Контрольна робота для 4 класу з теми: "The world around us" (за підручником A.Nesvit)

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Контрольна робота для 4 класу з теми: "The world around us" для активізації та контролю знань лексичного матеріалу даної теми та граматики (degrees of comparison of the adjectives).
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The world around us


I. Translate into English:

1. забруднювати

2. пустеля

3. верблюд

4. джунглі

5. дельфін

6. природа


II. Complete the sentences.

1.  Some animals live in the forest, the jungle, the savanna and the desert. They are _______ animals.

2. Some animals live on the farm.

They are ________ animals.

3. Some animals live in houses with people.

We call them __________.


III. Form the degrees of comparison of the adjectives.

1. fat - ______________ - _______________.

2. dangerous - ______________ - _______________.

3. important - ______________ - _______________.


IV. Answer the questions.

1. Which is faster: a lion or a cheetah?

2. Which is longer: a python or a crocodile?

3. Which is bigger: a dolphin or a whale?

4. Which is fatter: a hippo or a wolf?


27 жовтня 2020
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