Матеріали до уроку "Різдво"

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Матеріали до уроку 1 розділ 4 з теми "Різдво" до підручника Англійська мова 4 клас Губарєва.
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Make up sentences

I / You/ They /We/ They/He/ She would like to…

To cook turkey


To have a Christmas pudding


To hang Christmas stocking on the fire place


To sing Christmas carols


To hang coloured balls on the Christmas tree


To send greeting cards


Match the part of the word combinations

1. To celebrate

2. To have

3. To order

4. To tell

5. To sing

6. To buy

7. To put

8. To help

9. To sell


a. a turkey

b. Christmas

c. poor people

d. a Christmas party

e. the stories

f. presents

g. crafts

h. carols

i. presents under the Christmas tree

Match the part of the word combinations


1.To celebrate

2. To have

3. To order

4. To tell

5. To sing

6. To buy

7. To put

8. To help

9. To sell




a. a turkey

b. Christmas

c. poor people

d. a Christmas party

e. the stories

f. presents

g. crafts

h. carols

i. presents under the Christmas tree

30 листопада 2022
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