Контроль письма 11 клас 1 семестр

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            Writing test                                                    1 Semester

  1. Circle the correct item                                                                                  2p
  1. If you had woken / would have woken up forty minutes earlier, you had not been / would not have been late for your school.
  2. We had bought / would have bought new furniture if Henry had earned / would have earned more money.
  3. If Mike had remembered / would have remembered about Helen’s birthday a day earlier, he had sent / would have sent her a present.
  4. Sue had not forgotten / would not have forgotten her key if she had not been / would not have been in a hurry.
  5. We had not waited / would not have waited for so long if Steven had called / would have called the taxi beforehand.
  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.                                              2p
  1. We …….( not to get) lost in this city if we …………….(to buy) a map.


  1. I ………. (o drink)  a cup of coffee in the morning if I …..(to have) time.


  1. If Jack ……..(to drive) carefully, he …….(to avoid the accident).


  1. Linda……. (to win) the competition if she ….(to train) more.


  1. If in ……..(to see) that film, I …….(to describe) you my impressions of it.


  1. Report the statements                                                                                  3p
  1. Tom said, “My brother trains in the gym three times a week”.


  1. Mike said ,”I have watched this film twice already”.


  1. Tony said , “Don’t switch the light off, John”.


  1. Mother said to Cathy, “Wash the dishes and sweep the floor”.


  1. He said, “Give me your driving license!”


  1. She said , “Show me your new jeans, please”.


  1. “I’ll go to Paris next week” she said.


  1. Complete sentences with food /dish /meal.                                                   2p

1. I drink coffee after a _____________.

     2.  Varenyky is of the most delicious _________in Ukraine.

     3.  Your need to wash your hands before a __________.

     4.  Taste this ____________. It's delicious.

     5. I asked for the bill after the _____________.

     6. I bought him some ____________.

     7. She buys only healthy _______________.


  1. Answer the questions                                                                                   3p
  1. What dishes do you know? Give as many nouns as you know.


  1. What kind of restaurants do you know?


  1. What restaurant or café did you visit last time? What can you say about the interior, prices, staff, starters, main courses and dessert? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



27 грудня 2021
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