Контрольна робота з теми "Where To Travel" 5 клас НУШ

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Контрольна робота з теми "Where To Travel" 5 клас НУШ за підручником О.Д. Карпюк

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  1.                      Fill in the sentences with words from the box:

Article, flag, language, plane, camping, to discover, “Down Under”, leaflets

  1.               Some people like going ______ and watching the nature around.
  2.               We can learn about the place, its history and lifestyle of its people from the _______.
  3.               The US _____: the stars and stripes.
  4.               Travel agencies give ______ with their programmes of the trips.
  5.               People also call Australia _______.
  6.               If it is far away, then travelling by ______ is comfortable.
  7.               It is always interesting ________ new things.
  8.               Over 350 million people use English as their first ________.
  1.                      Complete the sentences with ‘the’ where necessary:
  1.               ____ Moon is very bright tonight.
  2.               Who is ____ president of ____France?
  3.               He is ____ tallest boy in the class.
  4.               ___ William Shakespeare wrote ____ Hamlet.
  5.               She is learning ___ guitar.
  6.               ___ kangaroo is found only in ____Australia.
  1.                      Fill in the sentences with ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘so’ or ‘because’:
  1.               I've got a brother ____ a sister.
  2.               It was very sunny last Sunday, ___ we went to the beach.
  3.               My father likes football ____ he doesn't like basketball.
  4.               We aren't going to the bank ____ it is closed.
  5.               It is rainy today, ____ take your umbrella ___ your boots.
  6.               I didn't buy the new shoes ____ I didn't have any money.
  7.               Vigo is hotter than Santiago, ____ Santiago is more beautiful.
  8.               She wants to go to the cinema, ____ I don't like that film.
  9.               I can't sleep, ___ I'm going to drink a glass of hot milk.
  10.          I'm studying English ___ I love languages.
16 травня 2023
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