accidents are very rare. __________________________________________________________







   Text 4


      A voyage is usually a long journey over water. Travelling by ship or by boat is very


 interesting and entertaining. You can do many things during your trip as playing games,


watching movies, swimming in a pool, dancing or taking photos of the scenery. Tickets


 for a long cruise can be expensive. The journey is safe in any weather. You can stop


 wherever you like. It’s very pleasant to travel by sea in summer. Travelling by sea is


 very popular in Ukraine. There are big liners, holiday ships and river boats. Big liners


 are very comfortable. Pleasure trips on the Dnipro are very popular in our country. But


 there are some people who don’t like travelling by ship because they are sea-sick. They


 have to take special pills to reduce the symptoms. The others are afraid that the ship can


 sink. But there are still so many romantic men and woman dreaming of a round-the-world voyage. ____________________________________________________________


 3) Speaking. Бесіда про переваги і недоліки різних видів подорожей. (P1→P2→P3…)

  1. Teacher: Well, pupils, now you can present your reports.

Учні групами представляють свої висловлювання.

Teacher: Nice work! Your arguments are very strong. I propose you just to vote to find the most popular way of travelling. Take these paper suitcases and vote for transport you most like to travel by.

Teacher: Thank you. Now let me see… Well, I can say that travelling by train is the most popular among you. Tell me where you have travelled by train or would like to travel?

  • And what is necessary to travel by train? That’s right, tickets!

4) Listening. Аудіювання діалогу «Купуючи квиток на потяг»

Teacher: I’m sure there will be a need for you to buy or book a ticket abroad so it is very useful to learn to communicate correctly in such situations. I propose you first to listen to short dialogues of the exercise 7 at page 104, fill in the table with the necessary information and then to make and act out your own dialogues.

         Listening to the dialogues (ex.2, p.104, ex.8, p.104),

        Checking up the information filled in the table.

       5) Dialogical Speech. Making and acting out pupils’ dialogues.  

Dialogues “Buying a Train Ticket”, “Booking a Flight”, “At the Railway Station”.



6) A conversation with the British guest.

     Спілкування із запрошеною гостею, яка щойно прибула з Британії.

(a knock at the door)

T: Oh, children. Look, we have a guest today! This is Ann. She has just arrived from Britain. Nice to meet you! How sweet of you to come! You see we are talking today about travelling and I know that my curious students have a lot of questions to ask you. Don’t you mind taking part in our conversation?


British guest: With great pleasure.


P1: My question to Ann is… Is travelling popular in Great Britain?


Br. g.: Yes, of course. We, the British, have always been pioneers in travelling far away. Each year more Englishmen, Englishwomen and their children travel to some parts of continental Europe. Many take their cars.


P2: My question is … Where do most British people spend their holidays, I wonder?


Br. g.: Most British people spend their holidays in Spain and France.


P3: And how can you get from GB to France?


Br. g.: By modern fast comfortable train. Recently the channel Tunnel or the underwater railway between Britain and France has been built. Special fast trains cross from one country to the other. It takes a traveler about 4 hours to make a trip.


P4: Oh, it’s so interesting! And my question is … How do the British spend their weekends?


Br. g.: Of all sporting activities walking is the most popular. Many people in Britain spend their weekends travelling along beautiful rivers and canals. They enjoy their rest greatly.


P 5: What are your favourite places in London?


Br. g.: Well, there are many places of interest in London: London Tower, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, London museums and parks. There are many beautiful parks in GB. I can show you my photos and you’ll see…

     Dear friends, you are welcome to England! I’m sure you’ll enjoy your stay there greatly!

T: Thank you very much for your invitation. You see, students, Ann is going to stay in Ukraine for some weeks. But she is at a loss. She doesn’t know where to go, what to see. Will you help Ann decide for sure? I propose you to do it writing the postcard. Just imagine that you are travelling over Ukrainian cities. You have already seen a lot and have some plans about where else to go. Write this information and your impressions in a postcard. There are some samples and writing strategy on the page 105 in your books. Read it carefully and make a plan of your notes.

         Pupils write their notes and some of them are read in the class.

T.: Thanks, I think this will help everyone a lot.


3. Summarizing, home task. Підведення підсумків уроку.


T.: Our lesson has came to the end. Thanks for your activity. You worked well. So all of you get good marks. But the lesson won’t be complete without the home task. As I told you write a postcard about travelling to one of the cities of Ukraine. I’m sure, many of you visited Kyiv, Lviv, Chernivtsi or Ternopil and know a lot of interesting things to say. So let your postcards be full of impressions and our guest Ann would be happy to make the choice. And now let’s summarize what you have known and learnt during this lesson, what you liked best of all. I want you to write it on your little suitcases in a sentence beginning with “I am a good/ successful/skillful traveler because…”

      Учні пишуть і озвучують свої враження.

T.: Thank you all, you were great today. Lucky trips to you. Have a nice day, good bye!






























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