Контрольні роботи 4 клас ІІ семестр (за підручником А.М.Несвіт)

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Тематичні та семестрові контрольні роботи з англійської мови у 4 класі ІІ семестр представлені у двох варіантах та складені згідно чільних програм МОН. Нова програма

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Come and meet my family. My name is Kevin. I live in London. I am seven years old. My mother’s name is Kelly. She is a doctor. My father’s name is Bill. He is a teacher. My mum works in a hospital and my dad works at school.

I have a sister. Her name is Cameron. She is nine. She helps me in doing my homework. I have one older brother. He is fourteen. His name is Peter. He likes listening to music and playing computer games. But he doesn’t like to clean his room.  My baby brother Fred is very funny. We like to watch cartoons together and to fly a kite. I often read him books.

I. Read the text and stick True or False.

1. Kevin has one brother.

2. He has not got any sisters. 

3. His mother is a doctor. 

4. He loves his baby brother. 

5. Peter can play computer

II. Complete the sentences.

The boy’s name is ________. His baby brother’s name is ________. He has an older brother. He is ________ years. His mother is a ________. His ________ helps him to do homework

III. Answer the questions:

1. How many brothers has Kevin?__________________________________

2. How old is Peter?__________________________________

3. Is his father a teacher?__________________________________

4. Where is Kevin from?__________________________________

5. What does Kevin like to do?__________________________________


MARK “_______”


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DATE ________________________________________________FORM 4_______

NAME ______________________________________________________________

TEST № 4

“The world around us”

variant 1

I. Translate into Ukrainian.

A python

A dolphin

A mouse

A fox

A river

the savanna

II. Choose correct variant.

1 …… live  in  the  forest,  the  jungle,  the  savanna and

the  desert.

A domestic  animals  B  pets  C wild  animals

2.  Strong animals  often  hunt for …… ones.

A smaller  B  bigger  C faster

3.  Domestic animals  live ........

A in  the jungle  B  on the farm  C in the  zoo


III. Write about your I your friend’s pet.


I have got a pet./  My friend has got  a pet. It’s  a   Its  name  is   I t ’s   (colour). It eats ......  .....   and ..... . It  likes  to ..... .


IV. Complete the story. Tell about your best weekend.

MARK “_________”






DATE ________________________________________________FORM 4_______

NAME ______________________________________________________________

TEST № 3

“Free time”

variant 2

I. Translate into Ukrainian.

A lion

A cat

A hippo

A zebra

The jungle

A butterfly


II. Choose correct variant.

1 …… live  in  the  forest,  the  jungle,  the  savanna and

the  desert.

A domestic  animals  B  pets  C wild  animals

2.  Strong animals  often  hunt for …… ones.

A smaller  B  bigger  C faster

3.  Domestic animals  live ........

A in  the jungle  B  on the farm  C in the  zoo


III. Write about your I your friend’s pet.


I have got a pet./  My friend has got  a pet. It’s  a   Its  name  is   I t ’s   (colour). It eats ......  .....   and ..... . It  likes  to ..... .


IV. Tell about one of seasons.

MARK “_________”


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DATE ________________________________________________FORM 4_______

NAME ______________________________________________________________

TEST № 5


variant 1

I. Translate into Ukrainian.

a plane

a hospital

a stadium

to arrive

a hotel

to walk along


II. Choose correct variant.

1. John is going ……. his granny.

a) to visit    b)  to invite    c) to arrive

2.  I ……. the road at the traffic lights.

a) come    b) cross    c) go

3.  Big Ben is a(n) ……. tower.

a) nice    b)  old    c) clock


III. Write about your travelling.


I’m going to travel to Lviv. It is in ……… . It’s an old and ….. city. It’s situated……. . There are many….. and ….. buildings, ……. and….. .


IV. Describe the picture.

MARK “…….”






