Контрольна робота №1 з англійської мови (сімейна форма навчання) 11 клас

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Контрольна робота №1 з англійської мови (сімейна форма навчання) 11 клас містить в собі лексичні завдання чотирьох рівнів складності.
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Контрольна робота №1  з  англійської мови (сімейна форма навчання) 11 клас


Тема: Вже студент. Зроби вибір


І рівень  - choose the correct variant

1. She is a teacher. It is her ______. 

a) job                               b) profession                        c) work                       d) career 

2.  It is useful to write the word several times in order to improve your...

 a) reading                      b) pronunciation                    c) spelling

3.  If you work without any break, you will be... 

   a) happy                      b) concentrated                      c) exhausted

4. I worked hard at my English and after a while I could see that I was making a lot of...

a) progress                    b) mistakes                        c) fun                       d) money

5. We should try and use chances of learning a target language both inside and ... the classroom. 

a) outside                      b) on                                 c) in                                   d) of

6. English is an international ... of communication.

 a) kind                         b) dictionary                     c) means                            d) book


ІІ рівень – сomplete sentences with the words from the box

to take responsibility for, favoured, exhausted, a superstitions, distraction, memorable

1) She worked hard all morning, without ... .

2) This was indeed the most ... day of my life.

3) In this game, you have ... yourself.

4) He shared the common  ... of the time and some of them never left him.

5) These are the running shoes ... by marathon runners.

6) Finally, ... by tears, Destiny fell asleep.

III рівень – answer the questions

What is your mother tongue?

Do you remember your first English teacher?

What are you good at and bad at in English language?

Do you think that English language is important in our lives? Why /why not?

Do you think English is easy or difficult to learn?

Do you usually watch films in English with subtitles?

ІV рівень -  сhоose one of the topic and explain it

  1. My future profession
  2. My attitude to a gap year
  3. The main reasons to study  





До підручника
Англійська мова (10-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 11 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
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