Контрольна робота "Oxford Exam Trainer B1"

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Контрольна робота для 11 класу з англійської мови за підручником Oxford Exam Trainer B1 Unit 1
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Test 1 ____________________________________________________

  1. Complete the gaps with words from the box. There are two extra words you do not need.

aunts, babies, cousins, nieces, parents, relatives, sisters, stepdaughters, uncles

My family is not very big so I don’t have many close ______________. My mother has two younger ____________ - Polly and Jane. Both my _____________ live in London. Polly has no children of her own, only ___________ from her husband’s first marriage. Jane is much younger than my mother. She has a husband and two _____________. It’s quite funny to think that these little girls are my ____________ and my mother’s _____________. 

2.Match the verbs (1-10) with the words to make phrases that describe different stages of life.

  1. graduate ____________________
  2. pass  _______________________
  3. get _________________________
  4. get _________________________
  5. leave ________________________
  6. retire ________________________
  7. fall __________________________
  8. start __________________________
  9. be ___________________________
  10. buy __________________________

a job, married, a house, from work, from university, born, a family, in love, home, your driving test

3.Complete the sentences with missing words. Use the correct word form.

  1. Restaurant meals are expensive, so I don’t often e______ o______ with my family.
  2. Alison has a lot of a_____________________, but only a few really close friends.
  3. Chris invited his girlfriend on a d_______ to an expensive restaurant.
  4. Every Christmas we g________ t____________ with the whole family at my parent’s home.
  5. The atmosphere was ruined when my father and Uncle George g______ i______ a big argument about politics.
  6. Melisa c_____________ her 18-th birthday with a huge party.
  7. Many people prefer c_______ to friends online to going out with them.
  8. Julia doesn’t love her boyfriend Mark any more. There are going to b________ u_____.

4.Choose the correct form of the verb in each sentence.

  1. The children go/are going to the museum later.
  2. The play doesn’t end/isn’t ending until 10 p.m. on Friday nights.
  3. He sees/is seeing his girlfriend this evening.
  4. What time does the bus arrive/is the bus arriving?
  5. The bus leaves/is leaving at 10 a.m. every day.
  6. Where do you meet/are you meeting Ben tomorrow?
  7. We have/are having a history lesson every Thursday.
  8. My sister doesn’t go/isn’t going shopping later.

5.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. When are you going to book the flight? – I haven’t thought about it yet. I think I _____________ (do) it tomorrow.
  2. One day people _______________ (live) on Mars.
  3. Do you know where you’d like to go next summer? – Yes, I ___________ (travel) across Europe for two months.
  4. Who can go and confirm the dates for the school trip to the zoo? – OK. I _________ (go).
  5. You can tell me who you went with on your cycling trip. I promise I ________________ (not tell) anybody.
  6. Look at Mr Black, our PE teacher, driving his car – he _____________ (hit) that wall.
  7. Our class _______________ (visit) the Natural History Museum on Tuesday morning. We’re really excited about the trip.
  8. I’m sure my new driving instructor ______________ (not be) as absent-minded as the last one I had.

6.Choose the correct verb form in each sentence.

  1. I’m good at to play/playing sports such as football and basketball.
  2. My sister’s looking forward to starting/to start her new dance class.
  3. I enjoy to walk/walking.
  4. My brother can’t afford to take/taking up any new hobbies.
  5. I often imagine to be/being an Olympic athlete.
  6. It’s silly to make/making such a fuss about changing the timetables.
  7. We’ve decided to start/starting jogging.
  8. I’m doing extra English classes to pass/passing the exam.

7. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Do you mind _____________ (travel) such a long way to work every day?

2. Ann loves _________ (cook), but she hates ____________ (wash) up.

3. I can’t stand people __________ (tell) me what to do.

4. I don’t like that house. I would hate ___________(live) there.

5. After ___________(finish) my homework I went out for a run.

6. You don’t need __________ (invite) everyone you know to the party.

7.When David was a boy he dreamed of ____________ (become) a professional footballer.

8.My dad’s kind. He sometimes lets me _____________ (borrow) his laptop.

8. Answer the questions!

Do you ever fall out with your friends? Why?


How often do you get together with your whole family?


Who do you get on most in your family?


Do you prefer to make up first or second after an argument? Why?


How often do you get into an argument about different things with family members?


Who do you take after most in your family?


Who do you look up to most? Why?



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