DATE ________________________________________________FORM 4_______

NAME ______________________________________________________________

TEST № 5


variant 2

I. Translate into Ukrainian.

an airport

a bus

a sport centre

to wait

a bus stop

to turn left


II. Choose correct variant.

1. She is going ……. by plane.

a) to travel    b)  to go    c) to visit

2.  I …….along the road till my school.

a) come    b) walk    c) go

3.  …… is on the River Thames.

a) Big Ben    b)  Nelson’s Column c) Tower Bridge


III. Write about your travelling.


I’m going to travel to London. It is in ……… . It’s an old and ….. city. It’s situated……. . There are many….. and ….. buildings, ……. and….. .


IV. Describe the picture.


MARK “_________”


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DATE ________________________________________________FORM 4_______

NAME ______________________________________________________________

TEST № 6

“Special days”

variant 1

I. Translate into Ukrainian.

a festival

a party

to talk

to dance

to make cards

to wear costumes


II. Make a Past Simple Tense of the verbs.

to make

to buy

to come

to have

to arrive

to visit

1. Halloween

2. Independence Day

3. New Year’s Day

4. Easter

a) January 1st

b) April or May

c) August 24th

d) October 31st



IV. Write about your Tea Party.

Yesterday I …… a Tea ….... . I ……. my friends. They …... at 12 o’clock. We …… a cake, ….... , …….. and drink ….... . We talk, …….. sing, ……... and play games. Everyone enjoyed our ……... and left the …..…. at 5 o’clock.


MARK “…….”








DATE ________________________________________________FORM 4_______

NAME ______________________________________________________________

TEST № 6

“Special days”

variant 2

I. Translate into Ukrainian.

a tradition

a holiday

to meet

to laugh

to draw a newspaper

to visit granny

to clean

to put

to lay

to play

to sing

to invite


III. Match parts of the sentences. Write them.

1. Halloween

2. Women’s Day

3. Christmas

4. Easter

a) January 7th

b) April or May

c) March 8th

d) October 31st



IV. Write about your Tea Party.

Yesterday I …… a Tea ….... . I ……. my friends. They …... at 12 o’clock. We …… a cake, ….... , …….. and drink ….... . We talk, …….. sing, ……... and play games. Everyone enjoyed our ……... and left the …..…. at 5 o’clock.

MARK “_________”


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DATE ________________________________________________FORM 4_______

NAME ______________________________________________________________

TEST № 7

“Everyday life”

variant 1

I. Translate into Ukrainian.



a break

a rule

to have breakfast

to watch TV

The …….. children start to go to school at age of….. . From 5 to 7 they go to ……… school. The children draw, …….. , and play games. They also begin ……. how to ….. and write.

read          five          British          sing          infant          to learn


III. Write the school subjects in the timetable.

Maths            Reading          Music          Art       English       PE                                           Computer Study                      Nature Study                              Handicrafts



























IV. Write about your everyday activities.

I usually ……. at 7:00. I always …… at 7:20. I usually …… my home at 7:45. I …… to school at 8:10. My lessons ….. at 8:30.

After school I usually …… football or…..with my friends. Than I …. my homework and …. my supper. I …… my teeth and…. to bed.


MARK “…….”










DATE ________________________________________________FORM 4_______

NAME ______________________________________________________________

TEST № 7

“Everyday life”

variant 2

I. Translate into Ukrainian.



a lesson

a trouble

to get up

to do homework


II. Read and complete the text with the missing words from the box.

The British …….. start to go to school at age of 5 . From 5 to ……. they go to ……… school. The children, …….. , sing and play games. They also ……. to learn how to read and …….. .

write          seven         children          draw         nursery          begin

III. Write the school subjects in the timetable.

Maths            Reading          Music          Art       English       PE                                           Computer Study                      Nature Study                              Handicrafts



























IV. Write about your everyday activities.

I usually ……. at 7:00. I always …… at 7:20. I usually …… my home at 7:45. I …… to school at 8:10. My lessons ….. at 8:30.

After school I usually …… football or…..with my friends. Than I …. my homework and …. my supper. I …… my teeth and…. to bed.

MARK “_________”


Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 3
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  1. Власенкова Ірина Сергіївна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  2. Довгенко Юлія Вікторівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
  3. Нечипорук Любов
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
19 серпня 2018
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5.0 (3 відгука)
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