Контрольна робота "Shopping"

Про матеріал
До підручника Несвіт А.М. Англійська мова.(6-й рік навчання) різнорівнева контрольна робота з письма на 2 варіанти.
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Shopping                                                        Form 6


Variant 1

I. Match the pairs:

1) a dairy

a) a loaf of bread

2) the butcher’s

b) a board game

3) the baker’s

c) sausage

4) a department store

d) sour cream

5)a  toy store

e) medicines

6) a chemistry

f ) a T-shirt


II. Choose the correct variant and complete the sentences:

1. I usually …… milk in the supermarket.

a) bought  b) buy  c) buys


2. He sometimes ……. the shopping in the shopping mall.

a) does   b) is doing  c) did


3. My mum ….. to the department store yesterday.

a) go   b) goes   c) went


4. They …already ….. cheese at the dairy.

a) have bought  b) are buying  c) has bought


5. . There …some milk in the fridge.

a) are  b) is  c) isn’t


6. There …any sweets left.

a) are  b) aren’t  c) isn’t


III. Answer the questions:

1. What do you usually buy at the greengrocer’s?

2. Where did you go shopping last week?

3. Do you usually write a shopping list?


IV. Write a story about your shopping day.

Shopping                                                        Form 6


Variant 2

I. Match the pairs:

1) the grocer’s

a) a coat

2) the greengrocer’s

b) a cup

3) a supermarket

c) potatoes

4) a shoe shop

d) rice

5) a confectionary

e) boots

6) a clothes shop

f) a lollipop


II. Choose the correct variant and complete the sentences:

1. They sometimes…. cheese in the supermarket.

a) buy  b) buys  c) bought


2. She often …..  shopping to the greengrocer’s.

a) goes  b) is going  c) went


3. My cousins …ice-cream at the dairy last Monday.

a) buy  b) buys  c) bought


4. I… already …sugar at the grocer’s.

a) has bought  b) have bought  c) is buying


5. There … some fish in the fridge.

a) are  b) is  c) isn’t


6. There …any water in the glass.

a) isn’t  b) aren’t  c) is


III. Answer the questions:


1. What do you usually buy at the dairy?

2. Did your parents go shopping last Saturday?

3. Where can you buy some food for a picnic?


IV. Write a story about your shopping day.

4 листопада 2019
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