Матеріал до уроку "Domestic and Farm Animals "

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Domestic and Farm Animals.

Animals are all around us. Some animals live on farms and some animals live in our homes. Domestic animals are animals that we keep as pets in our homes, like cats and dogs. Farm animals are animals that live on a farm, like cows, sheep, and donkeys.

Dogs and cats are very popular domestic animals. They are often kept as pets because they are friendly and loyal. A puppy is a baby dog and a kitten is a baby cat. These animals need love and care from their owners.

On a farm, there are many different animals. Cows are big animals that give us milk and meat. Sheep give us wool, which we can use to make clothes. Donkeys are strong animals that help farmers with their work. There are also birds and rabbits on the farm.

Mice are small animals that can be found both in our homes and on farms. They can be a problem because they eat our food. It's important to keep them away from our homes and food.

In conclusion, animals are an important part of our lives. We have domestic animals as pets in our homes and farm animals that provide us with food and materials. Whether big or small, animals play an important role in our world.



  1. What is your favorite domestic animal?
    2. Have you ever visited a farm and seen cows or sheep?
    3. Do you have any pets at home, like a cat or dog?
    4. Which do you prefer as a pet: a kitten or a puppy?
    5. Have you ever seen a donkey before?
    6. What kind of animals do you think live on a farm?
    7. Have you ever heard a bird singing outside your window?
    8. Would you rather have a mouse or a rabbit as a pet?
    9. How many different types of animals can you name that are considered domestic?
    10. Can you describe the difference between a farm animal and a domestic animal?









Match these words and phrases to their translations!


1. farm

2. mouse

3. rabbit

4. home

5. donkey

6. dog

7. domestic

8. cow

9. cat

10. animals

11. puppy

12. kitten

13. sheep

14. Bird


Correct matches:
1. f 2. a 3. e 4. k 5. g 6. n 7. b 8. i 9. c 10. l 11. d 12. m 13. h 14. J












a.  Миша

b.  Домашній

c.  Кіт

d.  Цуценя

e.  Кроли

f.  Ферма

g.  Осел

h.  Вівця

i.  Корова

j.  Птах

k.  Дім

l.  Тварини

m.  Котеня

n.  Собака

2 липня 2023
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