« Мотивація учнів на ефективну діяльність на уроці».

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Over the years I`ve had various students who just don`t seem that interested in learning. Some of them appear lazy, others are disorganized. And occasionally there`s one who just seems completely apathetic. I have to admit there have been times that I haven`t really been the best motivating these students. I really do try, but sometimes it`s just overwhelming, isn`t it? Sometimes we feel like nothing we`re trying is making a difference. But these students need us to invest in them, believe in them, and inspire them to learn. It will not be easy, but oh what a joy when we see a previously unmotivated student start to make progress! That smile when they start to realize what they`re capable of us just invaluable!
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« Мотивація учнів на ефективну діяльність на уроці».

(Доповідь – презентація Кузіної Тетяни Дмитрівни)

The pupil`s motivation to the effective activity at the lesson.


Over the years I`ve had various students who just don`t seem that interested in learning. Some of them appear lazy, others are disorganized. And occasionally there`s one who just seems completely apathetic. I have to admit there have been times that I haven`t really been the best motivating these students. I really do try, but sometimes it`s just overwhelming, isn`t it? Sometimes we feel like nothing we`re trying is making a difference.

But these students need us to invest in them, believe in them, and inspire them to learn. It will not be easy, but oh what a joy when we see a previously unmotivated student start to make progress! That smile when they start to realize what they`re capable of us just invaluable!


What do you expect of this workshop?

I have a paper here to stick your ideas.

And you have pink paper periwinkle flowers where you can write your thoughts. Then come here and I help you to stick it on the paper. You may write in English. Let`s do it. (Играет музыка).

Thank you very much! May I read your ideas? It`s great and I`m trying my best your expectations will be fulfilled at the end of our work.





Well. Now I have one more question for you.

What are your first thoughts when anybody start talking about extra activities at school?

Let`s brainstorm this.

You may come to the blackboard, take a piece of variegated chalk and write your idea. OK? (Don`t be afraid! Come on!).(музыка)

Thank you very much.



((( Now I`d like to interrupt our process and to invite children here. How we can talk about motivation without our pupils?)))

Сценка: « Начало недели.( Шерлок, Ватсон, Мери Поппинс, Джейн). (музыка).

So, what are we going to talk about today?.....

Of course, English week. Thank you.   ( Пишу на доске English week.)


I think your points may be divided into 3 groups when we are talking or thinking about English week. The 1st one is: “ It`s OK”, “ It`s great”. The 2nd one is: “ I hate it”. “ I don`t like that”. “ We haven`t enough time for this”. And the 3d one is : “ It doesn`t matter”. “ Never mind”. “ Perhaps great, perhaps no”. Am I right?

   That`s why I want you to have a role play now. Let`s imagine this table have positive point, ( ставлю карточку соответствующую); this negative(соотв. табличка); and that one so so. Well, we have 3 groups and can go ahead.


So, English week at school. As for our school we have a schedule or a plan. And what about you? Of course, you do.

Экран. Слайд .1)The secret of good motivation is planning.

Remember the old saying: “ If you fail to plan, you should plan for failure”.

Plan for the learners` activities, not for teacher`s activities.

When you are planning, think about what your young learners will be interested in doing.

Planning is crucial to successful motivation.

One more creative task: could you write a plan for an English week at school?

Let`s do it in every group. ( Раздаю листы и карандаши).How do you think what is the most important during the week? What do we have to do?



OK, I think you are ready. May I take your plans and read them? Thank you. (Прикрепляю на доску).

And now I want to read and give you our plan, as an example. OK? ( Читаю, раздаю им, вешаю на доску свой тоже).


Экран. Слайд .2)Know your students.( Portfolio.)

Pupils need to feel that they are individuals, with their needs and interests taken into account, rather than just being a member of a group. Pupils need to be given opportunities to take ownership of the tasks in which they are engaged. If pupils are not motivated or bored, do not let them avoid doing an activity, but try to find ways of motivating them; e.g. by relating it to something in which they are interested. You can motivate pupils most effectively by using motivation techniques appropriate for a particular pupil in a particular situation.

You need to try to find out what motivates each pupil in your class. As you get to know pupils you can identify what motivates them by finding out what activities they enjoy, what they choose to do and what they try to avoid, what types of reward they work for and what they do not respond.

As an example of this motivation can be motivation technique like portfolio. We have an exhibition of portfolios. Not every pupil works with portfolio, but those who wants.

Let me demonstrate you the schoolgirl with her portfolio.

(Лиза демонстрирует и рассказывает о своём портфолио).





( Poetry contest).So how can we inspire our students to learn? One more idea.

Экран. Слайд .  3) Get the parents involved. ( Daniil, 2-v).

I realize that this may sound impossible, but don`t give up on this one quite yet. Sometimes parents who seem to just not be interested in helping their students are actually just at a loss of what to do. So give them some specific things they can do to help their students, and see what happens.

