Лексико-граматичний тест

Про матеріал
Лексико-граматичний тест з англійської мови за темою "My Sports" для 6 класу (за підручником Карп'юк О.)
Перегляд файлу

6th form Test on UNIT 2. My Sports

1. Translate the words into Ukrainian:                                      

1) event       

2) goal

3) match

4) race

5) to roll

6) to win a game

7) to lose a match

8) athlete


2. Translate the words into English:

1) атлетика

2) воротар

3) сітка 

4) бити ногою / копати

5) тренер

6) поле

7) стадіон

8) знаменитий


3. Match the words to make expressions.

1) to kick 

a) a match

2) to win

b) a team

3) to lose

c) a ball

4) to join

d) a game

5) to play

e) soccer


4. Choose the correct answer.

1) My brother can swim well _____ I can’t.

a) so                    b) and                     c) but

2) Nick plays volleyball _____ basketball.

a) but                  b) and                     c) because

3) I like watching golf _____ I can’t.

a) but                  b) so                       c) and

4) I like comedies _____ they are funny.

a) because           b) but                      c) so

5) Dolly can play the piano _____ the guitar.

a) but                  b) so                        c) and


5. Complete the text with the words:

* basket * game * winner * ball * end * inside * team *

Basketball is a _____ which you can play _____ and outside. Two teams need a _____ and two baskets. You have to lead the ball and throw it into the _____ of the opposite team. A _____ gets some points every time when its player throw the ball into the basket. The _____ is the team which gets more points by the _____ of the game.

До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
31 березня 2022
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