Семестрова контрольна робота з читання для 5 класу за текстом "A Friend In Need Is a Friend Indeed" (1 семестр).

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Семестрова контрольна робота з читання для учнів 5 класу загальноосвітньої школи.Перевірка рівня сформованості вміння читання тексту з метою повного розуміння змісту прочитаного на основі лексичного матеріалу, вивченого у першому семестрі ( "Одяг", "Сім'я та друзі")

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The 5-th Form / The First Term


A Friend In Need Is a Friend Indeed


Fred and his little sister Peg went for a walk. It was a cold day. Fred put on his warm brown trousers, a sweater, a cap, a jacket, warm boots and mittens. Peg put on a warm sweater, blue jeans, an overcoat, high boots, a warm cap and gloves. They took their dog_Rover with them. The dog didn’t have a coat or boots on and soon he was very cold. Rover wanted to go home.

The children were sorry for the dog and went home. Suddenly Peg said, “Oh, look, Fred! There’s a little bird in the tree. I think the bird is -told, too. And it's hungry! Let us give it some food to eat!”

“That’s a good idea!” said Fred.

When the children came home, they asked Granny to give them some bread and an apple. “What for?” asked Granny. “Are you hungry? Look at the clock! You had your dinner only 20 minutes ago.”

‘Oh, no, Granny! We are not hungry! But the bird is. We want to give the bread and the apple to the bird. It’s over there’ in the tree. It’s cold and hungry!”

“It’s very good of you to take care of birds,” said Granny and gave the children what they asked for.

The children went out into the street. They came up to the tree where the bird was and put the bread and the apple under it.

- The bird ate the bread and the apple and said. “Pee, pee, pee!..”


Do you know what the bird said? It said. “Thank you very much, Fred and Peg”

A friend in need is a friend indeed.








A Friend In Need Is a Friend Indeed.

I. Agree or disagree

1. Brother and sister went for a walk.

2. The children put on warm clothes.

3. They took their dog Spot with them.

4 The dog didn’t want to go home.

5. On the way home the children saw a bird.

6. The bird was cold and hungry.

7. When children came home they asked Granny to give them some bread and a potato.

8. The Granny gave food to children.

9. The dog ate the bread and the apple.

II. Choose the correct answer:

1. What was the weather like when the children went for a walk?

a) It was cold. b) It was warm. c) It was snowy.

2. What did Fred put on?

a) He put on his brown trousers, a sweater a cap and gloves.

b) He put on his blue jeans, a T-shirt, trainers.

c) He put on his raincoat and boots.

3. Who wanted to go home?

a) A bird did.  b) A dog did  c) Peg did.

4. What did children ask Granny to give them?

a) Some bread and an apple b) some sweets and cookies c) some milk and honey.

5. Did Granny like the children’s idea?

a) Yes, she did.  b) No, she didn’t.  c) I don’t know.

6. What did the bird say?

a) It said “That’s a good idea!” b) It said “Good bye, Fred and Peg!” 

c) It said “Thank you very much, Fred and Peg!”


9 грудня 2018
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