And when you talk to them, be sure to focus on solutions, not the problems.

And now I want you to listen to the pupil of the second form.

Daniel, please, come here. He`ll recite you a poem. His mother is the author of the poem. By the way, Daniel got the 1st place last year in the town contest “ Buzzing Bee”. And he told this poem.

Are you ready? OK. Let`s do it.


As for contest or competitions. Экран. Слайд . 4)Use positive competitions.

Competition in the classroom isn`t always a bad thing, and in some cases can motivate students to try harder and work to excel.

Work to create a friendly spirit of competition in your classroom, perhaps through group games related to the material or other opportunities for students to show off their knowledge.

For the best of the best we have a special competition “ Olympiad”. I have two books which help us to hold this competition. The school winner goes to the town competition. As usual, we have a great result there too.


The next tip is: 5) Provide opportunities for success. Экран. Слайд .

Students, even the best ones, can become frustrated and demotivated when they feel like they`re struggling or not getting the recognition that other students are. Make sure that all students get a chance to play to their strengths and feel included and valued.

It can make a world of difference in their motivation.

I`d like to invite here Raisa  with her creative work by the topic  “Sport”.


During the week we have a very interesting day: a day of the computer presentation. It can sound like: 6) Change your scenery. Экран. Слайд .

A classroom is a great place for learning, but sitting at a desk day in and day out can make school start to seem a bit dull for some students. To renew interest in the subject matter or just in learning, give your students a chance to get out of the classroom. Or at least give them an opportunity to stay at your place. Take field trips, bring in speakers, or even just go to the library for some research, or surf the net at home with parents or alone to prepare presentations.


The brain loves novelty and a new setting can be just what some students need to stay motivated to learn.

It should be noted that we have a lot of presentations. That` s why almost every lesson after the English week we can discuss pupils` works. We have a special time “ Immersion”.

So, Yuly  with her presentation “ I am unique”.


Экран. Слайд. The next paragraph is: 7) Offer varied experiences.

Not all students will respond to lessons in the same way. For some, hands-on experiences may be the best. Others may love to read books quietly or to work in groups. In order to keep all students motivated, mix up your lessons so that students with different preferences will each get time focused on the things they like best.  Doing so will help students stay engaged and pay attention.

Also we have, as for me, a little bit unusual day. It`s very noisy but it`s OK. I mean a computer game day.

So, my pupil and I would like to demonstrate you only one game with great pleasure.

Come in, my dears! Take your places. Are you ready? Let`s start!

Ps. “ Bingo!”  T. Thank you. ( награды) .








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Экран. Слайд. Offer rewards.

Everyone likes getting rewards, and offering your students the chance to earn them is an excellent source of motivation.

Things like pizza parties, watching movies, or even something as simple as a sticker on a paper can make students work harder and really aim to achieve. Consider the personalities and needs of your students to determine appropriate rewards for your class.

After the English week we have a special meeting for rewarding. There our best participants receive their diplomas, prizes and charters.



Экран. Слайд . English for you.

What is our English week? I propose you some video. I think it`s better to see once than hear a hundred times.


**** Perhaps would you like to add something into your plans, after you`ve heard some materials about motivation and our English week?

( Если будут дополнения, написать их в их командные листочки.)




  1. Tell me please, was anything new or interesting or difficult for you today?

Some words, OK.

  1. And what about your expectations? Are they satisfied?
  2. How do you think: is it important to have English week at school?
  3. Экран. Слайд . Барвинок.

Well, the last question for today. Do you know: what is the flower?

Yes, you are right. It`s a periwinkle flower. One of the Ukrainian symbols.

Perwinkle is a symbol of a happy life force, of eternity, a harbinder of spring and the emblem of the revelatory force, the immortal memory, the virginity. Periwinkle, as well as other early flowers is considered a harbinger of spring. Its brilliant green hard leaves do not die either from summer heat or winter cold, frost and snow. He became a symbol of joyful vitality, eternity and was transferred out of the woods in the gardens near human dwellings. Periwinkle is attached to everything that is demanded of eternity, beauty, vitality.

To say you thank you, I `d like to present you a paper perwinkle flower with special message for you.




By the way, one of the motivating tip is: give praise when earned.

Экран. Слайд . There is no other form of motivation that works quite as well as encouragement.

Even as adults we crave recognition and praise, and students at any age are no exception. Teachers can give students a bounty of motivation by rewarding success publicly, giving praise for a job well done, and sharing exemplary work.

So, thank you for your coming, participating, work. Please, could you take a periwinkle from the ( cylinder) hat? It`s for you, thank you.




And at the very end, I`d like to share with you very beautiful, useful, and motivating video. Экран. Слайд . Video: “ Heart of the teacher”.




Well, my program is over.  Экран. Слайд. Thank you for your attention.








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