Контрольна робота 6 клас

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота для учнів 6 класу за підручником Full Blast. Робота містить ряд завдань, які діти вивчали в останньому розділі цього підручника, а саме лексичний матеріал та завдання з граматики на пасивний стан дієслова.
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Name and surname_______________________________________________________________

1.Do the matching. З’єднай слова.                                       

1. acting                              a) клієнт

2. leading actor                  b) подорож

3. special effects                c) везучий

4. scene                               d) гра

5. plot                                  e) дизайн

6. soundtrack                     f) ведучий актор

7.lucky                                 g) приз

8. customer                        h) спецефекти

9. trip                                  i) звукове супроводження

10. design                           j) сюжет

11. prize                             k) сцена

12. competition                l) змагання

Key: _________________________________________________________________

2. Choose the best variant. Обери кращий варіант.

1. Sophia has got a new camera. I’m jealous /confident because I have got only old one.

2. The show we saw was amazing. We were bored/ interested.

3. I was nervous/ disappointed before the exam but everything went well.

4. Ann did well at the concert and her parents were proud/ helpful of her.

5. Our English teacher was confident/ sad that we would receive the best results in the test.

6. He is confused/ mysterious. He doesn’t know the telephone number of his cousin.

3. Choose the best word and put commas where necessary. Обери краще слово і постав коми, де необхідно.

1. Thomas Sawyer is the boy who/ which lived with his aunt Polly and his cousin Sid.

2. Elephants who/which live in India can drink a lot of water and eat kilograms of food.

3. This is a new mall which/ who will open next month.

4. This is a vase that/ who I wanted to buy last year!

5. I was just talking to a girl that/ who is my new classmate.

6. She wants to buy a skirt which/ who I showed you yesterday.

4. Open the brackets using Present Simple Passive. ВІдкрийте дужки вживаючи пасивний стан дієслова в теперішньому часі.

1. Many different subjects ________________________(study) at our school.

2. This interesting film _____________________________(watch) by millions of people.

3. Toyota ___________________________(make) in Japan.

4. Tasty ice-cream ____________________(sell) in this café.

5. Coffee beans_____________________(grow) in Brazil.

6. At my office rubbish ________________(take) out every morning.

5. Open the brackets using Past Simple Passive. ВІдкрийте дужки вживаючи пасивний стан дієслова в минулому часі.

1.America _______________________( discover) by Christopher Columbus 600 years ago.

2. Paper _________________________(invent) in China.

3. Ben Stiller _____________________(choose) for the main role at A night in the museum.

4. The musical Cats ___________________(write) by Andrew Lloyd Webber.

5. The role of Frodo __________________(give) to Eljjah Wood.

6. All the scenes ______________________(film) in Australia and New Zealand.

6. Complete using so or neither. Укомплектуйте речення словами.

1. A: Nora doesn’t want to perform tonight.

    B : _____________does Bella.

2. A: I hate going to the cinema!

    B: ______________do I!

3.  A: Fred and Rick went riding last weekend.

     B: ______________ do we.

4. A: Sebastian is not ready today!

    B: ___________________is my bro!

5. A: Sally was a bit disappointed with the planetarium.

    B: __________________ was Gretta.

6. A: Flora cant’s sing well!

     B:______________can I!




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