Контроль читання для 5 класу ( англійська мова)

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 Today we are  going  out into the world. It is the first time Dad and Mum take us with them. We walk together. Then we see two very big ostriches. They are walking too. They are coming to us. Now we can see three small chicks with them. They are all girls.

 Our parents stop. They talk to the big ostriches. They say,”Oh, what beautiful daughters you have got! Their necks are so long! Their feathers are so soft! Their beaks are so thick!”

 The big ostriches smile and say, ”And your daughters are so cute! They have got long legs and small bodies. Their smiles are so nice! And your sons are so strong! Their eyes are so clever! Their heads are so round!”

 I look at my brother, at his eyes and head, and I say, ‘That is not true! We can՚ t be strong because we are very small. We can՚ t be clever because we are very young. And our heads aren՚ t  round because they are square. Why do you say that?”

 Dad is looking at me. I can feel that. And he is very angry. But why? I look at him and ask,

“Dad, why are you angry with me?”

“Because you are rude, my son,” – he answers.

 “Why am I rude?”

  “I don՚ t know,” he says. “I think it is because you are too small, too young, and your head is too square.”

 I don՚ t understand my Dad. Sometimes grown-ups are so strange!՚




Answer the questions.

  1. How many big ostriches do we see?
  2. How  many chicks have the big ostriches got?
  3. Have they got any sons?
  4. Who talks to the big ostriches?
  5. How many daughters have our parents got?
  6. Who is angry with Humpty?
  7. Why  is he angry?
  8. Does  Humpty understand his Dad?


Fill in the words  ( me, him, his, her, them, their ,our, us).

  1. Look at  __________! I՚ m beautiful.
  2. The birds are strong. _________  beaks are thick.
  3. We love ________  daughters.
  4. Don՚ t listen to _______. She always says silly thing.
  5.  We are angry with _______, and he is angry with _______.
  6. He is looking at ________ , and they are looking at _______.
  7. He is  small. ________ brother is small too.
  8.  Dad is looking at ________.


Circle the odd word out.

  1. Round, oval, square, small.
  2. Son, daughter, grown-up, father.
  3. Rude, nice, bad, angry.
  4. Smile, laugh, talk, smell.
  5. Nose, beak, neck, feather.
  6.  Look, talk, see, jump.


 True or false?

  1. Mum and Dad take the chicks with them again.
  2. They  can see five ostriches.
  3. Mum and Dad talk to the big ostriches.
  4. Humpty and Dumpty have got round heads.
  5. Dad is angry.
  6. Humpty  understands his dad.
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